c0mm4nd / GxMiner

GxMiner is a highly optimized miner for random-x series algorithm
23 stars 12 forks source link
miner random-wow random-x random-xl randomx


GxMiner is a highly optimized miner for random-x series algorithm. Binaries are avaliable in release page



GxMiner acts as an application of library go-randomx which based on C and golang. In this framework, we can mine all cryptocurrencies with random-x series algorithm.

This repo is currently not fully open-sourcing, but its core part, the project go-randomx is open-sourcing, if you wanna help boost GxMiner's speed you can directly post PR to the go-randomx

We plan to open-source after monero's fork on 30 Nov.

Why GxMiner

As everyone know, xmrig & xmr-stak is the leader of monero miners. But soon monero is not cryptonight algorithm cryptocurrency any longer, it would be the centry of random-x

Comparing to the leaders, GxMiner is younger and modern, without any historical burden. And GxMiner is not slower even sometimes slightly faster than the xmrig.

And if you are a developer, it would be much easier to intergrate your random-x fork into miner.


Take RandomXL(Loki) for example:

> gxminer.exe help
   GxMiner - Go randomX Miner

   gxminer [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   GxMiner is a highly optimized miner for random-x series algorithm. Make sure you have downloaded from the official page[https://github.com/maoxs2/gxminer]. If you have any problem or advice please take the issue here[https://github.com/maoxs2/gxminer/issues/new]

   Command M <maoxs2@163.com>

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --conf FILE                                     Load configuration from FILE [config.json]
   --log-file FILE                                 save log messages to FILE
   --log-level value                               log level (debug, info, warn, error, panic) (default: "info")
   --pool value, -o value                          Pool address with port, e.g. or mining.pool.com:3333
   --user value, -u value                          Wallet address or login username
   --pass value, --password value, -p value        Password for login username (default: "x")
   --rig-id value                                  RigID for Pool displaying (default: "GxMiner")
   --nicehash                                      enable rig's nicehash mining on pool/proxy
   --workerNum value, --threadNum value, -t value  the number of hash worker (default: 0)
   --hard-aes                                      on default enabled the hardware aes, using soft aes set this to false
   --full-mem                                      on default enabled the full mem, set false to disable
   --jit                                           on default enabled the jit boost, set false to disable
   --huge-page                                     on default enabled the huge/large page, set false to disable
   --argon2-sse3                                   enable argon2-sse3
   --argon2-avx2                                   enable argon2-avx2
   --affinity-mask value                           cpu affinity mask in hex (default: "fff")
   --tls                                           enable tls encryption in tcp transfer
   --http-port PORT                                serve port on PORT (default: 2333)
   --http-external                                 expose port on the external env
   --help, -h                                      show help
   --version, -v                                   print the version

Loki mining example:

gxminer.exe -o hk.loki.herominers.com:10111 -u L7zjr6vtpyvBtFjgbjcWAu1SYjLRutW518J9Y8LqP4GgYanhRJJSmF37X83YUTJaTr16y8RUtWynAM6DK6Jkx7qVUTMfFie


Configuration sequence: ConfigFile > CLI > Setup

Config File will be auto-generated after setup follow or running with CLI


  "pools": [
      "pool": "rx.minexmr.com:6666",
      "user": "47wcnDjCDdjATivqH9GjC92jH9Vng7LCBMMxFmTV1Ybf5227MXhyD2gXynLUa9zrh5aPMAnu5npeQ2tLy8Z4pH7461vk6uo",
      "pass": "x",
      "rig-id": "",
      "tls": true,
      "nicehash": false
  "workers": {
    "worker-num": 2,
    "init-num": 2,
    "huge-page": true,
    "hard-aes": true,
    "full-mem": true,
    "jit": true,
    "argon2-sse3": true,
    "argon2-avx2": true,
    "affinity-mask": "f"
  "log": {
    "level": "debug",
    "file": ""
  "http": {
    "port": 2333,
    "external": false

The second pool acts as the failover pool config.



0x00 get ready building environment

0x01 clone the repo with --recursive flag

git clone --recursive https://github.com/maoxs2/GxMiner

0x02 build with bash command

bash build.sh random-x


0x04 binary will be generated in the sub-folder

For example, random-xl gxminer will be built in "random-xl" folder

0xFF intergrate your RandomX

After git clone (the step1), edit go-randomx/build.sh

if [ ! -d "RandomX" ]; then
  git clone https://github.com/maoxs2/RandomX RandomX

Replace https://github.com/maoxs2/RandomX with your random-x fork, like https://github.com/safex/RandomSFX

Then build with bash command like step2, change the random-x to your fork's branch, like master or SFX-v1.1.6 etc


  1. Start the miner with "failed to alloc mem for dataset" error or "failed to alloc mem for cache" error, how to deal?
  1. How to get maximum hashrate?
  1. Why always "invalid job id"?

Hashrate Comparition





It's welcomed that share your hashrate/comparation on github issue.