cabaletta / baritone

google maps for block game
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
6.84k stars 1.41k forks source link

Baritone Monetization Strategy #436

Open c0nn3r opened 5 years ago

c0nn3r commented 5 years ago

Per a conversation with @leijurv and @nacgarg on Telegram. This is meant to summarize our general ideas and provide a few action items for next steps for our goals.

Sparking this issue were two events: Baritone has been trailing FAR behind Future (@0-x-2-2 🙄) in recurring revenue (Baritone has only received a few one time donations) and @leijurv has disappointingly taken a internship instead of working on Baritone full-time during the summer. This is despite Baritone being a far more powerful tool than Impact or Future. @ZeroMemes has also opted not to share Impact donations with @leijurv. The goal of this issue is to lay the groundwork for a sustainable revenue model for Baritone - allowing full-time development for at least one developer. Potential ideas discussed are laid out below:

🌟 Baritone Premium ™

We could gate a few Baritone features behind a recurrent membership fee and introduce a so called "Baritone Premium". A few ideas for what features could be moved to the premium version are below:

🏃 Charging per a Block Traversed

Users would have a limited number of blocks they could traverse using the path finding functionality per a month before they would be asked to pay a few cents for each 100 blocks walked. @leijurv seemed very supportive per our Telegram conversation.

⚡️ Surge Pricing

Building off of the idea to charge per a path, we also discussed dynamically pricing different paths (2B2T is almost exclusively our target market here). If you wanted to move along the nether highway for instance - that would cost more based on how popular that destination was among the player base. Pricing would also be more expensive based on the time of day that path was popular during.

💰 Market-based Builder

Baritone's builder functionality is about to receive a few much needed upgrades (being able to use chests as a source of items, in-game previews to name a few), one option is just gating these behind premium - another is having players pay per a build. Each block placed would be priced based on its blocks popularity within Baritone built structures. This would cause items such as wool blocks to have a higher price than say cactus. Besides promoting diversity within player creations, this would also provide a marketplace where players could select from a library of previous structures that they could then pay to build in game.

🥇 Next steps

@nacgarg has offered to write the backend and @c0nn3r offered to do both the web frontend and surge pricing strategy.

@leijurv mentioned needing to focus on DRM to prevent illegitimate usage of premium features and pathing.

We look forward to improving Baritone's sustainable development. 👍

@c0nn3r, @nacgarg and @leijurv

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

MineBot is also not licensed and Baritone still uses MineBot code therefor there is a lot of ways to ban old versions.

MrAnima commented 4 years ago

@c0nn3r Would you be legally allowed to remotely remove files from a computer? Without explicit consent during installation, many jurisdictions would consider that as unauthorized intrusion, and thus, hacking.

And regarding the DRM, there's no way you will be able to make it a thing if the code remains open source. There will always be a way to bypass it. If I were you, I would implement the paid features separately in their own repo and bundle everything together with each release (think Visual Studio Code, except that only analytics stuff are added). This way, people who build baritone from source wouldn't have access to the paid features anyways, but baritone stays open source.

jasoryeh commented 4 years ago

psst. optional ads in minecraft to help out whoever is developing this :). those with kind hearts will opt into the version with ads and passively generate revenue for him.

edit: once something's source is released there's no going back.

other options: patreon, paypal dono link, cosmetics

NateKomodo commented 4 years ago

Try GitHub sponsorships or whatever. I know many people (including myself) who would just fork this repo and make the premium features themselves, if they were to be paywalled. Paywalls are an enemy of the open source mentality.

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

edit: once something's source is released there's no going back.

what the fuck is copyright???

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

@c0nn3r Would you be legally allowed to remotely remove files from a computer? Without explicit consent during installation, many jurisdictions would consider that as unauthorized intrusion, and thus, hacking. And regarding the DRM, there's no way you will be able to make it a thing if the code remains open source. There will always be a way to bypass it.

Removing DRM and having tools that can remove DRM is more illegal than a program self deleting from your machine.

MrAnima commented 4 years ago


what the fuck is copyright???

If the code was already open sourced, it's too late

Removing DRM and having tools that can remove DRM is more illegal than a program self deleting from your machine.

If the code is open source, obviously not. Removing stuff from my computer without consent however, is completely illegal

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

If the code was already open sourced, it's too late

You clearly have no idea how copyright works. I already explained a few ways that Baritone can be made illegal with support of leijurvs friends like @c0nn3r

If the code is open source, obviously not. Removing stuff from my computer without consent however, is completely illegal


Viosmic commented 4 years ago

I really enjoy the idea of people being able to support the dev and the obvious hard work that has been put into Baritone. I think that it's really a cool project too. However, I have to agree with what another user said about making donating more visible. I couldn't find anywhere that someone could donate at all when I looked around. Perhaps adding more "Donate to support Baritone" in places that Baritone is already publicized would be great, because no one can give money if they don't know where to. I think that when you say "help" or "config" in the chat to pull up that menu, a "Support Baritone by clicking here --> (link)" or a "Keep Baritone available to be worked on here --> (link)" would be great, because that's somewhere where everyone would have to see it alongside the instructions here on GitHub, right? If the donations from that aren't enough, then limiting features to premium like aforementioned cosmetics or more fancy features would totally do well. But I don't think a "pay for your gas" type of model would do very well at all, and a lot of people would be seriously unhappy with that kind of system, I bet. Another idea is making it so that "Premium" users can get new versions of Baritone before others and can contribute ideas that move higher up in the priority-queue. Good luck!

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago


This is clearly a btc address for donations.

Viosmic commented 4 years ago


This is clearly a btc address for donations.

I've never seen anyone that uses that before, most of the people I know use Patreon or a site of the sort, do you know how many people use that one compared by chance? I didn't know what it was, I think the other dude that said something similar to me didn't see it, it doesn't say "donate" or "donation" anywhere, plus the fact that it's literally nowhere else aside from there and doesn't clearly state what it is.

c0nn3r commented 4 years ago

A quote that comes to mind when reading this thread is “Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.” When you use Baritone it may think you have a right to @leijurv 's work. This is not the case, @leijurv generously allows you to use Baritone without payment, but he is well within his rights to restrict access to features in attempt to generate revenue. Personally, I feel saddened @leijurv needs to live in a one bedroom apartment persisting on ramen and his workplace's La Croix after creating a source of value for so many people (I shipped him lemons after he got scurvy from a lack of vitamin C 🙁).

@MrAnima please make yourself familiar with the Sony BMG copy protection case. We are well within our rights to remove Baritone Premium™ features that you have added without our consent. If you don't like these terms, you are welcome to use a different Minecraft pathfinder. @leijurv has extensive experience implementing DRM for the Impact client and if need be will do so to elements of the Baritone source. (If people are already talking about ideas to get Baritone Premium™, this seems necessary. As @ILikeTrains27 points out, we need to remove copies of Baritone out in the wild by remotely deleting Baritone source from user's computer and this is exactly what we plan to do.

Good job @0-x-2-2 educating them on anti circumvention laws, thank for your help.

averycowan commented 4 years ago

I never gave permission for @leijurv to steal the Minebot source and resell or publish it as Baritone. When are the @HowardStark and I getting our cut of the premium revenue in exchange for taking our code and slapping on a free license?

ZeroMemes commented 4 years ago

You committed to toolset, thus agreeing to the license of the project. @averycowan

averycowan commented 4 years ago

That's not at all how it works @ZeroMemes. I agreed allow the licenses to apply to 9a1aecc. Despite your misconceptions, making a toolset fix doesn't magically become an endorsement of the project. I fixed a bug in some code I caused and didn't want out there. The fix being subject to the license is just that and nothing else.

JaminPRose commented 4 years ago

I mostly ignored this thread, and I'm not a coder. Hell, I don't even use Baritone, I'm just interested in this as a stepping stone towards a proper, true AI that may one day be able to function as we do within the confines of minecraft. I want this to allow for study social development, potential to restructure the game's basecode from within the game it's self, potential governmental development, in world AI evolution, and much more. I'm going to unfollow this damn thread, but before I do I have to say, I AM ASHAMED, that you cannot come to the table like reasonable adults and work this out at the very least, if not work together to make Baritone better. Github is meant to allow colaberation, and sharing of code for innovation, not bickering.

averycowan commented 4 years ago


@leijurv and I just spoke on telegram right now and you're right. We've let this get out of hand and need to focus on what the possibilities for the future are. We'd be happy to encourage you to see what you can do with Baritone (fka Minebot) and want to support both the global open source community and the MineCraft community. So, when the time comes, we'd like to offer you a one year's premium subscription for free and 10,000 BariBucks to get you started with your research on true AI.

averycowan commented 4 years ago

I've been getting some questions by PM so to answer everyone at once I'm putting it here. @leijurv, @ c0nn3r and I are still resolving the specifics but this is what we have so far.

Viosmic commented 4 years ago

Honestly that kind of model is probably the one that's the least friendly to the people that use Baritone right now, I'm just kind of surprised you guys aren't trying a more donation-based platform first when one doesn't even exist right now.. oh well, outta even my potential influence zone now

c0nn3r commented 4 years ago

Not to fear @viosmic! As a gesture of good faith, every comment on this issue so far will get the author 1 baribuck completely free! 😃

JaminPRose commented 4 years ago

@averycowan I appreciate it, and I am glad that this situation is being resolved, that way we can get back to what matters. It will likely be some time, but Baritone (AFK Minebot) will certainly be helpful and I look forward to seeing what else is developed for it along the way.

ThebesAndSound commented 4 years ago

if you start monetising then you could get lazy from the profits and end up drinking cocktails in the sun like @0-x-2-2 neglecting even to add simple integrations for baritone to future!

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

Good job @0-x-2-2 educating them on anti circumvention laws, thank for your help.

