camspiers / lens.vim

A Vim Automatic Window Resizing Plugin
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Issue when using lens.vim, animate.vim, vim-peekaboo #26

Open nkakouros opened 4 years ago

nkakouros commented 4 years ago

To reproduce:

call plug#begin()
Plug ''
Plug ''
Plug ''
call plug#end()
  1. Start vim/nvim
  2. Open a file
  3. :split
  4. <c-w>j
  5. "
  6. <Esc>

What happens

The focus is on the top split while initially it was on the bottom one.

If animate.vim is disabled, then the above does not happen.

crides commented 4 years ago

It seems like turning on animation somehow changes focus (or disallows the change of focus?). I opened #27 a week ago, and the behaviours look really similar.