calculix / CalculiX-Examples

CalculiX examples by Prof. Martin Kraska from Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences. Excellent starting point to master parametric modelling with CGX and CCX.
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Contact Pair doesn't work #54

Closed Eli-trix closed 3 years ago

Eli-trix commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

i want to modeling a three point bending test (3PB) with a Sandwich. It's similar to the NonLinear Sandwichtest from Hr. Kraska. I'm only in the linear-elasticity section. I've made the contacts between cylinder and coat with the contact pair type node to surface. The cylinder surface is the slave and the coat the master surface. The job finished but the contacts didn't worked. I have after the calculation no contact between cylinder and coat. It came the message "the increment size exceeds the remainder of the step and is decreased to < a value>" .

Now i've tested the verification samples, which are namend in the user manual for contact pair. These are files are contact1 and contact2. Here came the same Problem. When the programm calculate the sandwichtest from Hr. Kraska, the same message is coming but the contact pair works.

Have anyone an idea what could be the problem and why the verification test also didn't worked?