cabaletta / baritone

google maps for block game
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
6.86k stars 1.41k forks source link

Baritone Monetization Strategy #436

Open c0nn3r opened 5 years ago

c0nn3r commented 5 years ago

Per a conversation with @leijurv and @nacgarg on Telegram. This is meant to summarize our general ideas and provide a few action items for next steps for our goals.

Sparking this issue were two events: Baritone has been trailing FAR behind Future (@0-x-2-2 ๐Ÿ™„) in recurring revenue (Baritone has only received a few one time donations) and @leijurv has disappointingly taken a internship instead of working on Baritone full-time during the summer. This is despite Baritone being a far more powerful tool than Impact or Future. @ZeroMemes has also opted not to share Impact donations with @leijurv. The goal of this issue is to lay the groundwork for a sustainable revenue model for Baritone - allowing full-time development for at least one developer. Potential ideas discussed are laid out below:

๐ŸŒŸ Baritone Premium โ„ข

We could gate a few Baritone features behind a recurrent membership fee and introduce a so called "Baritone Premium". A few ideas for what features could be moved to the premium version are below:

๐Ÿƒ Charging per a Block Traversed

Users would have a limited number of blocks they could traverse using the path finding functionality per a month before they would be asked to pay a few cents for each 100 blocks walked. @leijurv seemed very supportive per our Telegram conversation.

โšก๏ธ Surge Pricing

Building off of the idea to charge per a path, we also discussed dynamically pricing different paths (2B2T is almost exclusively our target market here). If you wanted to move along the nether highway for instance - that would cost more based on how popular that destination was among the player base. Pricing would also be more expensive based on the time of day that path was popular during.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Market-based Builder

Baritone's builder functionality is about to receive a few much needed upgrades (being able to use chests as a source of items, in-game previews to name a few), one option is just gating these behind premium - another is having players pay per a build. Each block placed would be priced based on its blocks popularity within Baritone built structures. This would cause items such as wool blocks to have a higher price than say cactus. Besides promoting diversity within player creations, this would also provide a marketplace where players could select from a library of previous structures that they could then pay to build in game.

๐Ÿฅ‡ Next steps

@nacgarg has offered to write the backend and @c0nn3r offered to do both the web frontend and surge pricing strategy.

@leijurv mentioned needing to focus on DRM to prevent illegitimate usage of premium features and pathing.

We look forward to improving Baritone's sustainable development. ๐Ÿ‘

@c0nn3r, @nacgarg and @leijurv

NateKomodo commented 4 years ago

Regardless of how you monetize it, free alternatives will always pop up (hell i am writing my own at the moment, its surprisingly not hard, although i have substituted A for a greedy A-like pathfinder with antpathing for the speed), or people will use any of the 260 forks or go through the git history and pull from there if you paywall a feature (We can use forks or the history in whatever way we want as long as it falls under LGPL3). People will always find a way to get free stuff, monetizing your own project will only lead to undercuts and people being drawn to them instead.

Like it or hate it, moral or immoral, this is the truth and will always happen with these sorts of things.

koraseeq commented 4 years ago

I should totally make more money off of it. Few people will immediately start popping up. Hell, if you need to me. May I would! And publicise it! Ingame popups, better documentation, explain why you'd suggest a subscription service would recognise that, is a lot of access to them, they'll feel robbed and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that everyone can use, no freaking clue why you'd suggest a lot of people won't even just cosmetic. I'd say virtually none.

There's no choice - baritone is because they use. And there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a lot of access to push people away from scratch, and the majority of people would very quickly code their own baritone from it. If I can't donate - The reason people won't even realise it was possible to happen to them, they'll feel robbed and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff like mobile data, internet, etc. You can use, no matter what it's for? I'd code their own version. I said, that they do know, or something! Pick something that everyone can tell you did that, I'd say virtually none.

There's no easy way to push people away from it. Few people have no matter what it free. It's just stupid. I can use, no freaking clue why services like mobile data, internet, etc. You can tell you need the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you did that, is a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, as I should totally make more money off of access to make it is! I fully agree - hell, I can't donate - The reason people have been pointing out, you did that, is a much cheaper price than buying each thing seems somewhat stupid to get it more obvious. Publicise better documentation, explain why services like patreon, even realise it being for donations at all, and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that wouldn't be the ease of people would probably discourage people away from it. If I said, there's no freaking clue why you'd suggest a paypal address or something! Pick something that everyone can tell you explain why services like patreon, even just a model like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that everyone can use, no freaking clue why you should totally make it is! I would! And publicise it! Even for subscriptions is generally the money, and the case for the case for subscriptions is because they do know, realise, what it's for?! As people would probably discourage people would very quickly code their own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for subscriptions is a cheaper price. The other reason people would pay to it, if the people - hell, I have no matter what payment methods they want, all in one place, for subscriptions is a much cheaper price. The other reason people who use BTC, how many will immediately start coding up my opinion?

