cagnulein / QZCompanionNordictrackTreadmill

Companion App of QZ for Nordictrack Treadmills and Bikes
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
44 stars 12 forks source link

License question #23

Closed IzzySoft closed 1 year ago

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

First thanks for making your app available openly and freely! May I ask which license it falls under? I couldn't find any details in the repo here. If you didn't decide yet, I suggest checking with SPDX for a fitting one approved by OSI/FSF.

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

Hi @IzzySoft , yes i didn't decide yet :) Also i'm planning to add this project also directly built in qz via this pr

Anyway I will keep your suggestion in mind! Thanks :)

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your fast response! Good to know you have it on your list :smiley: Please let me know once you've decided, so I can add your app to my repo, to make it easier to find, install and keep updated – without the need of any walled gardens.

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

Sure, thanks!

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

No pressure, just a heads-up: any chance for a decision in the nearFuture™? :smiley:

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

you're right, i didn't check the license terms yet. please keep me pinged on this :)

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Will do. Shall I, to give you some incentive, shorten the interval between the pings each time? :see_no_evil: :dash:

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

@IzzySoft probably will be one, what do you think?

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Totally fine, yes! If a server component is affected and you want to prevent some "big tech" from "consuming" (think "?aaS"), maybe AGPL instead (only difference is AFAIR that AGPL requires to publish changes even if you just use them with a "service"). But if that doesn't matter, your choice sounds excellent!

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

thanks @IzzySoft so AGPL would be better! In order to "use" it, i just need to put the license file in the root of the project? sorry but i'm completely out of the license world, i'm just writing code :)

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

That's basically the thing, yes. Especially as long as you are the sole contributor (you then could even change the license any time, affecting the code from that point on but not before). Only if you had other contributors and want to change the license, you'd technically need to ask each of them if they agree – as they agreed to the terms at the time of their contributions.

So far for "legal" – for "technical" it should suffice to add the file to the root of your project, giving it the name LICENSE (Github should then detect it fine). It's quite common to also reference it from the header of each code file (a la "under the terms of the AGPL, see the LICENSE file in the project root" or similar) – but that's no strict requirement. To make clear you mean "or-later", pick the corresponding phrase in your Readme (see the "standard license header" at the end of Without that it'd be "AGPL-3.0-only" – depends on your preference (personally, I always choose "only" as I don't like to bind myself to something I couldn't read before signing :wink:).

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

thanks @IzzySoft ! @victorypoint as co parent of this project, are you ok with this?

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

@IzzySoft ok I guess I did this right

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

If it shall be AGPL-3.0-only it looks perfect, yes – thanks a lot!

A few short questions: Did I understand correctly your app is going to be installed on the mill – and there's another app to be used as "counter-part" on the smartphone/tablet? Is the latter also available open-source – and are there some screenshots (and a dedicated icon) for your app? And last but not least: could I install "any" Android app on such a thread mill?

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

If it shall be AGPL-3.0-only it looks perfect, yes – thanks a lot!

yes :)

A few short questions: Did I understand correctly your app is going to be installed on the mill


– and there's another app to be used as "counter-part" on the smartphone/tablet?


Is the latter also available open-source – and are there some screenshots (and a dedicated icon) for your app?

yes also open source

And last but not least: could I install "any" Android app on such a thread mill?

as far as i know yes, but on this i will leave the microphone to @victorypoint

also @IzzySoft a question for you: how can the user download this apk from your repository? do you have have a quick howto?

are you updating the apk automatically?

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Phantastic all! Let me go top-down:

victorypoint commented 1 year ago

And last but not least: could I install "any" Android app on such a thread mill?

as far as i know yes, but on this i will leave the microphone to @victorypoint

Technically yes if you can access the treadmill OS and/or ADB shell. User support and possibly warranty will likely be void if the machine OS fails and can't be recovered or reset.

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

warranty will likely be void

well, wouldn't that already apply when installing this very companion here? But yes, usual disclaimer: "Dragons here!" :wink:

That said: Do you want me to open an issue with the smartphone/tablet pendant for future releases, tags, versionName etc? This one here has been successfully solved and can be closed I guess.

cagnulein commented 1 year ago

Do you want me to open an issue with the smartphone/tablet pendant for future releases, tags, versionName etc?

yes sure! please go on!

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Done, thanks!