Unity Face OSC
This project was developed in Unity version 2019, using ofxFaceTracker by kylemcdonald and based on UnityOSC by thomasfrefericks.
To use this project in Unity version 2020 or later, you need to update multiplayer and visual studio package. To do this, you need in Unity select: window menu -> package manager->visual studio (update button) window menu -> package manager->multiplayer (update button) restart this unity project.
The Face Tracking Aplication can download: https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker/releases
Depending of the function (Pose, Gesture or Raw) that use on Face Tracking Aplication (Face OSC), you will open the Unity scene to recognize osc data that are sending from Face OSC to Unity.
The port that is used to recieve the data is 8338.
in Script FaceOSCreciveGesture.sc get the following data: mouth width: /gesture/mouth/width mouth height: /gesture/mouth/height left eyebrow height: /gesture/eyebrow/left right eyebrow height: /gesture/eyebrow/right left eye openness: /gesture/eye/left right eye openness: /gesture/eye/right jaw openness: /gesture/jaw nostril flate: /gesture/nostrils
in Script FaceOSCrecivePose.sc get the following data: center position: /pose/position scale: /pose/scale orientation (which direction you're facing): /pose/orientation
in Script FaceOSCreciveRaw.sc get the following data: raw points (66 xy-pairs): /raw