cambrian / vest-hs

A microservices framework written in Haskell.
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Note: This read-only repository comprises a web microservices framework written in Haskell. It was originally written to support a financial derivatives marketplace for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains, although the business logic for the marketplace was left incomplete when the project had to pivot.

In the hope that portions of the framework might be useful to future projects, it is now open source. Besides a highly type-safe way of declaring a service interface, this framework has varying levels of support for DB persistence, caching layers, RPC transport layers, sane config management, and inter-service authentication.

Unfortunately, it is less documented than we'd like it to be, given the fate of the project. The best places to start digging are the partially-complete services in the services directory, and we are more than happy to answer questions sent our way!


Monorepo for all Haskell packages.


Updating Types

  1. Run stack exec ts-types > typescript/bridge-client/src/generated/types.ts from the root of this repository. If this script errors or (more likely) did not compile in the first place, add TypeScript derivations where necessary in the codebase.
  2. Run stack exec ts-callers typescript/bridge-client/templates/callers.ede > typescript/bridge-client/src/generated/callers.ts from the root of this repository.
  3. The bridge-client should now fail to compile. Follow the instructions in index.ts to successfully integrate the new types.