canhorn / EventHorizon.Blazor.BabylonJS-poc

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(POC) Blazor BabylonJS

This project is a proof of concept project that shows off how a Blazor project can integrate with BabylonJS, with a focus on using very little JavaScript.


This project has no way to run, it has dependencies on other parts of my private infrastructure, a Game Server, an Identity Server, and others. Checkout Game Development Platform for more details of the architecture this project is integrating with. This project is just the Client Server, the others are not publicly available, yet.


The Blazor.BabylonJS.WASM project is built on top of a few other projects I built that are available here:

Generate new Blazor.BabylonJS.WASM

Create a new Blazor.BabylonJS.WASM using the tool provided by scanhorn/EventHorizon.Blazor.TypeScript.Interop.Generator.

ehz-generate -f -a Blazor.BabylonJS.WASM -s -s -c Button -c MeshBuilder -c PointLight -c StandardMaterial -c HemisphericLight -c UniversalCamera -c Grid -c StackPanel -c SceneLoader -c BoundingBoxGizmo -c ArcFollowCamera -c ScrollViewer

Development - Building the SDK

The Zone/Game Server will use the SDK project provided by this project for it compiling the script. Because of this connection between the two services any work being done with the SDK will need extra consideration when developing.

The Zone/Game Server architecture in setup to use the SDK project hosted in a NuGet repository, because of this any new functionality added to the SDK will need to be pushed to NuGet. Below is the details about what needs to be done, with a CLI script that can be ran from PowerShell Core to Build/Package/Push the SDK package.

Adding New SDK Package References

The SDK project is the single project that pulls all of the packages together for distribution, follow the steps below to register new APIs to the SDK.


Docker Commands

# Build Client Image
docker build --build-arg Version=0.1.0 -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-client:dev .

# Run the image, ignoring normal startup
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash canhorn/ehz-platform-server-client-dotnet-build:dev

Client - Docker Build

# Build Runtime Docker Image
docker build --build-arg Version=0.1.0 --target client-runtime -t ehz/game/client:0.1.0 .

# Build NuGet Push Docker Image
docker build --target dotnet-nuget-push --build-arg Version=0.1.0 -f Dockerfile -t ehz/game/client/packages:0.1.0 .

# Run Image (uses appsettings.Production.json for settings, not included by default)
docker run -it --rm --name nu-client -v "$(PWD)/src/EventHorizon.Blazor.BabylonJS/wwwroot/appsettings.Production.json:/app/wwwroot/appsettings.json" -p 5000:80 ehz/game/nu_client:latest

# Run NuGet Push
docker run --rm --name push-packages ehz/game/client/packages:0.1.0 --source --api-key $env:NUGET_ORG_KEY

# Build Runtime Docker Image
docker build --build-arg Version=0.1.0 -f Dockerfile -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-client:dev .

# Build Restore Stage of Docker Image
docker build --build-arg Version=0.1.0 --target dotnet-restore -f Dockerfile -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-dotnet-restore:dev .

# Build Build Stage of Docker Image
docker build --build-arg Version=0.1.0 --target dotnet-build -f Dockerfile -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-dotnet-build:dev .

Engine - Docker Build

# Build Restore Stage
docker build --build-arg Version=0.1.0 --target dotnet-restore -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-engine_dotnet-restore:dev .

# Build Build Stage
docker build --build-arg Version=0.1.0 --target dotnet-build-editor -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-engine_dotnet-build:dev .

# Build Runtime Stage
docker build --build-arg Version=1.2.3 --target editor-runtime -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-editor:dev .

Editor - Docker Build

# Build Editor Runtime Stage
docker build --build-arg Version=0.1.0 -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-editor:dev .
# Debugging Build Runs in Docker
docker build --progress plain # <-- This will give you a better debugging exp by not collapsing layers

Azure Pipelines Build Steps

# Restore Repository
docker build --build-arg Version=0.0.0-dev --target dotnet-restore -f Dockerfile -t canhorn/ehz-platform-client-base:dev .

# Build Client
docker build --build-arg Version=0.0.0-dev --target client-runtime -f Dockerfile -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-client:dev .
# Build Editor
docker build --build-arg Version=0.0.0-dev --target editor-runtime -t canhorn/ehz-platform-server-editor:dev .
# Build Packages
docker build --build-arg Version=0.0.0-dev --target dotnet-nuget-push -t canhorn/ehz-client-packages:dev .

# Push Client
docker push canhorn/ehz-platform-server-client:dev
# Push Editor
docker push canhorn/ehz-platform-server-editor:dev
# Push Packages
docker push canhorn/ehz-client-packages:dev

# NuGet Package Push
docker run --rm --name push-packages canhorn/ehz-client-packages:dev --source --api-key $NUGET_API_KEY