cagnulein / QZCompanionNordictrackTreadmill

Companion App of QZ for Nordictrack Treadmills and Bikes
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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android bike bluetooth ifit norditctrack proform treadmill wifi zwift


Companion App of QZ for Nordictrack Treadmills & Bikes


QZ-Companion Installation

Authors: Al Udell and Roberto Viola

Updated: December 15, 2022

QZ and QZ Companion software development: Roberto Viola

QZ on Facebook -

Watch the accompanying Youtube video below for a quick overview of this guide.

Companion App of QZ for Nordictrack Treadmills & Bikes

Technical Overview: The QZ Companion app, when installed on your NordicTrack treadmill or bike, communicates live speed and inclination to the QZ app running on another device (e.g. Windows PC or laptop, Android phone or tablet, or iOS iPhone or iPad). QZ then communicates this information to Zwift running on a 3rd device (e.g. Windows PC or laptop, Android phone or tablet, or iOS iPhone or iPad). A 2nd device could be used to run both QZ and Zwift, eliminating the need for a 3rd device, as long as QZ runs in the background while Zwift runs in the foreground.

New Feature: QZ Companion now works with QZ to control the incline of your treadmill (auto-incline), and speed as well (auto-speed), or in the case of a bike, it automatically controls incline and resistance. For example, you can choose to have Zwift control your treadmill or bike incline as you run or cycle through virtual worlds; choose to have QZ make speed (or resistance) and incline changes as you progress through a Zwift workout, or, you can choose to load a GPX file in QZ and have the treadmill or bike follow the incline recorded in the file.

Disclaimer: We have tested this solution on several models of NordicTrack and Pro-Form treadmills and bikes and many are supported now. We began development on a NordicTrack Commercial 2950 (2021 model) treadmill with a built-in 22" touchscreen. Note that this solution should work on any iFit-enabled/iFit-embedded NordicTrack or Pro-Form treadmill or bike with built-in Android tablet. Refer to and for available models. We are constantly adding QZ Companion support for more iFit-enabled/iFit-embedded NordicTrack and Pro-Form treadmills and bikes and will update this document as models are tested and confirmed to work.

Important: Please let us know if you get QZ Companion to work on your treadmill or bike so we can add it to the list of compatible machines.

A picture containing sport, exercise device Description automatically

NordicTrack Commercial 2950 (2021 model)

About QZ Companion:

About QZ (QZ Fitness):

About iFit: To workout in Zwift, you will need to logon to iFit on your treadmill in order to use manual mode. However, you do not need an iFit subscription to use the treadmills manual mode.

Installation Instructions:

QZ Companion can be installed in one of two ways. Both methods make no changes to the underlying Android or iFit structure and can be easily removed via an uninstall script or by doing a treadmill or bike factory reset.

Note: The first install method is strongly recommended if you can get an ADB connection established between a Windows PC and your treadmill or bike. The second method is provided for those who cannot get an ADB connection established, but is harder to troubleshoot if you encounter problems.

If you have USB debugging mode enabled and know your treadmill or bikes IP, you can skip to step 4.

  1. Factory reset the treadmill or bike. It is highly recommended that you factory reset your treadmill or bike before continuing. For example, a reset is performed on a NT C2950 treadmill by pressing in and holding the pinhole style reset button on in the left-side on the console while simultaneously turning on the treadmill with the power switch. I use a paper-clip to push the reset button in. The reset button must be released after 10 seconds of turning the treadmill on. Unfortunately, the reset button and power switch are far apart and may require two people to coordinate the reset. After the 10 second reset, the console will display the reset and progress animation. The reset usually takes about 5 -7 minutes on this treadmill. When it is done, iFit will prompt you do login and select your Wifi network. Note that reset may be done by pinhole or within the iFit settings, or some other way on your machine. Refer to your user manual to find out how.

  2. Enable Privileged mode. When you see the main iFit dashboard screen, tap on an area of white that doesn't activate anything (e.g. the top of the screen) 10 times, count 7 seconds, then tap on the same spot 10 more times. If done correctly, you will see the Privileged mode activation screen. Open the website and enter the first 6-digit code you see on your treadmill screen and click Submit. The website will provide a response code which you will enter in the treadmill or bike console via the onscreen keyboard. If done correctly, a message at the bottom of the screen appears confirming privileged mode is enabled, and the Android desktop will appear.

  3. Enable USB debugging. From the treadmill or bikes Android desktop, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the installed apps screen. Select Settings, System, Advanced settings, and About tablet. Take note of the treadmill or bikes IP address (e.g., and also look for the Build number. Tap on the Build number 7 times. You will get a message at the bottom of the screen confirming Developer options is unlocked. Next, select the back button/arrow to return to the previous Advanced settings screen. Select Developer options and look for USB Debugging -- turn it on. Select Ok when the 'Enable USB debugging' prompt appears.

Graphical user interface, text Description automatically generated
with medium confidence Enable USB Debugging on your treadmill

QZ Companion Installation Method 1: Over Wifi via an ADB script run from a Windows PC or Mac. Choose this method if you can successfully establish an ADB connection between treadmill and Windows PC.