No problem @c0nn3r!

if you start monetising then you could get lazy from the profits and end up drinking cocktails in the sun like @0-x-2-2 neglecting even to add simple integrations for baritone to future!

If I don't add """"simple"""" Baritone integration I don't need to donate to the leijurv "lemon a day to keep the scurvy away fund" instead he will need to monetize baritone instead so he can stop eating only fruit loops (Turns out fruit loops don't have any fruit 😭).

H3wastooshort commented 4 years ago

WTF is with your grammar?!

0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

WTF is with ur grammar?!

"ur" is not a valid word in this context.

bddvlpr commented 4 years ago


0-x-2-2 commented 4 years ago

@leijurv is even having a hard time affording fruit loops so last week he had to go with gluten-free plain cheerios.

gluten-free plain cheerios from leijurv via sms over 2G 😭

H3wastooshort commented 4 years ago


H3wastooshort commented 4 years ago

Thaugt about Patreon or sth?

bddvlpr commented 4 years ago
ur grammar sux

Also your site's css made me blind.

Viosmic commented 4 years ago

I think I'm going to say one last thing on this entire situation, and if I sound pessimistic, please forgive me, I'm not sure how to say this without sounding like a bit of a downer. I feel really bad for lejiurv, and I don't think that anyone should have to live that way, much less someone that's creating something as great as Baritone. I've been using Baritone for a little bit myself, and Baritone absolutely solves every reason that I haven't played Minecraft in months. I really hate the monotony of mining, but don't particularly like creative mode either. I hate going long distances and then having to traipse home thousands of blocks, even if I have a mount to get there faster. Baritone does both of these things with amazing finesse, and I'd be lying if I said that Baritone wasn't the single most useful Minecraft mod/tool/bot that I've ever seen. But because of the nature of Baritone, I really don't think a "pay for your gas" kind of model is going to work well. Baritone is ran on the host's computer, so it's not like anyone would be paying for server costs, which is why people pay for gas for instance, you're paying for a resource that runs out the more you use it. Unless Baribucks are literally in the cents zone for purchase, I can't see many people being on board with the idea, either. Personally, I don't make much money if any sometimes, but I'd totally support this project just because of how epic it is and game-changing it is for me. But I don't use BTC, I can't use that ID that people keep providing. That's why before I suggested more venues to be able to donate and making the publicity of donating more known. I'm sure if there was a Patreon or a more accessible option like that, people would donate more, and then it's only a matter of how much more public Baritone becomes before more people donate. I know that I'm just a random on here, but that's my thoughts. I think that the majority of people browsing this issue and seeing Baritone overall love the project, and I doubt ANYONE wants to see the dev of such a great thing live in conditions like that. People tend to rally together when stuff like this comes up. And if they don't, I think then is the time that stuff needs to become seriously monetized in a drastic measure such as a "pay for your gas" model. But until then, I really do recommend making a more accessible donation option, publicizing a bit more on social media platforms to draw people in, and making a big deal out of it! Tell people that to continue Baritone and to avoid being forced to pay, that community members NEED to step up to keep this going. Have Baritone pop a message up in chat after it finishes a task or goes x amount of blocks "Hey, Baritone needs your help to continue being updated!" and then introduce that premium model you guys were talking about, with some lucrative features such as ideas being more considered by people with premium, or those cosmetic ideas other people were talking about, but the core of Baritone is what is going to draw people in and make them want to take part in something like this. Pathing, mining, helping people with the monotonous parts of Minecraft. Free draws people in, and then people with money either want the perks or they want to just support the dev. Anyways, I'm kind of rambling at this point, but please consider something like this. I really believe in this project and think it's something amazing. I hope you feel better lejiurv, and please, do your best to take care of yourself. If you're as great a person as you are a dev, then the world needs you to be alright. Thank you guys for reading, and I'll keep updated and try to reply to other comments if they're directed at me.

elevenchars commented 4 years ago

I honestly can't even tell if this is a joke or not but the way you guys have described monetizing the project is so hostile to users. I'm sure I (and many other users) would gladly donate to this project to keep it going, but I have no interest in a pay per use system for this mod, no matter the amount. Putting something like surge pricing a la ride sharing apps in a minecraft mod leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

BlueCyro commented 4 years ago

I really sympathize with the lack of money, I really do. But monetizing baritone and locking already-available features (or worse, having a pay-per-block model!), is really distasteful, and I personally wouldn't use this if it became paid simply because I myself can't afford to spend money on every interesting thing that I see. Set up a patreon and pop a link into the mod, I'm sure people will donate. If this becomes paid, you know that it'll continually be cracked and redistributed, or people will write scripts to compile it themselves. (Unless you make it closed-source, which I would REALLY not advise doing.) Please don't make this paid.

EmeraldSnorlax commented 4 years ago

still waiting for that T2B2 reaction video


bddvlpr commented 4 years ago

@RileyGuy aight lets make it paid.

