cagritopall / earhquake-early-warning

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include "VoiceRecognitionV3.h"

Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified accel = Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified(12345); Servo servoMotor; int xpin = A1; int ypin = A2; int zpin = A3; int xvalue; int yvalue; int zvalue; // Variables for calibration float xOffset = 0.0; float yOffset = 0.0; float zOffset = 0.0; // Buzzer setup int buzzerPin = 8; // Servo setup int servoPin = 10; int servoStartPosition = 90; int servoRotation = 90; // Relay setup const int relayPin = 4; // Voice Recognition setup VR myVR(2, 3); // 2:RX, 3:TX

define onRecord (0)

define offRecord (1)

// Threshold for acceleration float threshold = 1.5; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize ADXL345 if (!accel.begin()) { Serial.println("Could not find a valid ADXL345 sensor, check wiring!"); while (1); } // Calibrate the accelerometer calibrate(); // Set up pins pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); // Initial state: Relay is off // Attach servo to its pin servoMotor.attach(servoPin); servoMotor.write(servoStartPosition); // Initialize Voice Recognition myVR.begin(9600); if (myVR.clear() == 0) { Serial.println("Recognizer cleared."); } else { Serial.println("Not find VoiceRecognitionModule."); Serial.println("Please check connection and restart Arduino."); while (1); } if (myVR.load((uint8_t)onRecord) >= 0) { Serial.println("onRecord loaded"); } if (myVR.load((uint8_t)offRecord) >= 0) { Serial.println("offRecord loaded"); 59 } } void loop() { uint8_t buf[64]; // Declare the buf variable here // Read and process ADXL335 values xvalue = analogRead(xpin); int x = map(xvalue, 253, 382, -100, 100); float xg = (float)x / (-100.00); Serial.print(xg); Serial.print("g "); yvalue = analogRead(ypin); int y = map(yvalue, 250, 380, -100, 100); float yg = (float)y / (-100.00); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(yg); Serial.print("g "); zvalue = analogRead(zpin); int z = map(zvalue, 266, 393, -100, 100); float zg = (float)z / 100.00; Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(zg); Serial.print("g "); // Read and process ADXL345 values sensors_event_t event; accel.getEvent(&event); // Apply calibration offsets event.acceleration.x -= xOffset; event.acceleration.y -= yOffset; event.acceleration.z -= zOffset; // Print the calibrated acceleration values Serial.print("Calibrated Acceleration (m/s^2): X = "); Serial.print(event.acceleration.x); 61 Serial.print(", Y = "); Serial.print(event.acceleration.y); Serial.print(", Z = "); Serial.println(event.acceleration.z); // Check if both X and Y accelerations exceed the threshold if (abs(event.acceleration.x) > threshold && abs(event.acceleration.y) > threshold) { // Activate the buzzer and relay digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); // Open the relay circuit delay(5000); // Wait for 5 seconds digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); // Rotate the servo motor 180 degrees anticlockwise servoMotor.write(0); // Rotate to 0 degrees (180 degrees anticlockwise) delay(1000); // Wait for the servo to move // Rotate the servo back to the initial position servoMotor.write(servoStartPosition); } // Voice Recognition int ret; ret = myVR.recognize(buf, 50); if (ret > 0) { switch (buf[1]) { case onRecord: // Turn on the buzzer digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(5000); // Add a delay for the buzzer sound digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); break; case offRecord: // Turn off the buzzer digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); delay(200); // Add a different delay for the off sound digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); break; default: Serial.println("Record function undefined"); break; } } delay(100); } void calibrate() { int numSamples = 100; float xSum = 0.0; float ySum = 0.0; float zSum = 0.0; // Collect samples for calibration 64 for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { sensors_event_t event; accel.getEvent(&event); xSum += event.acceleration.x; ySum += event.acceleration.y; zSum += event.acceleration.z; delay(10); } // Calculate the average offsets xOffset = xSum / numSamples; yOffset = ySum / numSamples; zOffset = zSum / numSamples;