camunda-consulting / showroom-customer-onboarding

LEGACY PROJECT not maintained anymore
Apache License 2.0
58 stars 54 forks source link

Camunda showcase "Insurance Application" / "Versicherungsneuantrag"

What it does

This demo showcases a simplified insurance or bank account application process using the Camunda platform for workflow and decision automation.

The project includes a simple self-contained, custom-made web frontend, which can be used to submit applications. After deploymnet the web pages are available under:

On the landing page an insurance or banking frontend and the language can be selected.

Insurance homepage Insurance application

Banking homepage Bank account application

The frontends start instances of the follwoing (BPMN) process via a simple REST API:

Workflow model (src/main/resources/static/bpmn/customer_onboarding_en.bpmn)

The workflow first executes an automated decision (in DMN), determining if the application requires a manual assessment or can be process automatically:

Decision model (src/main/resources/static/bpmn/risk_check_en.dmn)

The camunda web applications will be accessible under http://localhost:8080/camunda

The user/password demo/demo can be used to login.


The showcase uses Spring Boot and the Camunda Spring boot starters.

Spring web is used for the REST services defined in ApplicationOnlineFacade

Insurance homepage

How to build and run

  1. clone project or download sources
  2. build via Maven (mvn clean package)
  3. run via Spring boot (mvn spring-boot:run)

During startup the showcase will generate test data. This can take a few minutes. You can already use the application during this time. To start with a fresh database delete / and /camunda-db.trace.db.

Alternatively you can play online in the Showroom without installing anything locally. The showroom is password protected and only accessible for camunda partners.


When you want to release a new Docker image, create a GitHub release:

You can check the actions page to follow the release.