caewok / fvtt-elevated-vision

Adjust Foundry VTT vision, lighting, and token elevations based on terrain, wall, or token elevation.
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How do i make my module compatible #81

Open Saibot393 opened 10 months ago

Saibot393 commented 10 months ago

Hello, i was just informed, that a module of mine is not compatible with Elevated Vision. So far the problem seems to be the "ClockwiseSweepPolygon.prototype._testWallInclusion" function. My module adds an additional condition to this (similar to the Wall-Height module). I tried to look through your code but was so far not successful at finding the way Wall-Height is made compatible, so i could not replicate it. What would be the preferred way to ensure compatibility with Elevated Vision while adding a condition to the "_testWallInclusion" function?

caewok commented 10 months ago

Which module of yours has the issue?

Saibot393 commented 10 months ago

The module is question is perceptive more precisely this code

caewok commented 10 months ago

Short term at least, I am not going to be able to use the default _testWallInclusion. This is because I need the walls that would be included absent Wall Height, and I have no good way to get at that without just using a copy of the original function.

There might be an easy solution for you, though. If you export PeekingManager to a public-facing API, I can use that to call PeekingManager.IgnoreWall. One common way for modules to expose their API is like what I do here. So on your end, you would want something like:

Hooks.once("init", function() {
  game.modules.get(MODULE_ID).api = {  PeekingManager }; 

Then on my end, I could call something like:

const PeekingManager = game.modules.get("perceptive").api.PeekingManager;
PeekingManager.IgnoreWall(wallDoc, objectDoc);
Saibot393 commented 10 months ago

Thank you, i have added api for that in the newest update, the code for it looks like this: game.modules.get("perceptive").api.IgnoreWall(pWallDoc, pTokenDoc)

caewok commented 9 months ago

I made a change in v0.5.11 that incorporates your api when selecting walls for a VisionSource. Let me know if that helps!

Saibot393 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the work, i did a few tests and it almost works. While tokens are visible trough the peeked walls, as intended, the walls shadow doesn't update correctly i.e. the wall still casts a shadow. I dug through your code and found a way to solve this problem by adding this code into the _includeWall function in SouceShadowWallGeometry.js (lines 211-220, before the original return):

const IgnoreWall = game.modules.get("perceptive")?.api?.IgnoreWall;

if (IgnoreWall) {
    const token = this.source?.object;

    if (token) {
        return this.source._testWallInclusion(wall, PIXI.Point.fromObject(this.source)) && !IgnoreWall(wall.document, token.document);

This still leaves one problem though, since shadows only seem to update correctly once a token moves, i would guess that i would have to update the vision source on my end. Normally token.updateVisionSource(); should surfice here, i guess you wrote a kind of custom vision update for the wall shadows?

caewok commented 6 months ago

Try token.renderFlags.set({refreshVisibility: true}) or token.renderFlags.set({refresh: true}). My vision update should work but you might have to update the other tokens. Moving a token triggers vision updates for everyone.

Saibot393 commented 6 months ago

Thank you, will try it