LOBE is a recording client made specifically for TTS data collections. It supports multiple collections, single and multi-speaker, and can prompt sentences based on phonetic coverage.
Other system requirements (installed via apt):
Install Python requirements using pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a Postgres database. Relevant parameters need to be supplied to the flask via the setting files at settings/development.py
or settings/production.py
Spin up a simple development server using ./dev.sh
to use avconc
instead of ffmpeg
Start by creating a databese and a user:
# Log in as postgres user
sudo -u postgres -i
# Create role for lobe and select password
createuser lobe --pwprompt
# Create lobe database with the new user as owner
createdb lobe --owner=lobe
Remember to change settings/development.py accordingly. Replace all the values in \<BRACKETS> with the postgres information you created just now.
Finally run python manage.py db upgrade
To add defaults to the database run:
python manage.py add_default_roles
python manage.py add_default_configuration
Create a super user with python manage.py add_user
Create a new database.
Create a database dump of the previous database
Migrate the schema to the new database
python3 manage.py db upgrade
If that didn't work the following is perhaps helpful
If that didn't work, try this
pg_dump -U <user> -Fc '<old_db_name>' > <old_db_name>.dump
pg_restore -U <user> --data-only -d <new_db_name> -t <table> <old_db_name>.dump