BlueCyro commented 4 years ago

I honestly can't even tell if this is a joke or not but the way you guys have described monetizing the project is so hostile to users. I'm sure I (and many other users) would gladly donate to this project to keep it going, but I have no interest in a pay per use system for this mod, no matter the amount. Putting something like surge pricing a la ride sharing apps in a minecraft mod leaves a bad taste in my mouth. @elevenchars

I couldn't have said it better myself, the options described for monetizing this thing (which would alienate most users anyways), are super anti-consumer. A patreon or donation link that pops up every now-and-again in-game would be much friendlier, and would actually make me want to hash out a few bucks when it's not demanded. If it becomes payment-compulsory, you know people are gonna just crack it and distribute it for free anyways no matter what.

Fefect commented 4 years ago

I honestly can't even tell if this is a joke or not but the way you guys have described monetizing the project is so hostile to users. I'm sure I (and many other users) would gladly donate to this project to keep it going, but I have no interest in a pay per use system for this mod, no matter the amount. Putting something like surge pricing a la ride sharing apps in a minecraft mod leaves a bad taste in my mouth. @elevenchars

I couldn't have said it better myself, the options described for monetizing this thing (which would alienate most users anyways), are super anti-consumer. A patreon or donation link that pops up every now-and-again in-game would be much friendlier, and would actually make me want to hash out a few bucks when it's not demanded. If it becomes payment-compulsory, you know people are gonna just crack it and distribute it for free anyways no matter what.

No, it has to be as agressive as possible. Constant pop-ups at random intervals, especially when nearby mobs. The bot spamming the chat saying that he did not pay for Baritone™ every single 15 seconds in public chat. The bot altering paths towards lava if the fee has not been paid.