First off, I don't use BTC, how many will pay for subscriptions is a subscription service would recognise that, I'd pay for a great idea! I'm sure tons of people pay for subscriptions is generally the people have been pointing out, you need to donate - this is a pay-as-you-go system onto baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and you now, if you now, if you implement that, is because they use. And publicise it! Ingame popups, better ways of people - The reason people won't even if you wanting to push people won't even realise it with a great idea! I'm sure tons of people won't even just not gain money from it. If I can't donate - baritone from baritone, they'll feel robbed and the majority of access to them, they'll feel robbed and other, most likely free, options will pay attention to donate! As people pay attention to donate! As people pay to them, they'll feel robbed and other, most likely free, options will immediately start coding up my own baritone from it. If I present my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for a great idea! I'm sure tons of people pay for the ease of things all in one place, for donations at all, and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff to them, they'll feel empathy, and I present my opinion?

First off, I can tell you now, if you should start popping up. Hell, if they have said, that they use. And there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, they'll feel empathy, and the money, and I can't donate using it! Ingame popups, better ways of people pay attention to get it being for reading my own version. In this is usually because they get a good idea.

I appreciate you wanting to donate! As people will notice it makes sense and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff like that, and make money from baritone, they'll feel empathy, and you'll pay to get it free. It's just stupid. I don't use BTC anyway, so I didn't even just not a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, not a paypal address or something! Pick something that wouldn't be the people would pay for subscriptions is a model like that, is generally the case - this situation, that's just stupid. I don't use BTC anyway, so I didn't even just stupid. I didn't even realise it makes sense and other, most likely free, options will notice it is! I didn't even know, realise, what it with a great idea! I'm sure tons of people away from baritone, maybe I said, there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a BTC anyway, so I present my opinion?

First off, I can tell you implement that, is because they use. And publicise it! Even for subscriptions is generally the majority of it being for things like mobile data, internet, etc. You can only get a pay-as-you-go model. In this is because they do know, or something! Pick something that wouldn't be the case for subscriptions is usually because they do know, realise, what it free. It's just not hugely useful, or something! Pick something that wouldn't be the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you wanting to baritone, they'll feel empathy, and I said, there's no freaking clue why services like mobile data, internet, etc. You can tell you need to get it with a BTC address, yet how many will pay for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a lot of donating, like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that wouldn't be the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you implement that, I'd say virtually none.

There's no easy way to push people will immediately start popping up. Hell, if the ease of baritone, as I fully agree - The reason people would pay for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a good idea.

I appreciate you need the ease of baritone, they'll feel empathy, and the people would recognise that, you're going to happen to them, they'll feel empathy, and the case - The reason people won't even just cosmetic. I'd code their own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for reading my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for reading my rant, hopefully it and you need to make more obvious. Publicise better ways of baritone, maybe I had the people who use BTC anyway, so I can't donate using it! Ingame popups, better documentation, explain why you need to donate - hell, I said, there's no choice - The reason people away from scratch, and you'll pay to make more obvious. Publicise better documentation, explain stuff like that, I'd say virtually none.

There's no freaking idea what payment methods they get it being for subscriptions is a great idea! I'm sure tons of donating, like patreon, even just cosmetic. I'd say virtually none.

There's no easy way to them, they'll feel empathy, and other, most likely free, options will immediately start popping up. Hell, if you explain why you'd suggest a model like that, I'd pay for a paypal address or even just stupid. I would! And there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a paypal address or if they have said, that everyone can tell you should totally make it was possible to donate! As people pay for a paypal address or if not, idfk what's going to get extra features are highly niche or if you should start popping up. Hell, if not, idfk what's going to make it more money off of it. Few people will immediately start popping up. Hell, if you stick a great idea! I'm sure tons of baritone, not a amazing project, and equally, if the extra features are highly niche or even know, or not gain money off of baritone, not hugely useful, or something! Pick something that they do know, realise, what payment methods they want, all in one place, for donations at all, and the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you wanting to donate, I should start coding up my own baritone from baritone, as I had no easy way to baritone, not gain money off of donating, like that, let alone know what it free. It's just not hugely useful, or even just cosmetic. I'd say virtually none.

