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Fetching bookings not fetching the ones belonging to a team #14947

Open tomasmarenco opened 2 months ago

tomasmarenco commented 2 months ago

Issue Summary

I have currently 3 event types that belong to my user only. Also, i have an event type that belongs to a team. The problem i am facing is that when making a request to get the bookings,i am not getting all of them. There are a few missing and those missing belong to an event of a team. I tried creating different users to try and see if i could find something in common and this didn't all the time. For a user that I created yesterday, when i create some bookings for a team, i see them when fetching the total bookings. I would like to know if something like this has ever happened before. Could it have something to do with the payment that one has to make in order to access to the team features?

My guess is that something like this happened:

Does that have something to do?

Everything i did i did it with Postman (creating bookings, searching for them, etc). Yes, i am passing the apiKey in the URL. Is there maybe a filter that i could add in the request to get only the team ones? Is there a limit for the bookings that i can get? Does it have something to do with the payment? Any other idea?

Thank you very much!

dosubot[bot] commented 2 months ago

It appears the issue with not fetching team bookings might be linked to the subscription status change for team features. When your team feature subscription was active, you had access to all bookings, including team events. However, after the subscription ended, access to team bookings seems to have been restricted.

To address this, you should:

  1. Verify the API Key: Ensure the API key used is valid and has the necessary permissions to access team bookings.
  2. Check Subscription Status: Access to team bookings might be limited by your current subscription status. Adjusting your subscription or contacting support could resolve this.
  3. Review API Request: Double-check the API request in Postman for any errors and ensure the API key is correctly included.
  4. Contact Support: If the issue persists, reaching out to support could clarify any account or subscription-specific restrictions.

Regarding filters for team bookings or limits on the number of bookings you can fetch, the API differentiates team bookings based on the teamId associated with the API key. There is also a limit on the number of bookings that can be fetched, which is determined by the IntervalLimit configurations. Adjusting these configurations can change the booking limits.

If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask.

#### Details **Sources** - [[CAL-3089] View Bookings of Team]( - [Bookings on website provides different results than /v1/bookings API (latter is missing team bookings)]( - [packages/app-store/make/api/subscriptions/listBookings.ts]( - [packages/lib/server/checkBookingLimits.ts]( - [packages/app-store/zapier/api/subscriptions/listBookings.ts]( - [packages/app-store/_utils/throwIfNotHaveAdminAccessToTeam.ts]( - [packages/app-store/zapier/lib/validateAccountOrApiKey.ts](
**About Dosu** This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is **not meant to be a precise solution**, but rather a starting point for your own research. Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant.

To continue the conversation, mention @dosu.

tomasmarenco commented 2 months ago

Hey! Good morning. First of all, thank you for the answer. I checked everything, including the payment, and it doesn't seem to have any problem. How could I get a more precise solution? I checked this issue ( but I can't really find the solution (or maybe I didn't understand it). The problem is the same as the person in that issue described. I am making a API request to get all the bookings and some belonging to a team are not showing up. I don't know what I am missing. This is the URL that i am fetching:[APIKEY]

dosubot[bot] commented 2 months ago

To address the issue of some team bookings not appearing in your API request, consider using the userId query parameter to specify the IDs of team members whose bookings you want to fetch. For example, if you're trying to fetch bookings for team members with user IDs 2, 3, and 4, your request URL should look something like this:[APIKEY]&userId=[2,3,4]

Make sure to replace [APIKEY] with your actual API key and [2,3,4] with the actual user IDs. This approach should help ensure that you're fetching all relevant bookings, including those belonging to a team.

If you continue to face issues, it's important to check the response of your API request for any specific error messages or status codes. These could provide further insights into why some bookings are not being fetched as expected.

Additionally, it's worth noting that there have been recent updates to the system, including new approaches to fetching bookings and new API endpoints. These changes might affect how bookings are fetched, especially for team events. If the problem persists, reviewing these updates and adjusting your request accordingly might be necessary.

Remember, there's no explicitly defined limit in the API documentation for the number of bookings that can be returned in a single request, so the issue is unlikely to be related to hitting a maximum limit.

#### Details **Sources** - [apps/api/v1/pages/api/bookings/_get.ts]( - [packages/app-store/make/api/subscriptions/listBookings.ts]( - [packages/lib/bookings/getAllUserBookings.ts]( - [packages/trpc/server/routers/viewer/bookings/get.handler.ts]( - [packages/platform/atoms/hooks/useGetBookings.ts]( - [packages/app-store/zapier/api/subscriptions/listBookings.ts]( - [apps/api/v2/src/ee/bookings/outputs/get-bookings.output.ts]( - [apps/api/v2/src/ee/bookings/outputs/get-booking.output.ts]( - [apps/api/v1/lib/helpers/rateLimitApiKey.ts]( - [apps/api/v1/lib/utils/extractUserIdsFromQuery.ts](
**About Dosu** This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is **not meant to be a precise solution**, but rather a starting point for your own research. Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant.

To continue the conversation, mention @dosu.