Pexies Pexies is a personal photo gallery built on Pexels&Flickr&Unsplash api. Pexies is built with Nest.js with Vue.js front-end.
You can see sign up or use it as guest, view daily curated pictures, randomized pictures or search, then add them to your favourites. It utilizes public nudity detection api's to keep user profiles clean and safe. Uses AWS S3 Bucket to store user assets. As database, Pexies is using MongoDB cloud.
# Example enviroment variables create a .env file in root folder. and edit values pexels_api_key="" mongo_server="" secret_salt="" FLICKR_API_KEY="" AWS_ACCESS_KEY="" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="" BUCKET_NAME="" UNSPLASH="" UNSPLASH_SECRET="" NUDITY_DETECTOR="" ### Thanks to awesome people who created these awesome things
## Installation ```bash $ npm install ``` ## Running the app ```bash # development $ npm run start # watch mode $ npm run start:dev # production mode $ npm run start:prod ``` ## Test ```bash # unit tests $ npm run test # e2e tests $ npm run test:e2e # test coverage $ npm run test:cov ``` ## Stay in touch - Author - [Caner Sevince]( - Website - []( - Twitter - [@thatpanicseller](