calebgroom / clb

Command-line tool for Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
30 stars 10 forks source link

Command-line tool for Rackspace Load Balancers

CreditsCopyright 2011 Caleb Groom

Build Status


To install clb from source:

  $ git clone git://
  $ cd clb
  $ python install


clb is based on the script from jacobian's python-cloudservers project and uses the python-cloudlb library, which is no longer maintained. clb should begin to leverage pyrax over time.


Rackspace Cloud credentials can be specified on the command line or stored in your user's environment. Your username, password, and region are required. These two sets of commands are equivalent:

 $ clb list

 $ clb --username myusername --apikey abcdefg --region chicago list

The following examples assume the credentials are stored in your user's environment.


Output is formatted for visual display:

  $ clb list
  |      Name      |  ID  | Port | Protocol |  Algorithm  | Nodes |        IPs         |
  | lb-with-nodes2 | 1713 | 80   | HTTP     | ROUND_ROBIN | 3     | IPV4/ |
  | lb-node-csv    | 7362 | 80   | HTTP     | RANDOM      | 2     | IPV4/ |
  | publiclb       | 8738 | 21   | HTTP     | ROUND_ROBIN | 2     | IPV4/   |

The optional argument for batch mode will create parsable output:

  $ clb --batch list

The field delimiter can be overwritten as well:

  $ clb --batch --delimiter='|' list


Create a load balancer with two nodes behind a public IP:

  $ clb create mylb 80 HTTP ',' public

Create a load balancer with three nodes behind an internal Rackspace ServiceNet IP:

  $ clb create mylb 80 HTTP ',,' servicenet

Create a load balancer with two nodes by sharing a VIP (id 1234) from an existing load balancer:

  $ clb create mylb 80 HTTP ',,' 1234

List load balancers:

  $ clb list
  |      Name      |  ID  | Port | Protocol |  Algorithm  | Nodes |        IPs         |
  | lb-with-nodes2 | 1713 | 80   | HTTP     | ROUND_ROBIN | 3     | IPV4/ |
  | lb-node-csv    | 7362 | 80   | HTTP     | RANDOM      | 2     | IPV4/ |
  | lb-share       | 7364 | 81   | HTTP     | RANDOM      | 5     | IPV4/ |

List load balancer details:

  $ clb show mylb
  |        Field           |              Value               |
  | Name                   | mylb                             |
  | ID                     | 7364                             |
  | Status                 | ACTIVE                           |
  | Port                   | 81                               |
  | Protocol               | HTTP                             |
  | Algorithm              | RANDOM                           |
  | VIP 663                | (SERVICENET)       |
  | Cluster                | |
  | Source IPv4            |                   |
  | Source IPv4 ServiceNet |                    |
  | Source IPv6            | 2001:4801:7901::3/64             |
  | Node 0                 | / ENABLED / ONLINE  |
  | Node 1                 | / ENABLED / ONLINE   |
  | Node 2                 | / ENABLED / ONLINE |
  | Node 3                 | / ENABLED / ONLINE  |
  | Node 4                 | / ENABLED / ONLINE   |
  | Session Persistence    | None                             |
  | Connection Logging     | False                            |
  | Created                | 2011-03-28 15:50:56              |
  | Updated                | 2011-03-28 21:15:07              |

Show HTML error page:

  $ clb show-errorpage mylb
  <html><h1>oh noes!</h1></html>

List load balancer usage:

  $ clb show-stats mylb
  |      Property     | Value |
  | connectError      | 0     |
  | connectFailure    | 0     |
  | connectTimeOut    | 0     |
  | dataTimedOut      | 0     |
  | keepAliveTimedOut | 0     |
  | maxConn           | 0     |

List load balancer usage:

  $ clb show-usage mylb
  |          Field           |        Value        |
  | VIP Type:                | PUBLIC              |
  | Start Time               | 2011-11-01 05:02:25 |
  | End Time                 | 2012-01-29 15:57:26 |
  | Incoming Tranfer (bytes) | 7658                |
  | Outgoing Tranfer (bytes) | 0                   |

