canonical / github-runner-operator

github-runner-operator - charm repository.
Apache License 2.0
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GitHub runner


This machine charm creates self-hosted runners for running GitHub Actions. Each unit of this charm will start a configurable number of LXD based containers and virtual machines to host them. Every runner performs only one job, after which it unregisters from GitHub to ensure that each job runs in a clean environment.

The charm will periodically check the number of runners and spawn or destroy runners as necessary to match the number provided by configuration of runners. Both the reconciliation interval and the number of runners to maintain are configurable.


There are two mandatory configuration options - path and token.

The number of runners on a single unit is configured using two configuration options that can be both used at the same time:

For example, if the charm is deployed with 2 units juju deploy <charm> -n 2 and the containers value of 3 is in use, there will be a total of 6 container based runners, three on each unit.


Each unit will periodically check the number of runners at the interval specified by check-interval to maintain the appropriate number. During the check, all the offline runners are unregistered from GitHub.

If there are more idle runners than configured, the oldest idle runners are unregistered and destroyed. If there are less idle runners than configured, new runners are spawned and registered with GitHub.

During each time period, every unit will make one or more API calls to GitHub. The interval may need to be adjusted if the number of units is large enough to trigger Rate Limiting.


The charm is designed to provide comprehensive metrics and monitoring capabilities for both the Runners and the Charm itself. These metrics are made available through the cos-agent integration with the cos_agent interface. Additionally, a Grafana Dashboard is included to help visualize these metrics effectively.

Loki Integration

Loki Push API

The charm integrates seamlessly with Loki, a powerful log aggregation system, through the cos-agent integration. This integration allows the charm to push various metrics and logs related to the runners and the charm itself to a Loki instance. This provides valuable insight into the performance and behaviour of your deployment.

Grafana Dashboard

To make monitoring even more accessible, the charm comes with a pre-configured Grafana dashboard. This dashboard is designed to visualise the metrics collected by the charm, making it easier for operators to track the health and performance of the system. This dashboard can be transferred to Grafana using the Grafana Agent, which consumes the cos-agent integration.


This charm uses black and flake8 for formatting. Both run with the lint stage of tox.


Testing is run via tox and pytest. The unit test can be ran with tox -e unit and the integration test on juju 3.1 with tox -e integration-juju3.1.

Dependencies are installed in virtual environments. Integration testing requires a juju controller to execute. These tests will use the existing controller, creating an ephemeral model for the tests which is removed after testing. If you do not already have a controller setup, you can configure a local instance via LXD, see the upstream documentation for details.

Generating src docs for every commit

Run the following command:

echo -e "tox -e src-docs\ngit add src-docs\n" >> .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit