canonical / grafana-agent-operator
Apache License 2.0
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Grafana Agent Charmed Operator for Machines (LXD, MaaS, etc.)

Charmhub Badge Release Charm to Edge and Publish Libraries Discourse Status


Grafana Agent is a telemetry collector for sending metrics, logs, and trace data to the opinionated Grafana observability stack.

The Grafana Agent Charmed Operator deploys Grafana Agent in machines using Juju and the Charmed Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

As a single entry point to the Canonical Observability Stack, the Grafana Agent charm brings several conveniences when deployed inside a monitored cluster:

See deployment scenarios for further detail.


Create a Juju model for your operators, say "cos"

juju add-model cos

The Grafana agent may be deployed using the juju command line:

juju deploy grafana-agent

If required, you can remove the deployment completely:

juju destroy-model -y cos --no-wait --force --destroy-storage


Detailed information about the relations can be found in Charmhub integrations page.

OCI Images

This charm by default uses the latest release of the grafana-agent