Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago
import { useEffect } from "react"; import { z } from "zod"; import Widgets, { TextLikeComponentProps, SelectLikeComponentProps, } from "@calcom/app-store/ee/routing-forms/components/react-awesome-query-builder/widgets"; import { classNames } from "@calcom/lib"; import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale"; import type { BookingFieldType } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import { PhoneInput, AddressInput, Button, Label, Group, RadioField, EmailField, Tooltip } from "@calcom/ui"; import { FiUserPlus, FiX } from "@calcom/ui/components/icon"; import { ComponentForField } from "./FormBuilder"; import { fieldsSchema } from "./FormBuilderFieldsSchema"; type Component = | { propsType: "text"; factory: <TProps extends TextLikeComponentProps>(props: TProps) => JSX.Element; } | { propsType: "textList"; factory: <TProps extends TextLikeComponentProps<string[]>>(props: TProps) => JSX.Element; } | { propsType: "select"; factory: <TProps extends SelectLikeComponentProps>(props: TProps) => JSX.Element; } | { propsType: "boolean"; factory: <TProps extends TextLikeComponentProps<boolean>>(props: TProps) => JSX.Element; } | { propsType: "multiselect"; factory: <TProps extends SelectLikeComponentProps<string[]>>(props: TProps) => JSX.Element; } | { // Objective type question with option having a possible input propsType: "objectiveWithInput"; factory: < TProps extends SelectLikeComponentProps<{ value: string; optionValue: string; }> & { optionsInputs: NonNullable<z.infer<typeof fieldsSchema>[number]["optionsInputs"]>; value: { value: string; optionValue: string }; } & { name?: string; } >( props: TProps ) => JSX.Element; }; // TODO: Share FormBuilder components across react-query-awesome-builder(for Routing Forms) widgets. // There are certain differences b/w two. Routing Forms expect label to be provided by the widget itself and FormBuilder adds label itself and expect no label to be added by component. // Routing Form approach is better as it provides more flexibility to show the label in complex components. But that can't be done right now because labels are missing consistent asterisk required support across different components export const Components: Record<BookingFieldType, Component> = { text: { propsType: "text", factory: (props) => <Widgets.TextWidget noLabel={true} {...props} />, }, textarea: { propsType: "text", // TODO: Make rows configurable in the form builder factory: (props) => <Widgets.TextAreaWidget rows={3} {...props} />, }, number: { propsType: "text", factory: (props) => <Widgets.NumberWidget {...props} />, }, name: { propsType: "text", // Keep special "name" type field and later build split(FirstName and LastName) variant of it. factory: (props) => <Widgets.TextWidget noLabel={true} {...props} />, }, phone: { propsType: "text", factory: ({ setValue, readOnly, ...props }) => { if (!props) { return <div />; } return ( <PhoneInput disabled={readOnly} onChange={(val: string) => { setValue(val); }} {...props} /> ); }, }, email: { propsType: "text", factory: (props) => { if (!props) { return <div />; } return <Widgets.TextWidget type="email" noLabel={true} {...props} />; }, }, address: { propsType: "text", factory: (props) => { return ( <AddressInput onChange={(val) => { props.setValue(val); }} {...props} /> ); }, }, multiemail: { propsType: "textList", //TODO: Make it a ui component factory: function MultiEmail({ value, readOnly, label, setValue, ...props }) { const placeholder = props.placeholder; const { t } = useLocale(); value = value || []; const inputClassName = "dark:placeholder:text-darkgray-600 focus:border-brand dark:border-darkgray-300 dark:text-darkgray-900 block w-full rounded-md border-gray-300 text-sm focus:ring-black disabled:bg-gray-200 disabled:hover:cursor-not-allowed dark:bg-transparent dark:selection:bg-green-500 disabled:dark:text-gray-500"; return ( <> {value.length ? ( <div> <label htmlFor="guests" className="mb-1 block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 dark:text-white"> {label} </label> <ul> {, index) => ( <li key={index}> <EmailField disabled={readOnly} value={value[index]} onChange={(e) => { value[index] =; setValue(value); }} className={classNames(inputClassName, "border-r-0")} addOnClassname={classNames( "border-gray-300 border block border-l-0 disabled:bg-gray-200 disabled:hover:cursor-not-allowed bg-transparent disabled:text-gray-500 dark:border-darkgray-300 " )} placeholder={placeholder} label={<></>} required addOnSuffix={ !readOnly ? ( <Tooltip content="Remove email"> <button className="m-1 disabled:hover:cursor-not-allowed" type="button" onClick={() => { value.splice(index, 1); setValue(value); }}> <FiX className="text-gray-600" /> </button> </Tooltip> ) : null } /> </li> ))} </ul> {!readOnly && ( <Button type="button" color="minimal" StartIcon={FiUserPlus} className="my-2.5" onClick={() => { value.push(""); setValue(value); }}> {t("add_another")} </Button> )} </div> ) : ( <></> )} {!value.length && !readOnly && ( <Button color="minimal" variant="button" StartIcon={FiUserPlus} onClick={() => { value.push(""); setValue(value); }} className="mr-auto"> {label} </Button> )} </> ); }, }, multiselect: { propsType: "multiselect", factory: (props) => { const newProps = { ...props, listValues: => ({ title: o.label, value: o.value })), }; return <Widgets.MultiSelectWidget {...newProps} />; }, }, select: { propsType: "select", factory: (props) => { const newProps = { ...props, listValues: => ({ title: o.label, value: o.value })), }; return <Widgets.SelectWidget {...newProps} />; }, }, checkbox: { propsType: "multiselect", factory: ({ options, readOnly, setValue, value }) => { value = value || []; return ( <div> {, i) => { return ( <label key={i} className="block"> <input type="checkbox" disabled={readOnly} onChange={(e) => { const newValue = value.filter((v) => v !== option.value); if ( { newValue.push(option.value); } setValue(newValue); }} // disabled={!!disableLocations} //TODO: ManageBookings: What does this location class do? className="location dark:bg-darkgray-300 dark:border-darkgray-300 h-4 w-4 border-gray-300 text-black focus:ring-black ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2" value={option.value} checked={value.includes(option.value)} /> <span className="text-sm ltr:ml-2 ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2 dark:text-white"> {option.label ?? ""} </span> </label> ); })} </div> ); }, }, radio: { propsType: "select", factory: ({ setValue, value, options }) => { return ( <Group value={value} onValueChange={(e) => { setValue(e); }}> <> {, i) => ( <RadioField label={option.label} key={`option.${i}.radio`} value={option.label} id={`option.${i}.radio`} /> ))} </> </Group> ); }, }, radioInput: { propsType: "objectiveWithInput", factory: function RadioInputWithLabel({ name, options, optionsInputs, value, setValue, readOnly }) { useEffect(() => { if (!value) { setValue({ value: options[0]?.value, optionValue: "", }); } }, [options, setValue, value]); return ( <div> <div> <div className="mb-2"> {options.length > 1 ? (, i) => { return ( <label key={i} className="block"> <input type="radio" disabled={readOnly} name={name} className="dark:bg-darkgray-300 dark:border-darkgray-300 h-4 w-4 border-gray-300 text-black focus:ring-black ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2" value={option.value} onChange={(e) => { setValue({ value:, optionValue: "", }); }} checked={value?.value === option.value} /> <span className="text-sm ltr:ml-2 ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2 dark:text-white"> {option.label ?? ""} </span> </label> ); }) ) : ( // Show option itself as label because there is just one option // TODO: Support asterisk for required fields <Label>{options[0].label}</Label> )} </div> </div> {(() => { const optionField = optionsInputs[value?.value]; if (!optionField) { return null; } return ( <div> <ComponentForField readOnly={!!readOnly} field={{ ...optionField, name: "optionField", }} value={value?.optionValue} setValue={(val: string) => { setValue({ value: value?.value, optionValue: val, }); }} /> </div> ); })()} </div> ); }, }, boolean: { propsType: "boolean", factory: ({ readOnly, label, value, setValue }) => { return ( <div className="flex"> <input type="checkbox" onChange={(e) => { if ( { setValue(true); } else { setValue(false); } }} className="h-4 w-4 rounded border-gray-300 text-black focus:ring-black disabled:bg-gray-200 ltr:mr-2 rtl:ml-2 disabled:dark:text-gray-500" placeholder="" checked={value} disabled={readOnly} /> <Label className="-mt-px block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700 dark:text-white">{label}</Label> </div> ); }, }, } as const; // Should use `statisfies` to check if the `type` is from supported types. But satisfies doesn't work with Next.js config
May I work on this issue? Is there any specific design needed for this or is it something simpler?