  1. Install the QZ Companion app on your treadmill or bike. Download the QZ Companion installation package from this Github repository and extract it to your computer.

    If you are using a Windows PC: Go into the extracted folder, open the folder InstallPackage and run qz-companion.bat by either double-clicking it or running it from the command-line.

    If you are using a Mac: Go into the extracted folder and open the folder InstallPackage. Right click the file QZ-Companion-MacOS and select open OR navigate to this folder in Terminal and enter ./QZ-Companion-MacOS Important note: Double clicking this file will cause MacOS to throw a security warning, you must use one of the methods above.

    When prompted to enter the treadmill or bikes IP address, enter the same IP as noted in previous Step 3 and hit enter. The script will ping the IP address first to ensure it is reachable on the network, then proceed to open an ADB connection and install the QZ Companion app. When completed, the script will prompt you to press any key to reboot the treadmill or bike.

    Once rebooted, you will have iFit running in the foreground and QZ Companion running in the background. You need to bring QZ Companion to the foreground for a one-time setup. You should still have access to the Android system by swiping up from the bottom of the screen to see the Android navigation bar. If you don't see the navigation bar, you will need to enable Privileged mode again (see Step #3 above), however Privileged mode should be permanently enabled as part of the QZ-Companion.bat or QZ-Companion-MacOS installation script. The Android navigation bar displays 3 navigation controls: Back, Home, and App Overview. Hit the App Overview button and swipe over to QZ Companion. In the QZ Companion screen, select your specific exercise machine (e.g. "NordicTrack C2950"). Once again, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the Android navigation bar, select App Overview, and swipe over to iFit. Note that in some cases, you may need to reboot your treadmill or bike once more for the QZ Companion selection to work.

    Next, proceed to login to iFit. At this point, QZ Companion is running in the background and is ready to transmit treadmill speed (or resistance) and incline data to QZ.

    If it reads all 0's, try going to the treadmill's Settings > Apps > QZ Companion app > Permissions, and enabling all permissions.

Run QZ-Companion.bat or QZ-Companion-MacOS script on a WiFi connected computer

QZ Installation Method 2: Via the treadmill or bikes build-in web browser.

  1. To install the QZ Companion app on your treadmill or bike via the treadmill built-in web browser, you must first enable Privileged mode from the main iFit dashboard screen - see Step #3 above. Note that there is no need to enable USB debugging for this method. Next, from the treadmills Android desktop, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the installed apps screen. Select Browser.

1 - browser Open the treadmill or bikes build-in web browser

2 - apk downloaded QZ Companion APK downloaded

3 - unknown app 4 - allow from this source 5 - install confirmation 6 - app installed QZ Companion APK installation screens

onscreen-controls NT C2950 screen with onscreen speed and incline sliders enabled

Now that QZ Companion is installed and running on your treadmill or bike, it’s time to configure QZ to communicate with QZ Companion.

  1. Configure QZ to communicate with QZ Companion. On your 2nd QZ device (Windows PC or laptop, Android phone or tablet, or iOS iPhone or iPad), open QZ and go to Settings. Expand Treadmill or Bike Options, Proform/NordicTrack Options, choose your treadmill or bike from the dropdown and enter the treadmill or bikes IP address under NordicTrack 2950 IP and hit OK. Exit and relaunch QZ to activate the change. If done correctly, QZ will display live data tiles to indicate it is communicating directly with QZ Companion on the treadmill or bike. Next in QZ, expand Experimental Features and turn on Enable Virtual Device, Virtual Device Bluetooth, and Wahoo Direct Connect. Exit and relaunch QZ again to activate the changes. Wahoo direct connect will now transmit the treadmills speed (or bike resistance) and incline data to Zwift via Bluetooth.

Enter your treadmill or bike IP address in QZ

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically

Turn on Enable Virtual Device, Virtual Device Bluetooth in QZ

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically
generated Turn on Wahoo Direct Connect in QZ

  1. Start an iFit manual workout to confirm QZ Companion communication. From the main iFit dashboard screen on your treadmill or bike, select Manual workout. QZ Companion will immediately begin to transmit live speed (or bike resistance) and incline changes to QZ which will display in the live data tiles. At this point, you can take advantage of the many features of QZ while working out or simply use it to transmit data to Zwift.

QZ receiving live speed and incline from QZ Companion

  1. Finally, launch and configure Zwift to use the QZ Bluetooth device. Now that QZ is receiving live treadmill data from QZ Companion, Zwift can be configured to receive this data from QZ over Bluetooth. At the Zwift Paired Devices screen, under treadmill Run Speed, search and select Wahoo Tread device (this is QZ). Optionally select your Heart Rate and Cadence devices and proceed to start a Zwift workout. Zwift will receive live speed and incline data from your treadmill or bike via QZ and QZ Companion data link.

Select Wahoo Tread device as Run Device in Zwift

Graphical user interface Description automatically
generated Start a Zwift workout and control speed from your treadmill or bike

The QZ Companion installation package ( contains:
