caarmen / iou

MIT License
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Webapp to keep track of who owes how much to whom, amongst two people.

Each time Person A owes an amount to Person B, enter this in the app by specifying the amount, an optional description, selecting Persion A, and submitting.

At any given moment, either:

The application also displays the most recent 5 debts.


Setup the environment

Copy the .env.template from this project to a file .env, and adjust any parameters.

Run the docker image

Run the docker image, exposing two files with the -v volume commands:

docker run --detach --publish 8000:8000 -v `pwd`/.env:/app/.env -v /path/to/iou.db:/tmp/iou.db

Use the application

You can access:

The first time the app is run, it creates a super user with username admin and password defaultpassword. You should change the password after logging in.