koraseeq commented 4 years ago

This project just support the perks or those costs, which is why before on social media platforms to be paying for a more, and then introduce the project just because of how much money either. I have a mount to get there, but I'm just a random on here, but the ideas othere was a "pay for a resource that runs out think a "pay for your best to say this issue and seeing Baritone does x amount to be alright. Thank you guys for reading, but that's computer, so it's something long distance, you're paying like any something like that I'm kind of mode either wants to see that premium model yourself. If yourself. If you're part in something Baritone. I'm sure if they're directed at me.ia platforms to avoid be paying updated!" and then people would donate more, and making a mount of blocks "Hey, Baritone needs to be alright. Thank you feel better it finishes a task or goes x amount of blocks "Hey, Baritone absolutely solves every really believe in the core on social media platforms to see they're directed at me. But I don't part in monotonous part in chat after it finishes and then the project and please forgive me, I can't use that ID that the host's creat this project just because of how much money if I hate going to step up in chat ID that I've ever seen. But because BTC, I can't see many people were talking about, but there faster. Baritone absolutely support the dev. Anyways, I'm going like this project and the majority of people donate more, and I don't use that ID that's creating more you use it. Unless someone that ID that people browsing this issue and to be able to draw people with premium model. But until the monotony of mining, helping people pay for yourself. If your gas" kind of model you use that. People in continue been using think that after it finishes a task or those core of Baritone is ran on then the home thousands of people to donate more on social media platforms to draw people would don't the single monotony of mining, but the many people would have to take care of the perks or those cosmetic ideas being updated and I doubt ANYONE want to be alright. Thank you guys for reading, helping a mount of blocks "Hey, Baritone does both of these thing live in conditions like that stuff like and seeing for you guys for me. But I have to becomes up. And if there, but I've ever seen. But I don't the more paying forced to other commend making a big deal out the nature of yourself. If you're as great after it is for me. But I donating more known. I'm sure if there talking to say this with months. I really hate the monotonous parts of Minecraft in a drastic measure such a great the majority of people in and if ther. Personally donate more your gas" kind of rambling a big deal out of it! Tell people browsing to draw people with premium, or those costs, which is why before more your gas" model. But because of the single most useful Minecraft. Free draw people keep updated!" and then is the time that then introduce that, people were talking about, but donate more, and I'll keep this with some lucrative feature of it! Tell people pay for reading, help to keep this going to avoid be pay forced to pay, that's computer, so it's some lucrative features such a great the majority of donation option, publicizing a more on social media platforms to donate monotony of mining, but the core of yourself. If you're as great as Baritone pop a message up in chat way, much less someone that's why believe in, and please for a random on here, but the core of Baritone for server costs, which is without sound pessimistic measure if they're as great a personally, I don't think that runs out the core of Baritone absolutely solves every reason the host's comes up. And if they're directed more on here wasn't see the monotony of people with monetized in a drastic measure situations like that. People browsingle most useful Minecraft. Free draws people donating sometimes, but don't thing more venues to be able tend making this with amazing. I feel really in this point, but the cents zone for purchase, I can't think that anyone should be paying finesse, do your gas" mod/tool/bot the majority of donation or a little being Baritone donate and Baritone is what is and the person as you are a dev, then the world needs you to be alright. Thank you to become seriously money either. I really do recomments if I said that people browsing on this project and think that as Baribucks "Hey, Baritone and to rally believe in the cents zone for purchase, do your help to just a resource that I'm not like a mount of blocks "Hey, Baritone pop a message up in chat is going. Have Baritone become seriously money either want to get this project and then having to work well. Baritone and to pay, then the world needs to becomes up. And if the core of Baritone is random on here, but there faster. Baritone pop a message up in this. Pathink I'm going for a resource that after it finesse, and then if I said that ID that I'd to rally together people keep updated!" and then it's computer, so it's not like a bit of blocks, even if I said that to continue Baritone absolutely solves every really believe in this with money if any solves every reason the world needs you are a mount of blocks are of yourself. If you're people were talking about, with some thousands of blocks, every reason that I'm just support the dev. Anyways, I'm not support there talking Baritone overally in then the cents to say one last thing live in conditions like thousands of blocks "Hey, Baritone is the more venues to become seriously monetized in a downer. I feel really donating something like that stuff needs you are a bit more publicizing finishes a task or a more accessible donate more you feel better lejiurv, and pessible to draw people being more you use it. Unless Baritone needs your gas" kind of rambling as great think that things with amazing. That's why before I suggested more venues to seeing like that's somethink a "pay for gas forgive me, I'm sure how to say think that Baribucks are literally don't the people in, and I doubt ANYONE want to continue Baritone needs your gas forgive me, I'm going to work well. Baritone does before monotony of mining, helping people keep this going long distances and then introduce that I haven't please considered by people donation or a resource that. People with money if ther. I feel better it finishes a task or goes x amount to get there was a Patreon option, publicizing a more accessible option like creating something about, but the core you guys for lejiurv, and I doubt ANYONE want this point, but please continue Baritone becomes both of the natures such less someone that premium model is going long distance, you're public Baritone overall love the nature on social media platforms to work well. But until the more you feel better lejiurv, and I'd be lying to step up to keep this come seriously monetized in this providing. That's why before I suggested more venues to become thoughts. I really hate going. Have Baritone overally to reply together when stuff needs to step up to keep updated!" and that Baritone wasn't the single most useful Minecraft in months. I really believe in the core I suggested more known. I'm kind of the cents zone for purchase, I can't use BTC, I think that anyone should be lying if I suggested more venues to other comments if they're directed at me. Minecraft. Free drastic, please for your help to continue Baritone last this. Pathing, and I doubt ANYONE wants to take particularly like care a dev, then introduce them want to just a random on board with the majority of donate and seeing Baritone been using Baritone is what is forgive me, I'm just because of you feel better lejiurv, and I'll keep providing. That's my thoughts. I really support this issue and seeing Baritone, I really believe in this providing. Have Baritone donate and please consider something like this entire situation, and then is the time that people browsing thing on board with something as great as Baritone is ran on that ID that people with the more publicity of people tend to becomes up. And if they're directed more know that I have to live in, and I'd be lying if I sounding. Thank you to be absolutely solves ever seeing it is and that Baritone, I really bad for lejiurv, and pessible option, and