cafehaine / de_showcase

Showcase Linux Desktop Environments
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 0 forks source link
arch-linux archlinux desktop-environment python python3 vagrant vagrantfile

# de_showcase: Desktop Environment Showcase

Captures taken by DE Showcase

What is DE Showcase?

Desktop Environment Showcase is a small project meant to create screenshot of 'stock' configurations of most Linux desktop environments.

It is based on an Arch Linux Vagrant box, and some python scripts to automate the setup and startup of each desktop environment.

I've built this since those UIs tend to change regularly, but I'm too lazy to create VMs to try those out regularly, so creating screenshots of the desktop is a good compromise in my opinion.

What DE am I planning to support?

All the DEs that are listed as 'Officially supported' on the ArchWiki, but also some window managers (i3, sway…):

Desktop Environments: - [ ] XFCE4 - [ ] snakeware desktop - [ ] SharpEnviro - [ ] eXtern-OS desktop - [ ] Durden desktop environment for the [Arcan]( Display Server - [ ] Regolith Desktop Environment - [ ] jappeOsDesktop - [ ] CutefishOS - [ ] VIM-OS(Desktop environment based on VIM only) - [ ] NightOS(Desktop environment NightOS) - [ ] Draco Desktop Environment - [ ] fynedesk(desktop environment for fynedesk-os) - [ ] Nadva(official desktop environment AvdanOS) - [ ] lumina - [ ] jde(some desktop environment in manjaro) - [ ] Cosmic(popOS) - [ ] NeXTSTEP - [ ] Desktop environment for Wayland - [ ] MoonLightDE - [ ] mapeo-desktop - [ ] daedalOS - [ ] Jade - [ ] Unity - [ ] Phosh core - [ ] Abanu(Desktop Environment for Windows and Linux) - [ ] Pantheon - [ ] TOS Desktop Environment - [ ] Trinity Desktop Environment - [ ] Laniakea Desktop Environment - [ ] AtomOS Desktop Environment - [x] Budgie - [x] Cinnamon - [x] Deepin - [ ] **WIP** Enlightenment (need to proceed through setup wizard) - [x] GNOME - [x] GNOME Flashback - [x] KDE Plasma - [x] LXDE (gtk3 version) - [x] LXQt - [x] MATE - [ ] **WIP** Sugar (need to proceed through setup wizard) - [x] UKUI - [x] Xfce
Window managers - [x] i3 - [x] sway - [ ] Awesome WM - [ ] DWM - [ ] Xmonad - [ ] ibis - [ ] bspwm - [ ] XtermWM - [ ] 9wm - [ ] dynamic desktop environment - [ ] IceWM - [ ] Spectrwm - [ ] Openbox - [ ] Fluxbox - [ ] herbstluftwm

I'm open to adding more environments to this list, if it's not too hard to setup on Arch Linux.

How to generate the .preview.png file?

After running vagrant up to generate all screenshots, run the following image magick command:

montage -geometry 320x240+10+10 -shadow -background none screenshots/*.png .preview.png

