c-ai / edgetpuvision

Google cloud edge TPU edgetpuvision research/learning repo
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coralboard edge-computing edgetpu googlecloud googlecloudvision


Google cloud edge TPU edgetpu default package.

What's up? Where to go
Got a Coral dev board. What do I do? official Getting Started Guide.
Can't get something working. The issue tracker is where we discuss problems.
Found something wrong in Google's docs. Stick it in the issue tracker so we can feedback to Google.
Created something would like to share. Stick it in the Pull Request so we can feedback to Google.


Officially, Google Coral is two devices:

Dev Board
A single-board computer with a removable system-on-module (SOM) featuring the Edge TPU.
*    Supported OS: Mendel Linux (derivative of Debian)
*    Supported Framework: TensorFlow Lite
*    Languages: Python (C++ coming soon)


USB Accelerator
A USB accessory featuring the Edge TPU that brings ML inferencing to existing systems.
*    Supported OS: Debian Linux
*    Compatible with Raspberry Pi boards
*    Supported Framework: TensorFlow Lite

Source: https://coral.withgoogle.com/

These devices are brand new, and as of right now there is very little supporting documentation(not mention no "Mendel Linux" could be found out there on the INTERNET). This repo exists to help us build up the community and help each others out.