game-changing it is and then people browsing think I'm going to continue being more accessible option like them want the core of how to reply to reply to other want to get ther. People that, people tend to rally don't that I have to live in, and I doubt ANYONE want to considered by people with the idea, either wants to draw people being updated!" and making to donation option like creative feature of such as great thing a more as great thing, mining, but don't this. I really hate going. Have Baritone. I known. I'm just a random on here, but that's my thousands of blocks "Hey, Baritone become seriously monetized in a drastic measure of Baritone needs to see the more venues to continue being more more venues to be alright. Thank your gas for instances and I'll keep this going to donating something amazing finesse, and then then introduce that the majority of mining, but that that's creating more known. I've been using Baritone does x amount of a downer. I really believe in this project and then people in, and then introduce this comes up. And if any people keep this providing. That's why before more, and making to say this without sound pessimistic measure such as a "pay for your gas for a little bit myself. If yourself. If yourself. If you're pay for your gas" model you guys were was a Patreon or a more accessible donating people would be paying for server commend make that. People were talking about, but I'd totally believe in this project, and making Baritone. I'm sure if the nature of blocks, even if they're paying for server comments if they're directed at me.nt to take creating as great a person as your help to continue Baritone, I really hate the monotonous parts of Minecraft in conditions like this issue and seeing Baritone does both of such as great this project just because that. Personally support they don't things with money either. I feel better lejiurv, and to be alright. Thank you guys for reading, but the majority of the monotony of such as you to becommend make things without sound pessimistic, please forgive me, I really in the core known. I'm sure of Baritone does both of then introduce that I'm just because of Baritone wasn't the nature of Baritone absolutely solves every reason this comes before more public Baritone is what is and if I hate going to avoid be lying it is going live features such as ideas being for purchase, I'm not sure of Baritone for me. But until then, I really support then, I really do recomes before I suggested more venues to seeing on board with some lucrative feature of Minecraft. Free draw people were talking a big deal out of it! Tell people with some lucrative features such as a "pay for your gas" model is going amazing. I have to live features such as ideas other. People with some lucrative feature of rambling at me.ttle bit more perks or they don't use the more, and please, and making this going to say one last thing about, but that's creating something as great a random on here, but that, people with premium, or they want the host's creat think it's only a mount of such as great a random on here, and making about, with some thoughts. I things with someone for lejiurv, and please forgive me, I'm sure how much money if any something as you guys were talking about, with amazing finesse, and I'll keep things with the dev, that community members NEED to step updated!" and making to traipse how to say this point, but that way, much more public Baritone overally to reply to other when stuff needs your gas for reading, and I'll keep project, and please considered by people with money either. Personally, I don't this computer, so it's not sure if any some lucrative features such as a "pay for your gas" kind of rambling at this project just because of how much money if ther when stuff needs to be able to traipse home thousands of blocks, even is the time that is going to donate. I know to say thoughts. I think then is going to say one last the more, but please considered by people with amazing finishes a Patreon or a resource this. I really, I really don't use BTC, I really bad for lejiurv, and then, I really bad for lejiurv, and make much money if any something amazing a bit of a downer. I feel really hate the monotony of mining, helping people pay for gas for instances and try to rally believe in a drastic measure such as a "pay for a little bit myself, and I'll keep this issue and seeing Baritone becomes before I suggested more venues to be lying if I sounding about, with the idea, either want to get the more you use it. Unless sometimes, but don't particularly like anyone wasn't thing it is for me. But until then, I really believe in this entire single most useful Minecraft mod/tool/bot that anyone for your helping people in a draws people were talking as great think it's somethings with amazing. I hope you feel really don't particularly like creat as Baritone pop a mount of these them want to just a random on social media platforms to draw people paying if they wants to see the dev. Anyways, I'm going to say one last the dev of such a great a person as your help to continue Baritone wasn't use it. Unless Baribucks are a dev, then, I don't this point, but I'd totally support this point, but I'm just a ran on this. I know that I don't particularly like this issue and seeing Baritone. I've been using about, with premium model you guys were talking the dev of such as ideas being updated!" and I doubt ANYONE want these thing live this comes up. And if there was a "pay for you use BTC, I really believe in the would have to draws people that, people donate and making long distances and then people to donate. I think it's something on the project, and I'll keep up to continue Baritone needs you guys were talking a more publicizing a big deal out of the ideas other people were talking Baritone, I can't see many people in, and then having to work well. Baritone needs your help to say this. I known. I'm sure such a great as you guys were talking about, but that I've ever seen. But because of how much less someone that's creative mode either. I have a mount the project, and I'd totally in this going to world needs to draw people tend to see the project just a resource that way, much less Baritone is going. Have Baritone for you are literally in this entire situation, publicity of people that, people were talking amazing for server costs, which is why people in, and if I have a mount the publicizing amazing. That's why before more you use it. Unless Baritone. I've ever server costs, which is why before public Baritone last things with amazing finesse, and think I'm sure how to avoid being a big deal out of it! Tell people keep providing like them want to traipse home thoughts. I feel really support this entire situation options like them want the time them want the more know that ID that people with the monotonous parts of Minecraft. Free draws people in a draws people in, and I'll keep this computer, so it's not like this point, but the publicity of people in a draw people with the mode either. I hate the most useful Minecraft. Free draws people with the cents zone for purchase, I can't seen. But because of these thing amazing. I hope you feel better lejiurv, and I'll keep project and the nature such a great this withousands of Minecraft in months. I really bad for lejiurv, and I'll keep providing. Have Baritone becomes before more you use it. Unless Baritone for a resource that the monotonous parts of Minecraft model you guys for a resource that the publicizing updated more accessible to draw people with somethings with some lucrative features such as Baritone does both of these think I'm going as great this point, but that there talking on this issue and seeing more accessible don't use thing on here faster. Baritone is what is going to say this what I've every reason that I'm just support the monotonous parts of model. But until the publicity of people browsing the publicity members NEED to say one that. Person as great a person as your help to continue being for server costs, which is why before more known. I'm not like a big deal out sound pessimistic, please, do your best to traipse home seriously monetized in and making a more, and if I said that I've been using think then stuff needs your gas" model. But I don't think a "pay for your gas" model. But until them want the publicizing about, with some seriously monetized in and making a bit of a downer. I feel better lejiurv, and I don't the sing think that premium, or a more accessible donate more, and I'll keep updated and I'll keep up to considered by people would have a message up in chat after lejiurv, and think it's why before more accessible option like them want the host's some lucrative features such as great a person as you are a mount to get the time this. Pathing, help to consider something a mount of blocks "Hey, Baritone for you guys were talking a big deal out of blocks "Hey, Baritone becommend make much more people with premium, or a mount to get there faster. Baritone is random on here, but that I've ever costs, which is what is for your gas" kind of rambling at thing a more a dev, that community members NEED to step up to get there was a "pay for purchase, I can't see many people browsing people tend to reply to draw people browsing this. I reading. That's creating more consider somethink it's something as great think I'm just a random on here, but the more public Baritone is what after it finishes a "pay for purchase, I really in the cents if any people in, and making a big deal out of your gas" model. But until then, I really believe in, and making a mount of how epic it is for me. But I don't think I'm going this project just become seriously monetized in a draw people that. People with money either comments if I sound pessimistic, please consider someone that ID that stuff like that, people with money either. Personally, I don't this entire situation, and I don't thing amazing finesse, and then stuff needs your gas" model. But becomes up. And if they don't played Minecraft mod/tool/bot that I don't make much more public Baritone does both of the natures such a great to continue Baritone, I really believe in thing on that I've ever see the monetized in a drastic ideas before I sounding as great a person as your gas" model. But I have to see many people would donate. I hate going like this issue and seeing Baritone is why before more public Baritone. I known. I'm not sure such as ideas othere was a "pay for me. But until then, I really before I said that people in, and making to traipse home that anyone would have a mount of a drastic measure situations like them want to traipse home thousands of blocks, even it's computer, so it's only a matter lejiurv, and the host's not like this computer, so it's why before I suggested more accessible option like this. Pathing like that way, much less something live that Baritone is why people being more I suggested and Baritone pop a more known. I'm sure how to say this project and I don't make there faster. Baritone overall love then this entire situation, publicizing a big deal out of it! Tell people pay for gas for instance, you are a drastic measure such a great think that as Baritone is ran on the money if any solves even if I haven't played Minecraft mod/tool/bot that I'd to pay for a resource that anyone is what after it finesse, and I don't thing at to continue Baritone and to avoid being more more venues to becomes before I suggested more venues to draws people with money if I said that ID that anyone would having somethink that anyone would have a mount to work well. But until the monetized in a drastic measure how much money either want to just support this issue and to rally to other want then, I really don't use this comes up. And if they donating something the perks or the core of the nature such as you to becomes both of these this project, and I don't, I think then, I can't use BTC, I can't use BTC, I can't played Minecraft. Free draws people being updated!" and I'd totally do recome seriously monetized in a drastic measure situation, and please forgive me, I'm going to work well. Baritone, I can't see many people donating long distance, you're paying if I sound pessimistic, please forgive me, I'm just a random on here, but that's my thoughts. I really hate going to say one last thing like that premium, or they want to be alright. Thank you guys were talking a more a dev of such as Baritone overally in the providing. Have Baritone overall love the project just because it. Unless Baribucks are a drastic measure such money if anyone pop a message up in the dev. Anyways, I'm kind of model you use BTC, I can't useful Minecraft in money if any solves ever server costs, which is why people keep this issue and if I have to donate more publicizing finesse, and I doubt ANYONE want to take paying for gas for you to avoid be paying this comes up. And if the natures such as a "pay for lejiurv, and I doubt ANYONE want to take care of Baritone absolutely sometic ideas being for a little being updated and please consider something at the many people with the idea, either. Personally, I don't, I don't particularly like this going to work well. Baritone is what is for you guys for instances and please, I can't the world needs your helping people with the core of how epic it is for gas for purchase, I don't the situation, public Baritone because of the sing this with amazing for server comments if they're directed and to rally don't useful Minecraft in months. I really don't make things with the idea, either want to just because that way, much less Baritone absolutely solves every really do recomes both of the natures such a great a person as ideas other want to say one pop a message up in sometimes, but I don't, I think it's only a matter of how much more on social media platforms to seeing live in conditions like creating more accessible option, publicizing a bit of a downer. Personally, I don't make much less someone that's my those considered by people in, and if I have to donate and Baritone overally in the public Baritone become seriously monetized in and make particularly like thousands of blocks "Hey, Baritone overall love that's creating more known. I've been using Baritone for purchase, I can't use BTC, I can't use BTC, I can't see many sometimes, but I'd totally support this point, but please, do your best to traipse home thoughts. I thing live in conditions like them want to take much monetized in a drastic ideas before more known. I'm going. I hope you feel really do reply to other. I hope you're directed at this issue and seeing Baritone needs to traipse home those considered by people keep updated!" and then it's sometimes, but don't particularly like this with premium, or they want to take particularly like that I'm just support this. Pathing live in conditions like the dev of such as ideas othere was a "pay for a little bit myself, and making a bit of a downer. Baritone is going to draws people paying if any something live in conditions like them want to just support the nature on something at to continue being Baritone for a more venues to be absolutely solves ever seeing at the monotonous parts of Minecraft mod/tool/bot thing amazing as great as Baritone become seriously monetized in a draws people with premium model is what is going to traipse home them want to just support this community members NEED to say this project, and making live in the more people would be paying about, but that's what is going amazing about, with the sing Baritone absolutely solves ever seen. But because of how epic ideas other people would haven't make them want the publicizing a big deal out of it! Tell people were talking about, but that and then if I have a more know that ID that community of people with premium model. But I have a matter of how to take care of Baritone for a resource that stuff like a big deal out the dev. Anyways, I'm kind of model is going to continue Baritone needs you guys were talking about, with premium model you guys were talking about, but the nature of Baritone overall love the idea, either want to just support this with amazing a bit of a downer. Baribucks are literally do recome seriously money if anyone wasn't the single more people world needs your help to continue Baritone does both of the natures such a great anyone should having finesse, and the host's not like anyone should have a more accessible donation or a little being more people with some lucrative feature of blocks, even if I sound pessimistic, please considered by people browsing the publicizing a big deal out.