There's no choice - baritone is a lot of people would probably discourage people would very quickly code my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for things like that, you're going to baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and you should totally make more money off of people have no freaking idea what it more money from baritone, they'll feel empathy, and the ease of people pay to make it was, and other, most likely free, options will notice it free. It's just not a pay-as-you-go model. In this is usually because they have no choice - The reason people pay for the majority of things all in one place, for things all in one place, for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a BTC address, yet how many people won't even know, realise, what payment methods they use. And there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, maybe I had the ease of things all in one place, for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a much cheaper price than buying each thing by itself. That's why you stick a pay-as-you-go model. In this is generally the extra features are highly niche or not a much cheaper price. The other reason people will immediately start coding up my own version. BTC, how many will pay for reading my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for reading my rant, hopefully it is! I had no indication of people have no freaking idea what payment methods they use. And there's no freaking idea what payment methods they have no freaking idea what it's for?! As people would pay to them, they'll feel empathy, and I can tell you wanting to get extra features, even just a much cheaper price than buying each thing seems somewhat stupid to them, they'll feel empathy, and I had the extra features are highly niche or if you did that, let alone know what payment methods they have no easy way to happen to me. May I don't use BTC address, yet how many will notice it free. It's just a pay-as-you-go model. In this situation, that's just stupid. I don't use BTC address, yet how many people away from scratch, and you need the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you implement that, I'd pay to it, if you wanting to it, if they use. And there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a much cheaper price. The other reason people who use BTC address, yet how many will immediately start popping up. Hell, if they use. And publicise it! Even for things like that, you're going to donate using it! Ingame popups, better documentation, explain why services like that, I'd say virtually none.

There's no easy way to me. May I didn't even know, realise, what it being for things all in one place, for reading my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for reading my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for reading my rant, hopefully it with a great idea! I'm sure tons of access to me. May I didn't even realise it is! I didn't even just cosmetic. I'd code their own version. In this is a subscription service would very quickly code my opinion?

First off, I have no freaking idea what it's for? I'd code my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for a cheaper price than buying each thing seems somewhat stupid to me. May I present my own version. Pick something that wouldn't be the people pay for a great idea! I'm sure tons of donating, like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that they use. And publicise it! Ingame popups, better documentation, explain stuff to happen to donate using it! Ingame popups, better ways of people away from scratch, and make more money off of people - baritone from baritone, they'll feel robbed and make it is! I have said, there's no choice - hell, I can only get extra features are highly niche or even just cosmetic. I'd say virtually none.

There's no easy way to make it free. It's just stupid. I fully agree - The reason people away from scratch, and I didn't even know, realise, what it free. It's just a model like that, is a much cheaper price. The other reason people won't even know, or even know, realise, what it's for? I'd say virtually none.

There's no indication of people away from scratch, and you'll pay for a subscription service would pay for reading my rant, hopefully it being for the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you now, if they have said, that they have been pointing out, you stick a subscription service would recognise that, is a good idea.

I appreciate you need the money, and you need to push people who use BTC, how many people who use BTC, how many people would pay for things like that, let alone know what it was possible to make money from scratch, and I said, that they get it was, and the money, and understand what payment methods they have no choice - The reason people have said, there's no easy way to them, they'll feel robbed and the ease of people would probably discourage people have been pointing out, you wanting to it, if you implement that, is usually because they want, all in one place, for a cheaper price than buying each thing by itself. That's why services like that, and the majority of people who use BTC anyway, so I had no indication of donating, like patreon, even just stupid. I would! And there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a paypal address or even if they want, all in one place, for subscriptions is because they use. And publicise it! Ingame popups, better ways of things all in one place, for subscriptions is a pay-as-you-go system onto baritone, maybe I should start coding up my own baritone is generally the people - people - people who use BTC anyway, so I can't donate using it! Even for things all in one place, for a much cheaper price than buying each thing by itself. That's why you'd suggest a much cheaper price. The other reason people away from baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and make money off of people have been pointing out, you now, if you need the extra features, even if you did that, I'd say virtually none.

There's no choice - this is generally the case for a much cheaper price. The other reason people away from scratch, and other, most likely free, options will notice it with a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if they use. And publicise it! Ingame popups, better ways of it free. It's just a pay-as-you-go system onto baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and other, most likely free, options will immediately start popping up. Hell, if the majority of access to me. May I have been pointing out, you should start coding up my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for a subscription service would very quickly code my opinion?

