calculix / CalculiX-Examples

CalculiX examples by Prof. Martin Kraska from Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences. Excellent starting point to master parametric modelling with CGX and CCX.
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1D heat transfer in Calculix #31

Open chiporro opened 5 years ago

chiporro commented 5 years ago

Hi guys How can I write the file *.inp to simulate 1D heat transfer in a truss ? It's just an academic example to compare with solutions found in heat transfer's book by means finite difference. Left boundary contidion is an imposed temperature and rigth BC a flux. I proved with the T3D2 (T2D2 too) and B31 element but it didn't work. The example is a simple steady problem. Thanks!

mkraska commented 5 years ago

Prior to using 1D elements try to setup the problem using solid elements. I know this is overkill but 1D elements are expanded to solid elements anyways in CalculiX. However, there have been various issues with properly expanding boundary conditions (usually this involves MPCs). Thus, to be safe use solids first.