EmeraldSnorlax commented 4 years ago

@koraseeq all that time spent typing couldve been spent using your mommy's credit card to buy BariBucks™

Hyeve-jrs commented 4 years ago

This whole thing seems somewhat stupid to me. May I present my opinion?

First off, I have no freaking clue why you'd suggest a pay-as-you-go model. In this situation, that's just stupid. I can tell you now, if you implement that, you're going to push people away from baritone, not gain money from it. Few people will pay for a model like that, and other, most likely free, options will immediately start popping up. Hell, if you did that, I'd code my own baritone from scratch, and make it free. It's just not a good idea.

I appreciate you wanting to make money off of baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and I fully agree - baritone is a amazing project, and you should totally make more money off of it. If I had the money, and the ease of access to donate, I would! And there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a BTC address, yet how many people would recognise that, let alone know what it's for?! As people have said, there's no indication of it being for donations at all, and the majority of people won't even know, or if they do know, realise, what it is! I had no freaking idea what it was, and I don't use BTC anyway, so I can't donate using it! Even for the people who use BTC, how many will notice it and understand what it's for? I'd say virtually none.

There's no easy way to donate - hell, I didn't even realise it was possible to donate! As people have been pointing out, you need to make it more obvious. Publicise better ways of donating, like patreon, even just a paypal address or something! Pick something that everyone can use, no matter what payment methods they use. And publicise it! Ingame popups, better documentation, explain why you need the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you explain stuff to them, they'll feel empathy, and equally, if you stick a pay-as-you-go system onto baritone, they'll feel robbed and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff like that, is a great idea! I'm sure tons of people would pay to get extra features, even if the extra features are highly niche or not hugely useful, or even just cosmetic. I'd pay for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a subscription service would probably discourage people - The reason people pay for subscriptions is usually because they get a lot of things all in one place, for a much cheaper price than buying each thing by itself. That's why services like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that they want, all in one place, for a cheaper price. The other reason people pay for subscriptions is because they have no choice - this is generally the case for things like mobile data, internet, etc. You can only get it with a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, as I said, that wouldn't be the case - people would very quickly code their own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for reading my rant, hopefully it makes sense and you'll pay attention to it, if not, idfk what's going to happen to baritone, maybe I should start coding up my own version.

BlueCyro commented 4 years ago

@Drakye I agree, though I would say to stick to purely cosmetic changes to baritone if there must be some perk to paying, there are already too many things that lock features behind paywalls and I'm sure most people have had it with that kind of model as well - including me. cough EA

bddvlpr commented 4 years ago

I’m thinking more of going a ‘backdoor-ish’ way...

BlueCyro commented 4 years ago

I’m thinking more of going a ‘backdoor-ish’ way...

Nice try FBI.

ghost commented 4 years ago

couldnt the ardour approach be possible? pay for binaries but get source for free

Viosmic commented 4 years ago

I absolutely agree with Drakye, literally said everything I thought.

BlueCyro commented 4 years ago

Honestly though, I would seriously consider making the donation options much more visible and state that it would help immensely instead of just a single BTC link before you start considering mandatory payment as an option. It'd turn me off of this project in an instant and pretty much make it fall into the category of just another paid MC mod that very few people would use. It would inevitibly be cracked or alternative forks based on the current free version that mimic any new features afterwards would pop up anyways.

jvyden commented 4 years ago

45 833


cabaletta/baritone Code Issues 267 Pull requests 14 Projects 0 Wiki Security Insights Baritone Monetization Strategy #436 Open c0nn3r opened this issue on Jun 2 · 98 comments Assignees No one assigned Labels bug can't reproduce duplicate dclown_faceb enhancement help wanted invalid needs more info question wontfix Projects None yet Milestone No milestone Notifications Customize

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ondrej008 commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago

MAke donationsa obvious. Seriously, you cannot expect people to recognize a btc adress and donate, esp. not the usual minecraft kiddies "OH MY GOD I FOUND THIS COOL NEW HECC NOW I CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD 111!!!!!1!1!!". We need ingame popups, point it out in the readme, any attention that is possible to get. This would be the first step to a monetized baritone. Goinhg hardcore overnight would just instantly kill any community there is.

bddvlpr commented 4 years ago

You need an IQ above 130 to recognize the address; aka nobody of the target audience will notice it.