camall3n / focused-macros

Efficient Black-Box Planning Using Macro-Actions with Focused Effects
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Efficient Black-Box Planning Using Macro-Actions with Focused Effects

Code for reproducing the experiments in our IJCAI'21 paper about making black-box planning more efficient through the discovery and use of "focused" macro-actions that intentionally modify a small number of state variables.

[Project page] [Paper]

Please cite this work as follows:

  title={Efficient Black-Box Planning Using Macro-Actions with Focused Effects},
  author={Allen, Cameron and Katz, Michael and Klinger, Tim and Konidaris, George and Riemer, Matthew and Tesauro, Gerald},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},


Download the repo:

git clone

Install the dependencies:

cd focused-macros
git submodule init
git submodule update
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt



Analyze heuristic:

# for K in 1..9:
# for SEED in 1..10:
python3 -m experiments.heuristic.heuristic_vs_cost -n 10 -v 2 -k K -s SEED

# for K in 1..4:
# for SEED in 1..10:
python3 -m experiments.heuristic.heuristic_vs_cost -n 5 -v 4 -k K -s SEED

Plot results:

python3 -m experiments.heuristic.plot_accuracy -n 10 -v 2
python3 -m experiments.heuristic.plot_accuracy -n 5 -v 4

Solve SuitcaseLock:

# for K in [1,4,7,10,13,16,19]:
# for SEED in 1..100:
python3 -m experiments.suitcaselock.solve --n_vars=20 --n_values=2 --max_transitions=1e8 --entanglement=K -s SEED

# for K in [1,3,5,7,9]:
# for SEED in 1..100:
python3 -m experiments.suitcaselock.solve --n_vars=10 --n_values=4 --max_transitions=1e8 --entanglement=K -s SEED

Plot results:

python3 -m experiments.plot_planning_time suitcaselock


Search for PDDLGym macro-actions:

#    ('depot',         50000),
#    ('doors',          5000),
#    ('ferry',          5000),
#    ('gripper',        5000),
#    ('hanoi',        100000),
#    ('miconic',        5000),
# ]:
python3 -m experiments.pddlgym.macro_search --env_name ENV_NAME --max_transitions MACRO_BUDGET

python3 -m experiments.pddlgym.macro_cleanup --env_name ENV_NAME -n 8

Solve PDDLGym domains:

# for ENV_NAME, BFWS_PREC in [
#    ('depot',          2),
#    ('doors',          3),
#    ('ferry',          3),
#    ('gripper',        3),
#    ('hanoi',          3),
#    ('miconic',        3),
# ]:
# for ALG in ['gbfs', 'bfws_rg']:
# for MACRO_TYPE in ['primitive', 'learned']:
# for SEED in 1..100:
python3 -m experiments.pddlgym.solve --max_transitions 1e5 -m MACRO_TYPE --env_name ENV_NAME  --search_alg ALG --bfws_precision BFWS_PREC -s SEED

Plot PDDLGym results:

python3 -m experiments.plot_planning_time pddlgym --pddl_env ENV_NAME --alg ALG


Search for 15-Puzzle macro-actions:

# for ROW in 0..3:
# for COL in 0..3:
python3 -m experiments.npuzzle.macro_search -r ROW -c COL

python3 -m experiments.npuzzle.macro_cleanup

Visualize learned 15-puzzle macros:

python3 -m experiments.npuzzle.plot_entanglement

Solve 15-puzzle:

# for ALG in ['gbfs', 'bfws_rg']:
# for SEED in 1..100:
python3 -m experiments.npuzzle.solve --max_transitions=1e6 --search_alg ALG -m primitive -s SEED
python3 -m experiments.npuzzle.solve --max_transitions=1e6 --search_alg ALG -m random -s SEED
python3 -m experiments.npuzzle.solve --max_transitions=1e6 --search_alg ALG -m learned -s SEED

python3 -m experiments.npuzzle.solve --max_transitions=1e6 --search_alg ALG -m learned --random_goal -s SEED

Plot 15-puzzle results:

python3 -m experiments.plot_planning_time npuzzle --alg ALG

Rubik's Cube

Search for Rubik's cube macro-actions:

python3 -m experiments.cube.macro_search
python3 -m experiments.cube.macro_cleanup

Visualize Rubik's cube macro-actions:

python3 -m experiments.cube.plot_entanglement

Solve Rubik's cube:

# for ALG in ['gbfs', 'bfws_rg']:
# for SEED in 1..100:
python3 -m experiments.cube.solve --buchner2018 --max_transitions=2e6 --search_alg ALG --bfws_precision 2 -m primitive -s SEED
python3 -m experiments.cube.solve --buchner2018 --max_transitions=2e6 --search_alg ALG --bfws_precision 2 -m random -s SEED
python3 -m experiments.cube.solve --buchner2018 --max_transitions=2e6 --search_alg ALG --bfws_precision 2 -m learned -s SEED
python3 -m experiments.cube.solve --buchner2018 --max_transitions=2e6 --search_alg ALG --bfws_precision 2 -m expert -s SEED

python3 -m experiments.cube.solve --buchner2018 --max_transitions=2e6 --search_alg ALG --bfws_precision 2 -m learned --random_goal -s SEED

Plot Rubik's cube results:

python3 -m experiments.plot_planning_time cube-buchner2018 --alg ALG