This library provides a way to implement literate programming of essentially any language within Markdig markdown parser.
It collects all the code blocks (not inline ones) found in a document and allow you to emit custom HTML instead of the default renderer.
You have to create three functions:
initState: LiterateCodeBlockSummary<string> list -> 'State
You receive all the code blocks as an argument, and returns your 'state' object.
Code blocks are represented in a record type:
type LiterateCodeBlockSummary<string> = {
index: int
language: string
commands: dict<string, string>
code: string
The 'state' object may be the information of the parsed source code, if it is needed prior to actually render each code block.
renderCont: 'State -> LiterateCodeBlockSummary<string> -> 'State * (HtmlRenderer -> HtmlAttributes -> unit) option
You receive the 'state' object and a code block as arguments, and returns a new 'state' object and (optionally) a continuation (callback function) to render a custom HTML.
The continuation can be None
if you do not want to render HTML manually and use the default renderer provided by Markdig instead.
finalize: 'State -> HtmlRenderer -> unit
You receive the 'state' object and a HtmlRenderer
. If you write a HTML here, it is inserted to the end of the document.
This just extracts all the F# source code and let the default renderer do the job.
let init callback codeBlocks =
let code =
|> (fun codeBlock -> codeBlock.code)
|> String.concat Environment.NewLine
callback code
let cont state codeBlock = (state, None)
let finalize state renderer = ()
let code = ref ""
let pipeline =
new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
|> Pipeline.useLiterateCodeBlock (init (fun s -> code := s)) cont finalize
let toHtml md = Markdown.ToHtml(md, pipeline)
Currently, this does not work on .NET Core.
See Issue #1.
module Main
open Markdig
open Markdig.Extensions.Literate
open Markdig.Extensions.Literate.FSharp
let main argv =
let pipe =
new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
|> Pipeline.useAdvancedExts
|> Pipeline.useFSharpLiterate(lineNumbers=false)
let md = """
# Hello!
let answer = 42
The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog.
let f x = x + answer
let g x y = f x + f y
Markdown.ToHtml(md, pipe) |> printfn "%s"
## License
Available under Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt.