c6p / logseq-hypothesis

Logseq plugin for hypothes.is
MIT License
86 stars 14 forks source link

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Logseq Hypothes.is Plugin


Enter your API token and user address. If you are not using a third party hypothes.is provider, your user account is username@hypothes.is. Fetch Updates will fetch new hypothes.is notes.

Selecting an URI below and clicking Get Selected Page will gather notes and create a page.

Types of notes

Example Configuration


  "highlightFormat": "📌 {text} {tags}",
  "annotationFormat": "📝 {text}",
  "noteFormat": "📝 {text} {tags}",
  "deletedFormat": "🗑️",


See #13 for discussion.

  "highlightFormat": "> {text} {tags}",
  "annotationFormat": "{text}",
  "noteFormat": "{text} {tags}",

Running the Plugin