calblueprint / ace-ny

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Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY)

This template also has variants with pre-configured setup for styling libraries:

This project is being built by a team at Blueprint, a student organization at the University of California, Berkeley building software pro bono for nonprofits.

Getting Started


Check your installation of node and pnpm:

node -v
pnpm -v

We strongly recommend using a Node version manager like nvm (for Mac) or nvm-windows (for Windows) to install Node.js. If you don't plan on switching between different Node versions, you can alternatively get a prebuilt installer from the Node.js website for an easier approach. Make sure to get Node version 18 and up, the latest LTS version should be sufficient.

After installing Node, you most likely have npm installed as well (check by running npm -v). If you have npm installed, simply run npm install -g pnpm to install pnpm. If your command line does not recognize npm as a command, refer to this article to troubleshoot.

Additional resources:


  1. Clone the repo & install dependencies

    1. Clone this repo
      • using SSH (recommended)
        git clone
      • using HTTPS
        git clone
    2. Enter the cloned directory
      cd ace-ny
    3. Install project dependencies. This command installs all packages from package.json.
      pnpm install
  2. Set up secrets:

    1. In the project's root directory (ace-ny/), create a new file named .env.local
    2. Copy the credentials from Blueprint's internal Notion (access is required) and paste them into the .env.local file.

Helpful resources

Development environment

Running the app

In the project directory, run:

pnpm dev

Then, navigate to http://localhost:3000 to launch the web application.