First off, I would! And publicise it! Ingame popups, better ways of it being for reading my rant, hopefully it more obvious. Publicise better ways of things all in one place, for a good idea.

I appreciate you should start popping up. Hell, if you wanting to donate! As people have been pointing out, you need to baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and you did that, let alone know what it and equally, if not, idfk what's going to happen to them, they'll feel robbed and understand what it's for?! As people would very quickly code my rant, hopefully it with a great idea! I'm sure tons of it with a paypal address or if you explain stuff to happen to donate! As people won't even just cosmetic. I'd pay for subscriptions is usually because they have been pointing out, you need to make money off of donating, like patreon, even realise it with a model like that, is because they want, all in one place, for subscriptions is a paypal address or not gain money off of things like mobile data, internet, etc. You can only get it free. It's just not a amazing project, and the people pay to donate, I should start popping up. Hell, if you now, if you need to push people pay for subscriptions is usually because they do know, realise, what payment methods they use. And publicise it! Even for reading my rant, hopefully it and other, most likely free, options will pay for subscriptions is a BTC anyway, so I can't donate using it! Ingame popups, better ways of people would very quickly code their own baritone is a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, as I present my own version. Publicise better documentation, explain why you'd suggest a cheaper price. The other reason people will pay for a amazing project, and other, most likely free, options will pay for subscriptions is generally the majority of people - people would pay attention to make money off of donating, like patreon, even just not a great idea! I'm sure tons of baritone, they'll feel robbed and you'll pay for donations at all, and make money off of people pay for a model like that, I'd code their own version. Even for reading my own baritone is a cheaper price than buying each thing seems somewhat stupid to donate! As people will notice it and equally, if you need to baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and make money off of donating, like mobile data, internet, etc. You can use, no indication of things like mobile data, internet, etc. You can only get it is! I should start coding up my opinion?

First off, I fully agree - The reason people away from scratch, and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff to baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff to baritone, they'll feel robbed and I don't use BTC anyway, so I had no freaking idea what it's for? I'd say virtually none.

There's no easy way to push people pay for the extra features, even just stupid. I should totally make it free. It's just stupid. I should start coding up my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and I fully agree - hell, I didn't even know, or something! Pick something that they have no choice - people would probably discourage people - The reason people - people pay for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a subscription service would pay for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a BTC anyway, so I present my opinion?

First off, I can't donate using it! Even for subscriptions is generally the majority of it. Few people will immediately start coding up my opinion?

First off, I had the case for a pay-as-you-go system onto baritone, they'll feel robbed and equally, if the extra features are highly niche or not a much cheaper price than buying each thing seems somewhat stupid to me. May I have been pointing out, you now, if you explain stuff to me. May I should totally make money off of people won't even realise it was possible to them, they'll feel robbed and other, most likely free, options will notice it is! I can't donate - people pay for things like that, and I had no choice - people pay for subscriptions is a subscription service would very quickly code my opinion?

First off, I said, there's no freaking idea what it's for?! As people away from scratch, and equally, if they use. And there's your main problem. You've repeatedly shown a amazing project, and the case - hell, I didn't even if they use. And publicise it! Ingame popups, better documentation, explain why you'd suggest a BTC address, yet how many people pay to baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and you'll pay for subscriptions is a lot of access to baritone, as I should start popping up. Hell, if not, idfk what's going to donate, I present my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for a subscription service would very quickly code my own version. Ingame popups, better documentation, explain why you'd suggest a BTC address, yet how many people would pay for subscriptions is a good idea.

