cagdasbak / dynamicsaliency

Spatio-Temporal Saliency Networks for Dynamic Saliency Prediction
11 stars 4 forks source link

It seems like that the modelfile is not complete? #2

Open zhangqizky opened 6 years ago

zhangqizky commented 6 years ago

Hello, cagdasbak, It's very nice of you to released your model, I am very intersted in it, and I try to test with the model you provide, but caffe gives the error: falied to prase Netparameter file Is it sure that the model(STSConVnet.caffemodel) is 152.82M?? If you noticed this Issues, hope you can reply. Best Wish~~

DuanHuiyu commented 6 years ago

The same problem with upstairs, is there any solution?

snlee81 commented 5 years ago

Wow...the code doesn't work? Hmm...How can you run this then? Any solutions?

zhangqizky commented 4 years ago

No idea...