camjm / BeyondEarthAppAngular

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Beyond Earth App Angular

Resource Usage

Use the resource class methods for read (GET) operations:

$scope.resources = resourceService.query({pageNumber: 1, pageSize: 5});
$scope.resource = resourceService.get({id: 1});

Create a new instance of the resource:

new resourceService();

Use the resource instance methods for write (DELETE, POST, PUT) operations:

$scope.resource.$delete(function() {});
$scope.resource.$save(function() {});
$scope.resource.$update(function() {});

// Directives: bind new behaviour to HTML elements. When the application runs, AngularJS walks through each element looking for directives. // Expressions: display data in the controller on the page. Objects use dot notation. // Filters: format data in the view, using the pipe '|', symbol. Helps to separate the controller data from its presentation in the view.

For example, when a user visits /, a view will be constructed by injecting home.html into the <div ng-view> element.

Load the data upfront before controller initialisation, so the view will always be rendered with valid data.

The controller will be initialised after all promises are resolved; the resolved data will be injected into the controller.

If any promise is rejected, the $routeChangeError event will be fired, the route won't change, and the controller won't be initialised.

The promise is resolved withe the data from the parent object (i.e. the object the is returned synchronously be .get())

If the user visits any other url just redirect to /