calculix / CalculiX-Examples

CalculiX examples by Prof. Martin Kraska from Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences. Excellent starting point to master parametric modelling with CGX and CCX.
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calculix cgx contact fea linear-elasticity non-linear-mechanics parametric-modelling plasticity

Parametric CalculiX-Examples

Created by Martin Kraska, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences

These examples demonstrate the use of CalculiX for various analysis types. Most of them use parametrized geometry generated in CGX, some use GMSH for geometry and meshing.

Also, there are some helper python scripts. See Scripts page for usage hints.

The Setup page provides instructions on how to setup the working environment under Windows and Linux.

Click the preview images to view the examples.

This page uses animated gifs. In Firefox, you might want to install the plugin Toggle Animated Gifs to add replay controls.

In the Release Manager you can download the examples for your version of CalculiX. Oldest available version is 2.10. Note that only the current version is under maintenance.

<img src="Test/NodalForces/forces.png" width="200" title="Nodal forces from uniform pressure"> <img src="NonLinear/Bolt/expansion.png" width="200" title="bolt with thermal pre-tension"> <img src="Contact/CNC/Refs/contact.png" width="200" title="Assembly with automatic contact detection"> <img src="Drahtbiegen/Biegung/movie.gif" width="200" title="Bending of a wire. Large deformations, plasticity, rigid body control"> <img src="Kasten/deformed.png" width="200" title="Compression of a box. Non-linear buckling, structure, internal pressure as imperfection"> <img src="Elements/Solid/solid_C3D4_20_S.png" width="200" title="Convergence study for solid elements in linear elasticity"> <img src="Elements/Shell/shell_S6_25_S.png" width="200" title="Convergence study for shell elements in linear elasticity"> <img src="Contact/Shell0/mode9.png" width="200" title="Shell edge to shell face connection, modal analysis"> <img src="Pillow/Refs/expanded-s4.png" width="200" title="Inflation of a square pillow. Non-linear static analysis, symmetry expansion in post-processing"> <img src="Drahtbiegen/Zug/movie.gif" width="200" title="Tensile test, axisymmetric model, expanded in postprocessing, path plot demo"> <img src="Streifen/sh-def.png" width="200" title="Bending of an elastic strip, beam, shell and solid models with various rotation constraints"> <img src="Thermal/Thermal distortion/pc-ss-SE.png" width="200" title="Welded T-joint, assembly with different contact formulations, shrinkage model for the distortion"> <img src="Contact/Hertz_2D/SE_dc.png" width="200" title="Hertz contact stress, plane strain, linear elasticity"> <img src="Linear/Plates/2D3D.png" width="200" title="Clamped circular plates, axisymmetric model"> <img src="NonLinear/Rohrknie/Refs/solid-SE-neg.png" width="200" title="Thin-walled tube, static and modal analysis"> <img src="Thermal/Thermografie/movie.gif" width="200" title="Thermografic testing of an overlap weld, transient thermal analysis"> <img src="NonLinear/Sandwichtest/Refs/PE-expanded.png" width="200" title="4-point bending test of a sandwich structure"> <img src="NonLinear/Sections/Refs/D3.png" width="200" title="Different section shapes of identical area. Automatic determination of relative strength and stiffness"> <img src="Linear/StressConc/Refs/worstps.png" width="200" title="Stress concentration factor"> <img src="Linear/StressConc1/Refs/D.png" width="200" title="Stress concentration factor, flat strip with hole, bending load, vector and path plots"> <img src="Contact/Shell1/Refs/worstPS1.png" width="200" title="Shell assembly, rigid intenter, penalty contact"> <img src="CAD/OnshapeTutorial/Refs/se.png" width="200" title="CAD part, meshed in gmsh"> <img src="Linear/Crack1/Refs/se.png" width="200" title="CT specimen, determination of the energy release rate"> <img src="Contact/Leafspring/Refs/Sxx.png" width="200" title="Parametric model of a leaf spring. Penalty contact"> <img src="Linear/ShearCenter/Refs/Sxz.png" width="200" title="Thin-walled profiles to illustrate the shear center"> <img src="NonLinear/3PB/Refs/PEexpanded_yx.png" width="200" title="Three-point bending of a hollow profile, elastic-plastic"> <img src="Linear/Mesh1/Refs/shape_8.gif" width="200" title="Modal analysis of a plate with reinforced rim"> <img src="Thermal/Thermal shock/Refs/end_of_excitation.png" width="200" title="Deflection due to non-homogeneous thermal strain"> <img src="Contact/Penalty/contact.png" width="200" title="Experiment for testing pressure-penetration characteristics for various contact options"> <img src="Contact/Eyebar/PE.png" width="200" title="Eye and pin contact model with plasticity, plane strain"> <img src="NonLinear/Honeycomb/SE-core.png" width="200" title="4-point bending test of a honeycomb sandwich"> <img src="Linear/PSE/EYY.png" width="200" title="Illustration of plane stress/strain condition"> <img src="Dynamics/Discrete/V0.png" width="200" title="Freqency response of a 2 DOF spring-mass-system"> <img src="Linear/L-Plate/PS3.png" width="200" title="Buckling and modal analysis of a pre-loaded system"> <img src="NonLinear/Sections/Plastic/PE.gif" width="200" title="Different section shapes of identical area. Plastic zone"> <img src="Contact/Hertz_axi/SE-3D.png" width="200" title="Elastic contact between sphere and plane"> <img src="Contact/Valve/se_exp.png" width="200" title="Valve model with path plots of contact pressure and contact slip"> <img src="NonLinear/TensileTest/pe.png" width="200" title="Tensile test with real stress-strain data"> <img src="RVE/PlanarSlide/exp.png" width="200" title="Tensile test of an FDM structure perpendicular to the layer plane"> <img src="RVE/PlaneOrtho1/exp.png" width="200" title="Tensile test of an FDM structure perpendicular to the layer plane, generalized plane strain"> <img src="RVE/Periodic/se-rot.png" width="200" title="Representative volume element with periodic boundary conditions"> <img src="Linear/Separate/element-sx.png" width="200" title="Demonstration of how to avoid nodal averaging"> <img src="Test/Supports/Refs/shape_20.gif" width="200" title="Test of distributing coupling"> <img src="Test/Distributing/Refs/mz-disp.png" width="200" title="Test of distributing coupling, stress distribution"> <img src="Test/Meanrot/Refs/mz-disp.png" width="200" title="Test of mean rotation MPC, stress distribution"> <img src="Test/Beam/Refs/c_kin_center_12310.gif" width="200" title="Test of coupling to beams"> <img src="Test/Joints/Refs2/kin1.gif" width="200" title="Test of using coupling to model joints"> <img src="Linear/BiaxBending/Refs/sxx.png" width="200" title="Application of moment load via kinematic coupling"> <img src="Test/Supports1/Refs/shape_3.gif" width="200" title="Modelling of bearings with distributing coupling"> <img src="Contact/Tubes/SE_zoom.png" width="200" title="Telescoping tubes under bending load"> <img src="Test/BeamSections/Refs/b32-fix-30.png" width="200" title="Test of beam elements"> <img src="NonLinear/Cut/Refs/blech-pe-2.png" width="200" title="Incomplete cutting operation"> <img src="CAD/Opt/se.png" width="200" title="Plane stress model for parameter optimization"> <img src="NonLinear/Creep/peeq.png" width="200" title="Creep curves"> <img src="Thermal/thermo1d/q.png" width="200" title="1D steady state heat conduction with solid and plane model">