camille500 / Biogasboot

Repository for the dashboard and interactive view made for the Biogasboot, a project for Café de Ceuvel in Amsterdam
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Readme belonging to the interactive dashboard made for the Biogasboot, a project for Café de Ceuvel in Amsterdam.


The Biogasboot makes biogas out of organic waste. The project, created by the team of Café de Ceuvel, is in the making yet. On the boat are all kinds of sensors and other data resources that tell a lot of the proces inside. This project will focus on telling the whole story to Café de Ceuvel in a interactive way.


To deliver a well designed product, it's important to know who are the stakeholders. Here a short overview.

The customer of Café de Ceuvel

The customers at the Ceuvel are from all different kinds. A lot of them are people who care about the planet. They mainly have a 'ecological' mindset. They are the main stakeholder in this project. After doing some research I found out that many of them are interested in the data from the Biogasboot.

Café de Ceuvel

The second stakeholder is the Ceuvel itself. For them it's nice to give their customers insight in what the Biogasboot is exacty, and what is going on inside. In that way they can show what their contribution is to the world.

How to use the dashboard

The dashboard is really simple in usage. It's a 'click and watch' concept where users are taken trough a story. On each screen is a text with data collected from te biogasboot. Those texts are provided with a animation to give more clarity. There are screens with relative data as well, like the amount of Kilograms CO2 that are saved.

Customers can do a check where they can see how much CO2 they saved by eating at Café de Ceuvel! By entering the amount of people they've eaten with, a personalized overview will appear! It's even possible to share it!


Data model

This is a overview of the data model for this application.

Data model

Featured features

This is an overview of all the interesting single features I've made for the Biogasboot dashboard, but also for the backend operator view that can be found here

API Endpoints

I've made these API endpoints to get the data from the database.

Datapoints in specified range

This endpoint is mainly used for the operator dashboard, but as well for the live data view at the customers dashboard. The endpoint is setup as below. It shows all instances, so no averages.


router.get('/range', (req, res, next) => {
  if (req.param('api_key') && req.param('api_key') == process.env.API_KEY) {
    const startDate = moment(Number(req.param('dateStart') * 1000));
    const endDate = moment(Number(req.param('dateEnd') * 1000));
      Date: {
        $gte: startDate.toDate(),
        $lt: endDate.toDate()
    }).exec((err, data) => {
  } else {
    res.send('No valid API key');

Average datapoints in specified range

This endpoint uses the same data as the one above. The difference is that here you only get the average of each value within the range. So not all instances are available.


router.get('/range/average', (req, res, next) => {
  if (req.param('api_key') && req.param('api_key') == process.env.API_KEY) {
    const startDate = moment(Number(req.param('dateStart') * 1000));
    const endDate = moment(Number(req.param('dateEnd') * 1000));
      $match: {
          Date: {
            $gte: startDate.toDate(),
            $lt: endDate.toDate()
      $group: {
          _id: null,
          Temp_PT100_1: {
            $avg: '$Temp_PT100_1'
          Temp_PT100_2: {
            $avg: '$Temp_PT100_2'
          pH_Value: {
            $avg: '$pH_Value'
          Bag_Height: {
            $avg: '$Bag_Height'
          count: {
            $sum: 1
    ], (err, result) => {
      if (err) {
      } else {
  } else {
    res.send('No valid API key');

Gas status

This endpoint is used to get the total amount of gas that has been generated by the Biogasboot, and used at the Café. I use it for the dashboard and to calculate for example the amount of kilograms CO2 that have been saved.


router.get('/status/gas', (req, res, next) => {
 if (req.param('api_key') && req.param('api_key') == process.env.API_KEY) {, res);
 } else {
    res.send('No valid API key');

Here below the actual calculations

// Load all datapoints
const DataPoint = require('../models/dataPoint');
// Object with methods for needed calculations
const gasCalculations = {
  total(req, res) {
        $project: {
          Bag_Height: "$Bag_Height",
        $match: {
          Bag_Height: {
            $lte: 220,
            $gte: 20
    ], (err, results) => {
      totalData = {
        used: 0,
        generated: 0
      let last = 0;
      results.forEach(function(result) {
        totalGas = 2.82 * 2.34 * (result.Bag_Height / 100);
        if(last === 0) {
          last = totalGas;
        } else if(totalGas > last) {
          totalData.generated += totalGas - last;
        } else if(totalGas < last) {
          totalData.used += last - totalGas;
        last = totalGas;


module.exports = gasCalculations;

Feed status

This endpoint is used to get the amount of kilograms waste that has been pumped into the digester. I use this one as well for the dashboard view.


router.get('/status/feed/', (req, res, next) => {
  if (req.param('api_key') && req.param('api_key') == process.env.API_KEY) {
    feedCalculation.init(req, res);
  } else {
    res.send('No valid API key');

Here the actual calculations

const config = require('./config');
const StatusPoint = require('../models/statusPoint');

const feedCalculation = {
  init(req, res) {
    // Calculate the from date and the actual date
    StatusPoint.find({ }, (err, statuspoints) => {
        return feedCalculation.handleResult(statuspoints, req, res);
  handleResult(output, req, res) {
    let feedOn = false;
    let latestDate = false;
    let secondsOn = 0;
    output.forEach(function(data) {
      if(data['Storagetank_Feed'] == 1 && feedOn === false) {
        latestDate = new Date(data['Date']);
        feedOn = true;
      } else if(feedOn === true && data['Storagetank_Feed'] == 0) {
        let actualDate = new Date(data['Date']);
        let difference = (actualDate - latestDate) / 1000;
        /* Hack to solve the problem with false data, this if statement
           can be deleted as soon as the real data is pushed to the server */
        if(difference > 100) {
          difference = 0;
        secondsOn += difference;
        feedOn = false;
    this.calculateAmount(secondsOn, req, res)
  calculateAmount(seconds, req, res) {
    let data = {
      hours: hours = (seconds / 60) / 60,
      kilograms: hours * 256

module.exports = feedCalculation;


For the animations in the dashboard I've used the GreenSock library. It comes in very handy when making a bit more complex animations. It makes use of timelines that makes it very scalable.

Example of one of the animations, 2.25, {
    rotation: 160,
    ease: Power1.easeInOut
  }).staggerTo(elements.waste, 2, {
    y: -140,
    ease: Power1.easeInOut
  }, 0.25, "-=1.25")
  .to([3], 1, {
    autoAlpha: 1


For testing purposes I've been to Café de Ceuvel multiple times. I've conducted a survey to get better insights of the users. Using all this data I've did multiple itterations. I've tested the application on a iPad with some customers as well.

I've been testing the application in the device lab too. Here are some images.

Device lab

Device lab

Device lab

Device lab


Here some screenshots from the application


Menu This is the first screen the users see when navigating to the website.


Animation This is one of the animations of the app. Here below is another one.


Check tool This is the tool where users can check how much CO2 they've saved by eating at Café de Ceuvel.


And below is the screen you see after filling in the form.

Check result

Focus state

Check result



Setup the application

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd Biogasboot

Install all dependencies

npm install

Setup .env variables

Ask me for all the variables
