caarlos0 /

my dotfiles
MIT License
307 stars 75 forks source link
alacritty dotfiles fish fish-shell fzf gruvbox hacktoberfest kitty neovim nvim shell tmux vim


There's a lot of things you can copy for your dotfiles, but the latest and greatest versions of everything are being kept only here.

header image

carlos' dotfiles

Config files for Fish, Go, Editors, Terminals and more.

Forked from my ZSH dotfiles, these are my Fish Shell config files, together with editor, macOS configs and other goodies.



First, make sure you have all the following installed:


Then, run these steps:

git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles

All changed files were backed up with a .backup suffix.


To update, you need to git pull and run the bootstrap script again:

cd ~/.dotfiles
git pull origin master


Reverting is not totally automated, but it pretty much consists in removing the fish configuration and the .dotfiles folder, as well as moving back some other configuration files:

rm -rf ~/.dotfiles $__fish_config_dir

The bootstrap script created a bunch of symbolic links that are now invalid. You will have to investigate those manually. In cases a file already existed, the script/ script should have created a .backup file with the same name.

Recommended Software

To install them all with brew:

brew install \
  alacritty \
  bat \
  exa \
  fd \
  fish \
  fzf \
  gh \
  git-delta \
  grc \
  kitty \
  kubectx \
  neovim \
  starship \

On Ubuntu:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
sudo apt install fish grc fzf zoxide fd-find exa bat alacritty kitty neovim
# TODO: install delta, kubectx

macOS defaults

You use it by running:


And logging out and in again or restart.

Themes and fonts

Catppuccin Mocha and MonoLisa Font.


neovim with LSP, git signs, etc

CleanShot 2022-10-01 at 20 12 19@2x

neovim telescope

CleanShot 2022-10-01 at 20 12 34@2x

tmux-sessionizer and tmux tabs with icons

CleanShot 2022-10-01 at 20 13 06@2x