camm9 / Awesome_Assignment2

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Awesome_Assignment2 2023-09-30 1 / 5 CSIS 3275 Software Engineering - Assignment #2 Purpose and intent The intent of this assignment is to familiarize students with with "git flow" and using Github in a team. Students will work in their team to complete this assignment according to the requirements. The second intent of this assignment is to prepare students to be familiar with setting up the scaffolding of their group project. This is a "pre-flight" checklist of sorts to assist students in resolving technical issues in their applications prior to the start of their group project. Requirements You must complete this assignment using Github and Heroku, you will submit the repository and heroku url in the comments field of the assignment submission. Name your repository GroupName_Assignment2. This assignment has three parts too it.

  1. Webapp
  2. Github setup (Project Board, Issues, Labels)
  3. Wiki (Adding images and using permalink)
  4. Heroku and Gitflow deployment Part 1 - Webapp SpringBoot app about your group
  5. Create repository on Github, create features for the model, view and controller using branches in git. Have the app instantiate the appropriate model controller and view class and have the group description appear. Merge all the features to development, Create a release branch. Merge it into master and create a v0.1 tag. Take a screenshot of your webapp (you'll need it later). Features for each member
  6. Each group member must add themselves as a model class and their selfie (to the static/) folder to the SpringBoot app, each group member must create a new feature, Merge with development, create a release branch, merge into master and create a v0.2 tag. Take a screenshot of your webapp (you'll need it later). Group memembers must add an instence of the model and pass it to the view. The model class for TeamMember_GROUPNAME. It should store bio, link to image .... Part 2 - Github Collaboration Tools setup Students are reminded that they are not permitted to use Assignment 2 as the base of their project, doing so result in a mark of Zero for the first iteration of the project. 2023-09-30 2 / 5 Create a Project in GitHub - Create a Kanban Board
  7. Under Projects select "Create a Project" and give your Group Projects name.
  8. Under Project Template select "Basic Project" <-- Important!
  9. Click "Create Project" Customizing the Kanban Board You will be presented with a basic Kanban Board, add columns to match the Kanban Framework from the Chapter 3 powerpoint slide. Keep in mind the dashes will be handled by Labels for example you only need one Column for "Development" Creating the Notes From the Project Proposal PDF be sure to add each user story as a note to the Kanban board. Setting up Milestones
  10. In the top heading click the "Issues" tab, then click "Milestones".
  11. Click "Create a Milestone".
  12. Milestones should reflect your iterations, for this assignment we are working on "Sprint 0" so create a milestone accordingly.
  13. For the due date, set the due date of this assignment. Creating the Milestones Click on Issues and then "MileStones". Create the following milestones: Project Proposal - Issue assigned for Project Proposal. Sprint1 - Issue assigned to Sprint1 Sprint2 - Issue assigned to Sprint2 Sprint3- Issue assigned to Sprint3 Customizing Issue Labels Create four new labels (for example) Defect - a software deficiency found after release Bug - A software deficiency found before release Setting up Issues and Tasks
  14. Convert all the Items into you made in the previous part.
  15. Assign each one to a group member.
  16. Add each issue to the Project Milestone for "Project Proposal" Filter the kanban board by the milestone Project Proposal Label and take a screenshot. Part 3 - Setting up the Wiki 2023-09-30 3 / 5 If you do not have a wiki that means you did not follow the instructions in Assignment1 and you do not have an Educational Account on Github, pick a group member that met the requirement properly and start agian. Setup a new wiki, include the following: Create a page and include the first screenshot, be sure the image has been added to your repository and is permalink from the repository (see additional resources) Create another page and include the second screenshot, be sure the image has been added to your repository and is permalink from the repository (see additional resources) Assignment #2 Page - Include some commentary on this assignment have each group member answer the following questions:
    1. What was the most challenging part of this assignment?
    2. In your opinion what was the most valuable part of this assignment?
    3. What about this assignment would you change for the next section? Add your instructor to your repository Login to and select the appropriate repository for your group. Under "Settings" --> Collaborators in the username field add "rvirani1dc" (That's me.). I need access to your repository to grade it. NO ACCESS, NO GRADE! Appendix Main screen of app 2023-09-30 4 / 5 Individual Bio of each user Evaluation The entire point of this assignment is that you all use and setup the shared group repository on each of your computers, and use your own accounts in Github. 2023-09-30 5 / 5 Failure to do so will result in the group receiving a ZERO mark. You must submit the url for the github repository for assignment2 AND the heroku url where you deployed Assignment 2 to Blackboard Item Marks Appropriate comments and Git usage 2 marks Github Kanban board setup with labels 1 marks Wiki Page added with relevant information 1 marks Additional Resources Permanent Links - Copyright (c)2023 Rahim Virani and others. NOT FOR REDISTRUBUTION. STUDENTS FOUND REDISTRUBUTING COURSE MATERIAL WILL BE IN VIOLATION OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICIES AND WILL FACE DISCPLINARY ACTION BY COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION.