# Pulls down portland building footprints, addresses, election precincts and existing
# OSM building data and imports the data into the pdx_osm database
script/bootstrap -d pdx_osm
# Runs all the required alterations that prepares all addresses and buildings
# for OSM import.
script/finalize -d pdx_osm
# Exports buildings in all precincts or the supplied precinct to an OSM file reacy
# for validation in JOSM
script/export -d pdx_osm [-p PRECINCT_NUMBER]
Never rename properties or change values during a bootstrap operation. There are two exceptions. You should transform all geometry data to EPSG:4326, and you can filter which properties are retained. However, you should never exclude records from raw data during the import/download process.
For instance, if data contains name, address and type, it's ok to include only name and type in the resulting file, but you shouldn't remove records with type=school and you shouldn't alter the data to change things like St. to Street. These transformations will take place later on.
Without the fantastic work of the projects that come before this and the effort of those involved, this project would not exist. They were a great source of inspiration and invaluable resources.