Script to convert multi-sample VCFs to FASTA alignments without assuming the reference sequence when data are missing. Users can apply a variety of data filters, produce phased/unphased, concatenated/split alignments, etc. VCF data can be read either from previously generated files or from piped uncompressed VCF streams.
Michael G. Campana & Jacob A. West-Roberts, 2017-2024
The software is made available under the Smithsonian Institution terms of use.
Parker, L.D., Hawkins, M.T.R., Camacho-Sanchez, M., Campana, M.G., West-Roberts, J.A., Wilbert, T.R., Lim, H.C., Rockwood, L.L., Leonard, J.A. & Maldonado, J.E. 2020. Little genetic structure in a Bornean endemic small mammal across a steep ecological gradient. Molecular Ecology. 29: 4074-4090. DOI: 10.1111/mec.15626.
In the terminal:
git clone
cd vcf2aln
chmod +x vcf2aln.rb
Optionally, vcf2aln.rb can be placed within the user’s $PATH so that it can be executed from any location. Depending on your operating system, you may need to change the shebang line in the script (first line starting with #!) to specify the path of your Ruby executable.
vcf2aln requires an all-sites VCF (e.g. such as one produced using EMIT_ALL_SITES in the Genome Analysis Toolkit). Files with the final extension ".gz" are assumed to be gzip-compressed.
Execute the script using ruby vcf2aln.rb
(or vcf2aln.rb
if the script is in your $PATH). This will display the help screen. Basic usage is as follows:
ruby vcf2aln.rb -i <input_vcf> -o <out_prefix>
vcf2aln can also be used in a pipe. For example, it can directly convert the output of bcftools as follows:
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f <ref.fa> *.bam | bcftools call -m -Ov | ruby vcf2aln.rb --pipe -o <out_prefix>
-i, --input [FILE]
: Input VCF file.
: Read data from an uncompressed VCF stream rather than a file.
-o, --outprefix [VALUE]
: Output FASTA alignment prefix.
-I, --includeref
: Include reference sequence in final alignment.
: Inference the reference sequence (in lower-case) when base is missing.
-z, --gzip
: Gzip output alignments.
-c, --concatenate
: Concatenate markers into single alignment (e.g. concatenate multiple separate chromosomes/contigs).
: Output partition table for concatenated alignments. Coordinates correspond to beginning and ending of aligned bases from a single contig.
-s, --skip
: Skip missing sites in VCF.
-O, --onehap
: Print only one haplotype for diploid data. If phasing information is missing, it will generate a pseudohaplotype by randomly assigning one of the alleles. Conflicts with -a.
: Generate a single probabilistic pseudohaplotype using allelic depth. Requires AD tag. Implies -O and conflicts with -a, -b.
-a, --alts
: Print alternate (pseudo)haplotypes in same file. Conflicts with -O, --probpseudohap.
-b, --ambig
: Print SNP sites as ambiguity codes. Conflicts with --probpseudohap.
-N, --hap_flag
: Data are haploid.
-g, --split_regions [VALUE]
: Split alignment into subregional alignments of the specified length for phylogenetic analysis.
-m, --mincalls [VALUE]
: Minimum number of samples called to include site (Default = 0).
-M, --minpercent [VALUE]
: Minimum percentage of samples called to include site (Default = 0.0).
-x, --maxmissing [VALUE]
: Maximum percent missing data to include sequence (Default = 100.0).
-L, --minlength [VALUE]
: Minimum alignment length to retain (Default = 1).
--annotfilter [VALUE]
: Comma-separated list of FILTER annotations to exclude.
-q, --qual_filter [VALUE]
: Minimum accepted value for QUAL (per site) (Default = 0.0).
-y, --site_depth [VALUE]
: Minimum desired total depth for each site (Default = No filter).
-d, --sampledepth [VALUE]
: Minimum allowed sample depth for each site (Default = No filter).
-l, --gl [VALUE]
: Minimum allowed genotype log-likelihood (tag GL). At least one value must exceed this minimum. (Default = No filter).
-p, --pl [VALUE]
: Minimum accepted phred-scaled genotype likelihood (tag PL). At least one value must exceed this minimum. (Default = No filter).
-G, --gp [VALUE]
: Minimum accepted phred-scaled genotype posterior probability (tag GP). At least one value must exceed this minimum. (Default = No filter).
-C, --gq [VALUE]
: Minimum conditional phred-encdoed genotype quality (tag GQ). (Default = No filter).
-H, --hq [VALUE]
: Minimum allowed phred-encoded haplotype quality (tag HQ). (Default = No filter)
-r, --sample_mq [VALUE]
: Minimum allowed per-sample RMS mapping quality (Default = No filter).
-R, --site_mq [VALUE]
: Minimum allowed per-site mapping quality (MQ in INFO) (Default = No filter).
-F, --mq0f [VALUE]
: Maximum allowed value for MQ0F. Must be between 0 and 1. (Default = No filter).
-S, --mqsb [VALUE]
: Minimum allowed value for MQSB. (Default = No filter).
-A, --ad [VALUE]
: Minimum allowed allele depth (tag AD). (Default = No filter).
-t, --typefields
: Display VCF genotype field information, then quit the program.
-W, --writecycles
: Number of variants to store in memory before writing to disk. (Default = 1000000).
-v, --version
: Print program version.
-h, --help
: Show help.