caltechads / deployfish

Manage your whole application lifecycle in Amazon AWS ECS.
90 stars 20 forks source link
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deployfish has commands for managing the whole lifecycle of your application:

Additionally, deployfish integrates with terraform state files so that you can use the values of terraform outputs directly in your deployfish configurations.

To use deployfish, you

A simple deployfish.yml looks like this:

  - name: my-service
    environment: prod
    cluster: my-cluster
    count: 2
      service_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsServiceRole
      load_balancer_name: my-service-elb
      container_name: my-service
      container_port: 80
    family: my-service
    network_mode: bridge
    task_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/myTaskRole
      - name: my-service
        cpu: 128
        memory: 256
        memoryReservation: 128
          - "80"
          - ENVIRONMENT=prod
          - ANOTHER_ENV_VAR=value
          - THIRD_ENV_VAR=value

See the examples/ folder in this repository for example deployfish.yml files.

Documentation is the full reference for deployfish, including a full deployfish.yml reference and tutorials.

Installing deployfish

deployfish is a pure python package. As such, it can be installed in the usual python ways. For the following instructions, either install it into your global python install, or use a python virtual environment to install it without polluting your global python environment.

Install deployfish

pip install deployfish

Install AWS CLI v2

deployfish requries AWS CLI v2 for some of its functionality, notably EXEC'ing into FARGATE containers. While AWS CLI v1 was installable via pip, AWS CLI v2 is not, so we have to do the install manually. Here's how to set that up on a Mac:

# Uninstall any old versions of the cli
pip uninstall awscli

# Deactivate any pyenv environment so we can be in the system-wide Python interpreter
cd ~

# Install the new AWS CLI from brew -- it's no longer pip installable
brew update
brew install awscli

# Install the Session Manager plugin
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./sessionmanager-bundle/install -i /usr/local/sessionmanagerplugin -b /usr/local/bin/session-manager-plugin

If later on you have issues with EXEC'ing or with the aws command in general, check to ensure you're getting your global version of aws instead of an old one in your current virtual environment:

aws --version

If the version string shows version < 2:

pip uninstall awscli