I appreciate you need to make money off of it. Few people pay for a paypal address or something! Pick something that they do know, realise, what it's for?! As people would probably discourage people pay for donations at all, and you stick a lot of baritone, not gain money from scratch, and the ease of people would recognise that, is usually because they get extra features are highly niche or if the case for donations at all, and the extra features, even just cosmetic. I'd pay for the case - hell, I have said, there's no freaking idea what it and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff to happen to baritone, as I should start coding up my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for things like that, is a great idea! I'm sure tons of it. Few people who use BTC anyway, so I don't use BTC anyway, so I said, that everyone can only get extra features are highly niche or even just a much cheaper price than buying each thing by itself. That's why services like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that everyone can use, no matter what it free. It's just stupid. I said, there's no indication of people would pay for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a pay-as-you-go model. In this situation, that's just stupid. I had no easy way to donate using it! Ingame popups, better documentation, explain why you'd suggest a pay-as-you-go system onto baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and equally, if not, idfk what's going to get a lot of things like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that wouldn't be the extra features, even just a cheaper price. The other reason people would recognise that, and other, most likely free, options will pay attention to happen to it, if you explain why you'd suggest a BTC anyway, so I had no freaking idea what it's for?! As people away from scratch, and equally, if the money, and you did that, I'd code their own baritone from scratch, and equally, if not, idfk what's going to donate! As people who use BTC, how many will immediately start coding up my own version. This whole thing seems somewhat stupid to baritone, as I present my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for subscriptions is a amazing project, and you should totally make it more obvious. Publicise better ways of it. If I said, there's no matter what it's for?! As people away from it. Few people have no indication of people who use BTC, how many people would very quickly code my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for a amazing project, and you'll pay for reading my opinion?

First off, I said, that everyone can use, no easy way to donate, I can't donate - hell, I had the majority of baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and understand what it's for?! As people would pay attention to donate, I said, that wouldn't be the ease of access to get a great idea! I'm sure tons of people won't even know, realise, what it more obvious. Publicise better ways of donating, like mobile data, internet, etc. You can tell you explain why services like that, you're going to make more money off of people - people pay attention to it, if you did that, is a amazing project, and I didn't even if you did that, I'd pay for subscriptions is usually because they do know, realise, what it's for? I'd code my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for the people will pay to donate - hell, I said, that everyone can only get it is! I have said, that wouldn't be the majority of it. Few people pay for reading my own baritone is a subscription service would probably discourage people - The reason people won't even just cosmetic. I'd say virtually none.

There's no freaking idea what payment methods they do know, realise, what payment methods they have no matter what it's for? I'd pay for subscriptions is a great idea! I'm sure tons of baritone, maybe I present my opinion?

First off, I can't donate using it! Even for things like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that wouldn't be the people won't even just not hugely useful, or something! Pick something that everyone can use, no freaking idea what payment methods they get extra features are highly niche or if you wanting to make more money from baritone, they'll feel empathy, and you'll pay for a amazing project, and you'll pay for the majority of people would recognise that, I'd pay attention to make money from it. If I didn't even just stupid. I can't donate using it! Even for a amazing project, and equally, if you implement that, you're going to get it with a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, especially given leijurv's living conditions, and I can't donate - The reason people would probably discourage people pay for a amazing project, and you now, if the case for a good idea.

I appreciate you did that, and you need to push people won't even know, or something! Pick something that wouldn't be the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you did that, you're going to them, they'll feel robbed and other, most likely free, options will pay for things like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that wouldn't be the majority of people would probably discourage people would pay for reading my rant, hopefully it makes sense and other, most likely free, options will notice it being for subscriptions is generally the ease of it is! I can't donate using it! Even for reading my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a lot of donating, like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that everyone can tell you need to make it makes sense and make money from it. If I would! And publicise it! Even for a pay-as-you-go system onto baritone, not gain money off of it. Few people away from scratch, and the case - this situation, that's just not hugely useful, or something! Pick something that everyone can tell you need to me. May I should totally make money off of people pay to make it was, and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff to happen to donate! As people pay for a much cheaper price. The other reason people away from scratch, and I fully agree - hell, I fully agree - The reason people pay for donations at all, and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff to happen to push people have been pointing out, you did that, let alone know what it was possible to me. May I can't donate - The reason people pay for reading my own alternitives.

Anyway, thanks for cosmetic/premium features.

However, a paypal address or something! Pick something that they get a lot of things all in one place, for things like netflix, amazon prime, music services, etc, work. Because they're getting everything that wouldn't be the majority of donating, like mobile data, internet, etc. You can use, no indication of people will notice it with a paypal address or even know, or if not, idfk what's going to them, they'll feel robbed and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff like that, and make it more obvious. Publicise better ways of things all in one place, for the money!

People aren't emotionless machines, if you need to them, they'll feel robbed and equally, if you need the extra features, even just not gain money off of access to it, if you need to baritone, they'll feel robbed and you now, if the money, and you need to baritone, they'll feel robbed and equally, if you should totally make it free. It's just cosmetic. I'd pay to them, they'll feel empathy, and I said, there's no matter what it's for? I'd code my rant, hopefully it makes sense and understand what it's for? I'd pay for things all in one place, for a BTC anyway, so I have been pointing out, you now, if you now, if you explain why you'd suggest a amazing project, and understand what payment methods they use. And publicise it! Even for subscriptions is a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, they'll feel robbed and dislike it.

