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Cabare Stocklist - Coffee Shop Stocklist app


This application is designed to streamline inventory management for coffee shops, making it easy to keep track of stock levels, manage orders, and ensure the business never run out of essential supplies. Whether it's a small boutique coffee shop or a large chain, Cabare Stocklist App is here to help manages inventory efficiently and effectively. Say goodbye to the stress of unexpected stock shortages and hello to a well-organized, smoothly running coffee shop.

The live website on Heroku can be accessed through following link.


The project is a coffee shop stocklist application. Utilizing Django, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, it showcases my programming proficiency in developing dynamic and interactive web applications.


User Stories

User Login

As a barista or manager I can log in using my username and password so that I can access my account and manage the coffee shop stock.

User Registration

As a barista or manager I can register an account with a username, email, and password so that I can access the coffee shop stock list system.

View Stock Item List

As a barista or manager I can view a list of all stock items so that I can see all items at a glance.

Add New Stock Item

As a barista or manager I can add new stock items so that I can keep track of all items needed for future orders.

Edit Stock Item

As a manager I can edit stock item details so that I can update the list information as needed.

Delete Stock Item

As a manager I can delete a stock item from the list so that I can remove items that are no longer needed.

View Notifications

As a manager I can view all notifications so that I can keep track of items that need attention.

Mark Notification as Read

As a manager I can mark notifications as read so that I can keep track of which notifications I have already addressed.

User Logout

As a barista or manager I can log out of my account so that I can ensure my account is secure when not in use.


To create the wireframes I used Balsamic. It helped me visualize the design before I started to build the website.

Wireframe of the login page


Wireframe of the user registration page


Wireframe of the home page


Wireframe of the add new item page


Wireframe of the edit item page


Wireframe of the notifications page


Flowchart Overview

The flowchart represents the navigation and functionality structure for the web application. The chart was designed to provide a clear understanding of user interactions and access controls within the application. Distinguishing between general staff and managerial roles. This structure aims to streamline navigation and enhance user experience while maintaining security and role-specific access control. Flowchart

Technologies Used

Languages Used

Frameworks and Tools Utilized



  1. Create Repository from Code Institute Template Start by creating the repository using the Code Institute template. This template helps streamline the setup process by including pre-configured settings and files tailored for Code Institute projects.

  2. Install Django Next, you need to install Django. Use the following command to ensure you install a compatible version of Django: pip3 install 'django<4' This command will install the latest version of Django that is less than version 4.

  3. Create Django Project Once Django is installed, you can create your new Django project. Execute the following command to initialize your project: django-admin startproject <django_bandj>


  1. Install Neon: pip3 install neon

  2. Setup Neon: Configure your settings to connect to your env.py file which will hold Neon's syntax for environment-based configuration.

if os.path.isfile('env.py'): import env

* env.py
```import os

os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = '<Database-URL>'
os.environ['SECRET_KEY'] = '<create_your_secret_key>'


Whitenoise is a library that helps serve static files in your Django application. It allows your web application to handle static files (like CSS, JavaScript, and images) efficiently without needing a separate web server.

Deploying to Heroku

  1. Connect to GitHub

    • Under the "Deployment method" section, choose "GitHub".
    • Click on the "Connect to GitHub" button.
    • If prompted, authorize Heroku to access your GitHub account.
    • Search for the repository you want to deploy and click "Connect".
  2. Deploy Your Branch Manually

    • Scroll down to the "Manual deploy" section.
    • Ensure the "main" branch is selected (or choose the branch you want to deploy).
    • Click on the "Deploy Branch" button.
    • Wait for the deployment process to complete.
  3. Verify the Deployment

    • Once the app is successfully deployed, a confirmation message will appear.
    • Click on the "View" button to open your app and verify that it’s running correctly.


Login Page

The login page allows users to sign in to access the inventory management features of the application. Username and Password Input: Users can enter their username and password to authenticate. Remember Me Option: Users have the option to stay logged in across sessions with a "Remember Me" checkbox.

The page dynamically displays error or success messages based on the login attempt's outcome. Error Messages: Displayed in red to alert users of invalid login attempts or other issues. Success Messages: Displayed in green to notify users of successful actions.

Users who do not have an account can easily navigate to the registration page via a provided link. LoginFeatures

Register Page

The register page allows new users to create an account to access the inventory management features of the application. Username, Email, and Password Input: Users can enter their username, email address, password, and confirm their password to register.

The page dynamically displays error or success messages based on the registration attempt's outcome. Error Messages: Displayed in red to alert users of invalid inputs or other registration issues. Success Messages: Displayed in green to notify users of successful registration. RegisterFeatures

Home Page

The home page displays the list of items available in the inventory of the application. Item List Display: Shows a table of items with details including name, price, quantity, and the user who added the item. Actions for Managerial Members: Managerial embers have options to edit or delete items and view the low stock alert notifications.

The page dynamically displays error or success messages based on actions taken on the items. Error Messages: Displayed in red to alert users of issues. Success Messages: Displayed in green to notify users of successful actions. HomeFeatures

Add Item Page

The add item page allows users to input details of a new item to be added to the inventory of the application.

Item Details Input: Users can enter the name, price, and quantity of the new item.

The page dynamically displays error or success messages based on the item addition attempt's outcome. Error Messages: Displayed in red to alert users of invalid inputs or other issues. Success Messages: Displayed in green to notify users of successful item addition. AddFeatures

Notifications Page

The notifications page displays a list of notifications related to the inventory management activities of the application.

Notification Details Display: Shows a table of notifications with details including item name, message, creation date, status, and an action to mark notifications as read.

The page dynamically displays the notifications if available, and provides feedback on their status. NotificationFeatures

Features Left to Implement

Password Recovery

Enable Purchase Order Generation

Stock Level Reporting

Search and Filter Functionality

Testing and Validation

To ensure the quality and standards compliance of the project, the following tools and validators were used:

HTML Validation To validate the HTML of the project, I used the W3C Nu HTML Checker. You can validate your HTML files by entering the URL of your web pages in the tool.

CSS Validation For CSS validation, I utilized the W3C CSS Validator. This tool checks for proper syntax and adherence to CSS standards.

Performance and Best Practices To assess the performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO of the web application, I used Google Lighthouse, available in the Chrome DevTools. This tool provides comprehensive insights and recommendations for improving web performance and user experience.

LighthouseLogin LighthouseRegister LighthouseHome LighthouseAdd LighthouseEdit LighthouseNotification

JavaScript Validation For JavaScript code validation, I used JSHint. This tool helps identify potential problems in JavaScript code and ensures adherence to coding standards.

JSHint1 JSHint2

Python (Django) Code Validation To validate Python code, particularly for Django, I used the PEP8 online checker. This tool checks the code against PEP8 standards to ensure readability and maintainability:

PEPsettings PEPurls PEPforms PEPmodels PEPviews PEPtestforms PEPtestmodels PEPtestviews

By using these tools and validators, I ensured that the project adheres to web standards, follows best practices, and maintains high-quality code.


Dangerous Site Warning Users may see a "Dangerous Site" warning when visiting the deployed app using Google Chrome, indicating potential security risks. This warning page suggests that the site might trick users into installing malicious software or revealing sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers.


Users can proceed by clicking on "Details" and then "Proceed anyway" or similar options, depending on the browser.

Additional Information: I sought help from Slack and tutor support, and they couldn't find anything wrong with my code. This issue only occurs in Google Chrome. You can see the website by clicking "Details" and "Proceed anyway." I am actively working on resolving this bug and will provide updates accordingly.
