c404t / mist

i3wm full misty theme (i3 + picom + status bar) originally made for arch linux
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arch-linux dotfiles i3 i3-theme i3blocks i3wm i3wm-config picom-config rice theme-ui


latest version

image image image


this config was originally made for arch linux.
you can customize this as needed, add your startup/taskbar apps in "2. apps/util/env" (see index)
set custome colors in "1. init colors" and "7. color init"


make sure you have dependencies installed: skip those that you already have.

1st step. (i3 + picom)

sudo pacman -S i3

when asked to choose for selection, select all (i3wm, i3blocks, ...)

sudo pacman -S picom

2nd step. (basic apps + fonts)


sudo pacman -S ttf-ubuntu-font-family
sudo pacman -S ttf-droid
sudo pacman -S ttf-font-awesome


sudo pacman -S feh
sudo pacman -S networkmanager network-manager-applet
sudo pacman -S xfce4-clipman-plugin
sudo pacman -S flameshot
sudo pacman -S ibus
sudo pacman -S rofi
sudo pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-equalizer pulseaudio-jack alsa-utils playerctl

needed for arch-update module:

sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib

if you dont want to use some of these apps, you need to remove its start command manually from i3 config after step 3.

3rd step. (setup theme)

git clone https://github.com/c404t/mist.git
cd mist
sudo chmod +x install.sh

once done, reload i3 using (Alt+Shift+R)
you may exit i3 and login again so that startup apps would also load (Alt+Shift+E)

what you might need

official user guide for better understanding: https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html
i3 complete costumization tour: https://itsfoss.com/i3-customization/
wallpapres: https://oceanofwallpapers.com/
color palettes: https://colorhunt.co/
font awesome icons (copy/paste): https://fontawesome.com/v5/searc

index of config

 ├─ 1. theme/design  
 │     ├─ mod key   
 │     ├─ font  
 │     ├─ init colors  
 │     ├─ set colors  
 │     ├─ set gaps  
 │     └─ move apps to workspaces  
 ├─ 2. apps/util/env  
 │     ├─ startup  
 │     └─ auto start   
 ├─ 3. arranging  
 │     ├─ change focus  
 │     ├─ move focused window  
 │     ├─ switch split mode  
 │     ├─ switch layout  
 │     └─ more  
 ├─ 4. workspaces   
 ├─ 5. i3 events   
 ├─ 6. resizing   
 │     ├─ window resize  
 │     └─ gaps resize  
 └─ 7. bar  
       ├─ color init  
       └─ bar section