byztxt / byzantine-majority-text

Byzantine Majority Greek New Testament text edited by Robinson and Pierpont, with morphological parsing tags and Strong's numbers
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The New Testament in the original Greek: Byzantine textform

GitHub release (latest by date)

Welcome to the official GitHub home of Dr. Maurice A. Robinson's Greek texts with variants, morphological parsing, and Strong's numbers.

This repository contains the Robinson-Pierpont edition of the Greek New Testament in the Original Greek, Byzantine Majority Text. The current form of the text is up-to-date as of July 20, 2023 and represents the 2018 Robinson Pierpont edition (with some minor adjustments to the critical apparatus).

The 2005 edition of the text can be freely downloaded as a PDF file from The Internet Archive here. The 2018 edition can be downloaded from this link. RP2018 is recommended over RP2005 for all practical purposes (read details below). Additional resources can be downloaded from

You can read professor Robinson's essay proposing the superiority of the Byzantine textform here (a Spanish translation is available for free download here). The essay can be found in a plain text format inside the essay folder.

Four versions are available:

  1. A parsed version in BETA format, without accents (in the source/Strongs folder).

  2. A full version in BETA format, with accents, breathings, diarheses, iota subscripts, and an apparatus containing Byzantine variants and Nestle-Aland and Editio Critica Maior divergences (in the source/CCAT folder).

  3. Unicode versions in CSV format. These files can be found in the csv-unicode folder (see the README file there for more information.)

  4. TEI-XML versions (in the tei-xml-unicode folder) created according to the IGNTP guidelines for XML transcriptions of New Testament manuscripts using the TEI P5 (version 1.5) (see the README file in the folder for more information). These files are directly collatable, using the CollateX software, with the Münster INTF transcriptions of the manuscripts used in the Editio Critica Maior.

The official files produced by Professor Robinson are (1) and (2). The other versions have been generated using the utilities that can be found in the scripts folder. Professor Robinson's files are the source of truth.

Should you have a question or find any errors, please inform the maintainers by opening a Github issue or pull request. The maintainers will assess each situation and then correspond with Dr. Robinson if needed.


The two official printed editions of the Byzantine Textform are those of the years 2005 and 2018, both of which are widely available as PDFs and in print. This repository contains data from both. However, prior to the year 2022, this repository did not have a formal versioning system, and therefore recuperating the exact wordings of the 2005 and 2018 editions is not straightforward from the Git history.

It is strongly recommended that versions 3.x.x be used instead of previous ones, for at least the following reasons:


A mirror of this repository is available at the Software Heritage Archive.


All the code and text contained in this folder is in the Public Domain.