c-frame / aframe-gltf-model-plus

gltf-model-plus component to load glb file with hubs extensions
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Usage of a-waypoint primitive without having a gltf-model-plus entity #53

Closed vincentfretin closed 3 weeks ago

vincentfretin commented 1 month ago

It should be possible to use a-waypoint primitive without having an entity with gltf-model-plus. I thought I had fixed this, but it's still required. I had to create a dummy box in https://github.com/networked-aframe/naf-valid-avatars/blob/85f2671b57f4a56c9a9fbf74b12c0ba05a159aa1/public/vote.html#L222 for the https://naf-valid-avatars.glitch.me/vote.html experience just to use a-waypoint primitive.