This is a Cytoscape app for the CausalPath method. CausalPath ( evaluates proteomic measurements against prior knowledge of biological pathways and infers causality between changes in measured features, such as global protein and phospho-protein levels.
Clone this repository into the local desktop.
Navigate to the directory "<your path to this directory>\causalpath_cytoscape_app\CausalPath Cytoscape App\" using cmd
or open Git Bash in the mentioned directory.
command 1.mvn compile
command 2.mvn clean install
A Build Success will be shown in the cmd and a jar file named causalpath_cytoscape_app-1.0 will be created in /target folder of the current directory.
1.Copy the Jar file from the target folder into "C:\Users\<your PC_NAME>\CytoscapeConfiguration\3\apps\installed".
2.Open the Cytoscape App and click on Apps from the menu bar and then click on the CausalPath App.