camel-tooling / camel-debug-adapter

Debug Adapter for Apache Camel based on Debug Adapter Protocol
Apache License 2.0
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Debug Adapter for Apache Camel

Debug Adapter for Apache Camel based on the Debug Adapter Protocol and Eclipse LSP4J as SDK.

The Debug Adapter allows to set breakpoints and debug Camel textual DSLs.


The Camel instance to debug must follow these requirements:

The Camel Debug Server Adapter must use Java Runtime Environment 11+ with (available in most JVMs such as Hotspot and OpenJDK).

Supported scope

Supported clients

All clients supporting the Debug Adapter protocol can be used. The configuration might be tricky for some of them. For easier configuration see:

How to use it

to use the default JMX url: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi/camel

"request": "attach"

or the JMX url can be explicitly specified:

"attach_jmx_url": "xxxxx",
"request": "attach"

or when running locally, the PID of the Camel application can be provided:

"attach_pid": "xxxxx",
"request": "attach"

Note that the request parameter is not part of the protocol but required by some clients (at least VS Code and Eclipse desktop).