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Discrepancy between Event Duration Validation and Error Message Displayed #15221

Open Lucas13032003 opened 1 month ago

Lucas13032003 commented 1 month ago

Issue Summary

There is a discrepancy between the validation of the event duration input and the error message displayed to the user. The user receives an error stating that the value must be greater than or equal to 10, even though the validation code specifies a minimum value of 1.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to the event creation page on
  2. Enter a duration of 0.5 minutes in the "Duração" field.
  3. Observe the error message displayed.

This is considered a bug because the error message and the validation code are not aligned. The user expects the minimum allowed value to be 1 minute as per the code, but the error message suggests a minimum of 10 minutes.

Actual Results

Expected Results

Technical Details


This evidence demonstrates the discrepancy between the error message displayed to the user and the validation code, providing a clear basis for troubleshooting and resolving the issue.

Lucas13032003 commented 1 month ago

Discrepancy between Event Duration Validation and Error Message Displayed on

dosubot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hey @Lucas13032003! I'm here to help you with any bugs, questions, or contributions you have in mind. Let's tackle this issue together!

To resolve the discrepancy between the validation of the event duration input and the error message displayed to the user on, you need to ensure that the minimum value for the input field is set correctly in the code. The error message states that the value must be greater than or equal to 10, but the validation code specifies a minimum value of 1. This discrepancy can be fixed by updating the min attribute of the InputField component to match the validation requirement.

Here is the relevant code snippet with the corrected min value:

return (
    <div className="flex items-end justify-end">
      <div className="w-1/2 md:w/full">
          onChange={(e) =>
              value: parseInt( || "0", 10),
          min={10}  // Updated minimum value to 10
          className="mb-0 h-9 rounded-[4px] ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2"
        <input type="hidden" ref={ref} {...passThroughProps} />
        className="mb-0 ml-2 h-9 w/full capitalize md:min-w-[150px] md:max-w/[200px]"
          (option) => option.value === minimumBookingNoticeDisplayValues.type
        onChange={(input) => {
          if (input) {
              type: input.value,

Additionally, ensure that the backend validation logic aligns with this requirement. The checkDurationLimit function in packages/lib/server/checkDurationLimits.ts should be reviewed to confirm that it enforces the same minimum value. Here is a relevant excerpt from the backend validation logic:

export async function checkDurationLimit({
}: {
  eventStartDate: Date;
  eventId: number;
  key: keyof IntervalLimit;
  limitingNumber: number | undefined;
}) {
    if (!limitingNumber) return;

    const unit = intervalLimitKeyToUnit(key);

    const startDate = dayjs(eventStartDate).startOf(unit).toDate();
    const endDate = dayjs(eventStartDate).endOf(unit).toDate();

    const totalBookingDuration = await getTotalBookingDuration({ eventId, startDate, endDate });

    if (totalBookingDuration < limitingNumber) return;

    throw new HttpError({
      message: `duration_limit_reached`,
      statusCode: 403,

By ensuring both the frontend and backend validations are consistent with a minimum value of 10, the discrepancy will be resolved, and the error message will correctly reflect the validation logic [1][2].

@keithwillcode, could you help with this?

#### Details **About Dosu** This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is **not meant to be a precise solution**, but rather a starting point for your own research. Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant.

To continue the conversation, mention @dosu.