camspiers / lens.vim

A Vim Automatic Window Resizing Plugin
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A Vim Automatic Window Resizing Plugin

Lens.vim automatically resizes windows when their content exceeds their window dimensions, but does so respecting some minimum and maximum resize bounds ensuring automatically resized windows neither become too large (in cases of large content) or too small (in cases of small content).




Lens.vim by default integrates with the camspiers/animate.vim plugin for window animation.


To install Lens.vim, use your plugin manager of choice, for example

With Animation

Plug 'camspiers/animate.vim'
Plug 'camspiers/lens.vim'

Without Animation

Plug 'camspiers/lens.vim'


Out of the box Lens.vim it set up to resize windows when they are entered, and as such the minimal usecase is covered. However this can be disabled and resizing can be preformed manually using lens#run().


Lens.vim is set up with some sensible defaults, but if needed the following can be configured:


The plugin can be disabled completely with:

let g:lens#disabled = 1

Disabled Filetypes

The plugin can be disabled for specific filetypes:

let g:lens#disabled_filetypes = ['nerdtree', 'fzf']


Animation is enabled by default, but can be disabled with:

let g:lens#animate = 0

Resize Max Height

When resizing don't go beyond the following height

let g:lens#height_resize_max = 20

Resize Min Height

When resizing don't go below the following height

let g:lens#height_resize_min = 5

Resize Max Width

When resizing don't go beyond the following width

let g:lens#width_resize_max = 80

Resize Min Width

When resizing don't go below the following width

let g:lens#width_resize_min = 20


Lens.vim provides the following functions:


Resizes the window to respect minimal lens configuration

function! lens#run() abort


Toggles the plugin on and off

function! lens#toggle() abort

Get Size

When current is smaller than target, returns target if target is within bounds otherwise returns a value closest to target within bounds.

function! lens#get_size(current, target, resize_min, resize_max) abort

Get Rows

Gets the rows of the current window

function! lens#get_rows() abort

Get Cols

Gets the cols of the current window

function! lens#get_cols() abort