canonical / grafana-k8s-operator

This charmed operator automates the operational procedures of running Grafana, an open-source visualization toolkit, on Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
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Recreating grafana pods leads to deleting non default organisation and users #313

Closed err404r closed 3 months ago

err404r commented 3 months ago

Bug Description

Deleting grafana pod when grafana 9.5.3 is used, leading to removal all custom user and organisations. We are suspecting that the issue is related to grafana image it is happening with resource revision 67 and 68 but not happening with 63 the charm is latest/stable rev 105

To Reproduce

  1. Deploy cos bundle with the latest stable, make sure that PVs for grafana are created correctly and working
  2. Create user and/or organisation through grafana web UI
  3. delete grafana pod 'kubectl delete pod -n cos grafana-0`
  4. After pod is recreated all users is gone


Grafana charm latest/stabel rev 105

Relevant log output

I wasn't able to capture logs related to the issue

Additional context

No response

peppepetra commented 3 months ago

A possible workaround is to downgrade Grafana attaching a resource to the charm with

juju attach-resource grafana grafana-image=charm_nuH5FwARV8dmAkPiPcVCNtPKwsw0bkgL.grafana-image_63