c2corg / v6_images

Images handling app for c2c.org v6
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Image backend service

GitHub license Build status Github Code scanning Total alerts Language grade: Python Known Vulnerabilities

This project handles receiving images from the user and generating smaller versions. It is using docker to be able to run it either together with the API machine or on a separate machine.


The original image uploaded by the user is:

The image is uploaded immediately to S3. The user receives the renamed filename.


The user associates the filename to a document, which is stored in the API. At that time, a request is sent to image backend to move original and resized images from the incoming bucket to the public bucket. This step ensures the image is associated with an authenticated user.


Configuration should be set by environment variables:

STORAGE_BACKEND: (required) s3 or local

TEMP_FOLDER: (required) Local folder to store images temporarily.

INCOMING_FOLDER: Local folder for incoming files.

ACTIVE_FOLDER: Local folder for active files.

INCOMING_BUCKET: Name bucket for incoming files.

INCOMING_PREFIX: Prefix of the incoming bucket connection options.

ACTIVE_BUCKET: Name bucket for active files.

ACTIVE_PREFIX: Prefix of the active bucket connection options.

PREFIX_ENDPOINT: Endpoint url for corresponding prefix.

PREFIX_ACCESS_KEY_ID: API key for corresponding prefix.

PREFIX_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for corresponding prefix.

PREFIX_DEFAULT_REGION: Default region for corresponding prefix.

S3_SIGNATURE_VERSION: S3 signature version ('s3' or 's3v4'), see docs.

API_SECRET_KEY: API secret key, needed to publish images on the active bucket.

V5_DATABASE_URL: Address of the V5 database for the migration script.

ROUTE_PREFIX: Path prefix for serving the photo backend API.

RESIZING_CONFIG: Configuration of the thumbnail names and sizes serialized in JSON. See c2corg_images/init.py for a description of the format.

AUTO_ORIENT_ORIGINAL: 1 to rotate the uploaded image according to the EXIF orientation. Default is 0.

CACHE_CONTROL: Cache-Control value to be set to all the images uploaded to s3. Default is public, max-age=3600.

Here is an example configuration with S3 backend on exoscale:


TEMP_FOLDER: /srv/images/temp

INCOMING_BUCKET: c2corg_demov6_incoming
ACTIVE_BUCKET: c2corg_demov6_active
EXO_ENDPOINT: https://sos.exo.io


V5_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://www-data:www-data@postgres/c2corg


The files which were not activated are automatically expired by S3.

Building and running with Docker

make run

Launch images migration from V5 to V6

The migration retrieves a list of images from the v5 database. The connection to the database can be defined as environment variable, for example:

V5_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://www-data:www-data@postgres/c2corg

The migration script iterates through v5 images. For each original image found:

To run the migration script:

docker-compose exec images migrate

docker-compose exec images migrate --help to get options list.

Generate resized images after migration

This can be used to change the size or quality of resized images.

This script iterates through published images. For each original image found:

To regenerate the resized images:

docker-compose exec images resize

docker-compose exec images resize --help to get options list.

Release on docker hub

The project is built by Github actions.