calico-crusade / WolfLive.Api

And API for connecting to and creating bots for in C#
MIT License
6 stars 1 forks source link


An API for connecting to and creating bots for in C#


You can view a more indepth tutorial on the wiki!

You can get the project via nuget: PM> Install-Package WolfLive.Api.Commands

Then to create a connection to the server and add some commands you can do:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WolfLive.Api;
using WolfLive.Api.Commands;

namespace MyBot 
    public class Program
        private static IWolfClient _client;

        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            string email = "",
                   password = "S0me P4$$W0RD";

            _client = new WolfClient()
                .WithCommandSet(c => 

            _client.OnConnected += (_) => Console.WriteLine("Connected to!");

            var result = await _client.Login(email, password);

            Console.WriteLine($"Login {(result ? "success!" : "failed!")}");

            await Task.Delay(-1);

    public class MyCommands : WolfContext
        public async Task TestCommand(string message)
            await this.Reply("Hello there! I saw your " + message);

        [Command("dm only"), PrivateOnly]
        public async Task PrivateOnlyCommand(string message)
            await context.Reply($"This command only works in PM / DM! But I see your: {message}");

    public class MyStaticCommands
        [Command("grp only"), GroupOnly]
        public static async Task GroupOnlyCommand(StaticContext context, string message)
            await context.Reply($"This command only works in groups! But I see your: {message}");

        [Command("grp only"), GroupOnly, Role("Admin")]
        public static async Task AdminOnlyCommand(StaticContext context, string message)
            await context.Reply($"This command only works in groups and if they calling user is an Admin! But I see your: {message}");

Comments, questions, concerns?

You can either open an issue here, Contact me on wolf, or message me on discord: Cardboard#0026