c4a8-web / shared-components

Storybook driven shared web components.
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Storybook driven shared web components powered by Storybook.




To start and install storybook you need node with the version provided in the .nvmrc file and the package manager yarn or the default package manager npm. Node can be found at nodejs.org.


To install the packages use yarn package manager or npm. For this documentation we will use yarn. If you don't have yarn installed you can install it with:

npm install --global yarn

After that yarn should be working. Sometimes you need to restart your terminal or your editor for it to work. If it works you can continue with:

yarn install


To start storybook just run the command

yarn storybook

or the npm version of that if you are using npm.


If you want to use the shared-components in your project you need to go through these Integration steps.


In your Jekyll configuration the _config.yml you need to add the path to the shared-components folder like this:

shared_components_path: _includes/shared-components

You also need to add this part:

  - repo: https://github.com/c4a8-web/shared-components
    branch: master
    skip_if_exists: _local.shared-components.yml

And you need to add the _temp/ folder to your exclude list

You also need a Generator called sharedcomponents.rb in your _plugins folder that looks like this:

require 'fileutils'
require 'git'

class SharedComponentsNotFoundException < StandardError; end

def redText(text)

class SharedComponentsGenerator
  def generate(site)
    asset_path = site.config['shared_components_path'] + '/assets/**/*.{js,png,svg,gif,map,css,woff,woff2,ttf,eot}'
    temp_path = "_temp/"
    base_partials_path = site.config['shared_components_path'] + '/includes/**/*.{html}'
    partials_path = temp_path + site.config['shared_components_path'] + '/includes/**/*.{template}'
    puts "Generate Shared Components as Static Files in " + asset_path

    curr_file = nil

    Dir.glob(asset_path, File::FNM_DOTMATCH) do |f|
      file = File.stat(f)
      next unless file.file?
      i += 1
      curr_file = [f, file]
      if curr_file != nil then
        filePath = curr_file[0]
        site.static_files << Jekyll::StaticFile.new(site, site.source, File.dirname(filePath), File.basename(filePath))

    Dir.glob(base_partials_path, File::FNM_DOTMATCH) do |f|
      file = File.stat(f)
      next unless file.file?
      curr_file = [f, file]
      if curr_file != nil then
        filePath = curr_file[0]
        full_path = temp_path + File.dirname(filePath)
        destination_path = full_path + "/" + File.basename(filePath).sub('.html', '.template')

        unless File.directory?(full_path)

        FileUtils.cp(filePath, destination_path)

    Dir.glob(partials_path, File::FNM_DOTMATCH) do |f|
      file = File.stat(f)
      next unless file.file?
      i += 1
      curr_file = [f, file]
      if curr_file != nil then
        filePath = curr_file[0]
        source_path = site.source + '/' + temp_path
        dirname = File.dirname(filePath).sub(temp_path, '')

        staticFile = Jekyll::StaticFile.new(site, source_path, dirname, File.basename(filePath))
        site.static_files << staticFile

    puts "Total files: #{i}"

module Jekyll
  class GitDownloader < Generator
    def generate(site)
      config = site.config['git']
      return unless config

      puts "Checks for Shared Components"

      config.each do |entry|
        dest = File.join(site.source, site.config['shared_components_path'])
        skip_if_exists = entry['skip_if_exists']

        next if File.exist?(File.join(site.source, skip_if_exists))

        puts "Tries to download Shared Components from git"

        repo = entry['repo']
        branch = entry['branch'] || 'master'

        FileUtils.rm_rf(dest) if File.exist?(dest)
        Git.clone(repo, dest, branch: branch)

      folder_path = site.config['shared_components_path']

      if File.directory?(folder_path)
        puts "Starting Generator of Shared Components"

        message = "You need to check out a Version of the Shared Components in this folder: '#{folder_path}'"

        puts redText(message)

        raise SharedComponentsNotFoundException, message

This Generator will download the latest version from git and copy the JavaScript and the other assets to the static Folders in Jekyll.


To include the Styles of the shared-components you need to add this to your site.scss after the charset pretty much at the top:

@function static-assets($url) {
  $basePath: '/_includes/shared-components/assets/';
  $assetPath: $basePath + str-slice($url, 4);

  @return url(#{$assetPath});

$shared-components: false;
$font-familys: (
  "lato": false,
  "miriam": true,

@import "../../_includes/shared-components/assets/scss/index";

This will load the basic styles. And you can specifiy which font-family you want to load. At the end of that site.scss you need to load the colors of the site you want. For Radiusaas it would be:

@import "../../_includes/shared-components/assets/scss/themes/radiusaas";

In your _user-variables.scss you need to add the scss variable for the site:

$site: "radiusaas";

For all layouts in the _layouts folder, you need to change the body class from


to the site and the shared-components so for Radiusaas it would be:

class="shared-components radiusaas"

This should be everything you need to use the shared-components Styles. If you want to load an image through scss use the function assets() this will make sure the paths are correct.


To add the JavaScript to your site you need to import the Main JavaScript into your app.js like this:

import { State } from '/_includes/shared-components/assets/js/index.js';

If you don't need the State in your Code you can import it without it. Everything else is handled by the JavaScript itself. You also need to update the type of your app.js Script in the scripts.html file and add the partialsPath like this:

  window.partialsPath = '/_includes/shared-components/includes/';
  src="https://github.com/c4a8-web/shared-components/raw/master/{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/js/app.js"

Replace the type text/javascript with module


You also need to create a color theme file for your new site in scss/themes you can copy the _theme-template.scssas a start and change that to your needs. After that you need to add that theme to the Theme Switcher Addon of Storybook. Go to .storybook/themes/src add your theme in defaults.js and in .storybook/themeImports.js add the path to the themes scss.


In order for personio to work you need to create a file called .env.local where you need to add the local subscription api key