.. sidebar:: Build Status
:master: |master-status| :develop: |develop-status|
An extensible, hierarchical, and pluggable navigation system for Django sites.
django-treenav was designed from the start to live independent of a CMS implementation. As a separate application, treenav can easily be integrated into existing, custom setups and does not enforce or require users to use a particular content management system.
Sharing the same principles,
django-pagelets <http://readthedocs.org/projects/django-pagelets/>
integrates seamlessly with treenav and can be used together to create a flexible
CMS product.
For complete documentation checkout, <http://django-treenav.readthedocs.org>
.. |master-status| image:: https://github.com/caktus/django-treenav/workflows/lint-test/badge.svg?branch=master :alt: Build Status :target: https://github.com/caktus/django-treenav/actions?query=branch%3Amaster
.. |develop-status| image:: https://github.com/caktus/django-treenav/workflows/lint-test/badge.svg?branch=develop :alt: Build Status :target: https://github.com/caktus/django-treenav/actions?query=branch%3Adevelop
, reverse()
, or raw URLs<ul>
's, but can easily be overridden with custom templatesmenuitem.html
is equal to item.href
list view for refreshing the cache and href
from the database.django <https://github.com/django/django/>
_ >= 2.2django-mptt <https://github.com/django-mptt/django-mptt/>
_ >= 0.11.0For a quick demo, follow these steps:
Create a virtualenv. (This example uses mkvirtualenv
, but there are many other
ways to do it)::
$ mkvirtualenv django-treenav
(django-treenav)$ git clone git://github.com/caktus/django-treenav.git
(django-treenav)$ cd django-treenav/
(django-treenav)~/django-treenav/$ pip install -Ur dev-requirements.txt
(django-treenav)~/django-treenav$ python manage.py migrate
(django-treenav)~/django-treenav$ python manage.py createsuperuser
(django-treenav)~/django-treenav$ python manage.py runserver
pip install django-treenav
and run migrate::INSTALLED_APPS = (
'context_processors': [
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^treenav/', include('treenav.urls')),
We use Github Actions to lint (using pre-commit, black, isort, and flake8), test (using tox and tox-gh-actions), calculate coverage (using coverage), and build documentation (using sphinx).
We have a local script to do these actions locally, named maintain.sh
$ ./maintain.sh
A Github Action workflow also builds and pushes a new package to PyPI whenever a new
Release is created in Github. This uses a project-specific PyPI token, as described in
the PyPI documentation here <https://pypi.org/help/#apitoken>
_. That token has been
saved in the PYPI_PASSWORD
settings for this repo, but has not been saved anywhere
else so if it is needed for any reason, the current one should be deleted and a new one
As always, be sure to bump the version in treenav/__init__.py
before creating a
Release, so that the proper version gets pushed to PyPI.
Development sponsored by Caktus Consulting Group, LLC <https://www.caktusgroup.com/services/>