List all load balancer usage records:

 $ clb show-all-usage mylb
 |        Property       |        Value        |
 | averageNumConnections | 0.0                 |
 | endTime               | 2011-03-29 04:58:44 |
 | eventType             | CREATE_LOADBALANCER |
 | id                    | 30444               |
 | incomingTransfer      | 0                   |
 | numPolls              | 158                 |
 | numVips               | 1                   |
 | outgoingTransfer      | 0                   |
 | startTime             | 2011-03-28 15:51:05 |
 |        Property       |        Value        |
 | averageNumConnections | 0.0                 |
 | endTime               | 2011-03-30 03:58:44 |
 | id                    | 30662               |
 | incomingTransfer      | 0                   |
 | numPolls              | 276                 |
 | numVips               | 1                   |
 | outgoingTransfer      | 0                   |
 | startTime             | 2011-03-29 05:03:44 |

Delete load balancer:

 $ clb delete mylb

Rename a load balancer:

 $ clb rename mylb my_new_name

Change the port of a load balancer:

 $ clb change-port mylb 81

Change the protocol of a load balancer:

 $ clb change-protocol mylb FTP

Change the timeout of a load balancer. The default value is 30 seconds. The maximum value that you can supply is 120 seconds:

 $ clb change-timeout mylb 60

Change the algorithm of a load balancer. Specify the full algorithm name or the abbreviation.

 $ clb change-algorithm wlc
 $ clb change-algorithm WEIGHTED_LEAST_CONNECTIONS
 $ clb change-algorithm random

| Abbreviation | Algorithm                  |
| lc           | LEAST_CONNECTIONS          |
| rand         | RANDOM                     |
| rr           | ROUND_ROBIN                |
| wrr          | WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN       |

Change the HTML error page that is displayed when no nodes are available. This only is used for HTTP protocols. If the protocol of a load balancer is changed to a non-HTTP protocol, the default error page will be restored.

  $ clb change-errorpage mylb '<html><h1>oh noes!</h1></html>'

Add nodes to a load balancer:

 $ clb add-nodes mylb ','

Remove nodes from a load balancer:

 $ clb remove-nodes mylb ','

Enable nodes on the load balancer:

 $ clb enable-nodes mylb ','

Disable nodes on the load balancer:

 $ clb disable-nodes mylb ','

Set the active health check monitor to TCP connect:

 $ clb set-monitor-connect mylb 30 5 3

Set the active health check monitor for HTTP(S) transactions. Regular expressions are used for the body and the HTTP status code. The status keyword 'standard' represents '^[234][0-9][0-9]$'.

 $ clb set-monitor-http mylb 30 10 5 '/test.php' standard 'my content'
 $ clb set-monitor-https mylb 30 10 5 '/test.php' '^[234][0-9][0-9]$' 'my content'

Display the current health check monitor:

 $ clb show-monitor share
 |  Field   |  Value  |
 | Type     | CONNECT |
 | Delay    | 30      |
 | Timeout  | 5       |
 | Attempts | 3       |

Create an access control list that denies traffic:

 $ clb add-acls mylb deny

Create an access control list that allows traffic:

 $ clb add-acls mylb allow

Remove two access control lists by specifying a comma-delimited list of ACL ids:

 $ clb remove-acls mylb 1234,5678

Remove all access control lists:

 $ clb clear-acls mylb

List all supported load balancer algorithms:

 $ clb list-algorithms
 |         Algorithms         |
 | RANDOM                     |
 | ROUND_ROBIN                |

List all supported protocols:

 $ clb list-protocols
 | Protocols |
 | FTP       |
 | HTTP      |
 | HTTPS     |
 | IMAPS     |
 | IMAPv4    |
 | LDAP      |
 | LDAPS     |
 | POP3      |
 | POP3S     |
 | SMTP      |