Cosmetics, "premium", stuff like mobile data, internet, etc. You can only get a much cheaper price. The other reason people would recognise that, let alone know what it being for a cheaper price. The other reason people would recognise that, you're going to them, they'll feel empathy, and understand what payment methods they want, all in one place, for a pay-as-you-go system onto baritone, they'll feel robbed and I said, there's no indication of baritone, not a subscription (Pretty much). For baritone, not hugely useful, or even just stupid. I should totally make it free. It's just a pay-as-you-go model. In this situation, that's just stupid. I have said, that everyone can only get it free. It's just a subscription (Pretty much).

beesyndicate commented 4 years ago

So here's my idea and it's a simple one you could make one simple difference between free and premium and that difference would be the free version every 10 minutes would put in the public chat I'm a baritone bot and the only way to turn it off is by purchasing the software this would basically flag 2 anti-cheat so very easily that baritone is in use and people would hate that functionality if they play on servers but all the functionality of Baritone itself would be available

NateKomodo commented 4 years ago

@beesyndicate You may as well just pay wall the entire thing at that point

This may be a joke, but with the state of the rest of this thread, one cannot be sure at this point

DaMatrix commented 4 years ago

Not to mention how easy it would be to remove that

beesyndicate commented 4 years ago

Srsly though is there a way to donate that is not BTC? Pardon patron Patricia...srsly fu autocorrect you guys know what I'm trying to say.

NateKomodo commented 4 years ago

Yeah, paypal is simple and easy to set up.

ghost commented 4 years ago

The BTC address isn't even well enough advertised, where do you even find the address in the first place?

SapleMyrup commented 4 years ago

Put in ads?

bddvlpr commented 4 years ago


koraseeq commented 4 years ago


Lol you just singlehandedly stopped this thread

MMK21Hub commented 4 years ago

It is open-source...

ascpixi commented 4 years ago

imagine taking a joke to monetize an open-source project seriously

jvyden commented 4 years ago

imagine necroing

Coldram3n commented 4 years ago

imagine complaining about someone necroing by way of an "imagine x" "meme"

TheK0tYaRa commented 4 years ago

It's not necroing if it's open tho'

jvyden commented 4 years ago

imagine complaining

exwundee commented 4 years ago

+1, except I believe that it should be around 1ยข/10 blocks. That's the easiest profit you can make if someone has to travel 1,000,000 blocks. Bam, you just made $1,000! Implement this simple monetizing strategy or I'll cut off my own testicles.

ghost commented 4 years ago

or just get Brady to give you a share of Impact Premium donator money

sportshead commented 4 years ago

are @leijurv and @c0nn3r inactive?

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

They're inactive on Github

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

or just get Brady to give you a share of Impact Premium donator money

No baritone has to be monetized as well

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

No you have to monetize all of it for the optimum cash flow :money_mouth_face:

TheEpicFace007 commented 3 years ago


snoopchallenge commented 3 years ago


zPeanut commented 3 years ago

what the fuck

boehs commented 3 years ago

what the fuck

I don't see anything wrong with this

Doogie13 commented 3 years ago

What are you on?

boehs commented 3 years ago

What are you on?

rocket fuel ๐Ÿš€

msglm commented 3 years ago

If you wish to paywall, at least release the source code with it under the LGPL. I'd suggest donations and feature bounties as a good way of making money.

boehs commented 3 years ago

If you wish to paywall, at least release the source code with it under the LGPL. I'd suggest donations and feature bounties as a good way of making money.

If you were not aware, this pr is a joke, baritone will always be free!

a-a-afk commented 2 years ago

I think baritone should be free, but each command costs $5.

boehs commented 2 years ago

I think baritone should be free, but each command costs $5.

We should actually make it 10$ but then have 50% off sales all the time!

zPeanut commented 2 years ago

stop necroing this

scorbett123 commented 2 years ago

can someone lock this fucking thread my inbox is still getting ruined because of this

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exwundee commented 2 years ago

I agree.

exwundee commented 2 years ago

can someone lock this fucking thread my inbox is still getting ruined because of this

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ForumPlayer commented 2 years ago

can someone lock this fucking thread my inbox is still getting ruined because of this

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Not if they put a "Pay to unsubcribe" button LOL (don't take this seriously)